334. Embracing Spiritual Rest

Mike Parsons

When you say you’ve never felt more loved, at peace, and joyful, but it doesn’t seem to go anywhere, that’s not a bad thing! That is the mature state.

In reality, you are probably doing things in your spirit that you don’t necessarily need to know in the soul. Coming to that place where you don’t need to know is probably the process you’re in, because God wants you to get to that place where you can be and not just do. The doing flows out of the being.

I would say in everything that I’ve done in all my journey, I am now in a state of being rather than having to consciously think about doing because my spirit is living in the realms of heaven. I’m functioning in the realms of Heaven all the time, multi-dimensionally, in many different places synchronously, and I don’t need to know what it is most of the time. That, for me, is a state of rest, and I think you’re getting to that place. So don’t try and think you need to understand everything. You’ve surrendered to God. You’re in a place where you’re feeling loved. That’s the place where you’re able to do things in the spirit because you’re letting that happen.

I had to go through that process. My soul had to let go of the need to know and understand and just embrace the reality that sometimes I wouldn’t, but I trusted God anyway. I think you’re probably in that process as well. So just surrender. You don’t need to know. If you did, God would show you, and He will show you if you need to.

So relax. Don’t strive for seeing, engaging or doing things when you are already doing things. God is allowing you to see you can be doing things without necessarily having to be cognitively aware of all those things. The things I’ve done are because I’m a teacher, and my destiny is to equip other people into doing these things. So I do have a record of all the things I’ve done in the past to follow through a linear process to help people understand. But now, I’m in a state of being, which is a state of conscious awareness of just being. Communion to me is now a state of being. I don’t just take communion when I eat or drink; I am in a state of communion. So I’m constantly in communion, fellowship and intimacy. Therefore I’m constantly in that place of the love of God; and the power of God and the grace and mercy of God and the frequency of God’s love are transforming me, transforming my DNA, and cleansing everything in my life that might be a hindrance to me fully entering into everything that God has designed for me.

So, of course, yes, I did apply the blood of Jesus to my DNA. I did apply communion. I did do those things. I did go to my mountain and govern and rule, and I did go to the courts and do various things. I don’t do that consciously anymore. It’s not that I’m not doing it, but I don’t have to be focused on it because my spirit is capable of doing that while I’m functioning here and enjoying life. God wants you to have a place of love, joy and peace here, to enter into rest and enjoy life. Actually, if we are consciously having to do all these things, if I had to consciously do all of the seven or eight places I am in the spiritual realm now and do all the things that I’m doing simultaneously in those realms, it would take up more than 24 hours of my day. My spirit can do it because it’s not functioning in the same time scale.

So that brings you to a place of just coming to a place of rest, just trusting whatever the Father is doing. So many people would be desperate to feel so loved, so at peace and so joyful, because they’re not in that place. You’re in that place. Don’t get out of that place. Just stay in it. Don’t put an agenda on it. Just let God, and you’ll find that anything you need to see, He’ll show you. But don’t assume you’re not doing anything or going anywhere because I guarantee that you are. He is just freeing you to realise you don’t have to know everything about it all in that way.

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Author: Freedom ARC

Freedom Apostolic Resource Centre, Barnstaple, UK.

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