298. Revealing the Function of the Earth Shield

Mike Parsons

The Earth Shield, as I have encountered it during meetings with other leaders around the world, serves the primary function of shielding the Earth from external influences, including dimensional forces; it aims to safeguard God’s work on Earth. Participating in the Earth Shield involves collaboration with others, including Quantum Lumens and the angelic realm.

The Earth Shield may have existed in different forms over time. It could have initially been a shield of Glory around the Earth when the Everlasting doors opened. While its exact nature is uncertain, it seems to have always been present in some way.

I have had the opportunity to work with various groups within the Engaging God program participating in the Earth Shield. This involves both shielding the Earth from external influences and legislating the Father’s desires into the Earth. It is a collaborative effort, requiring union and oneness of heart.

A person’s involvement with the Earth Shield is based on what the Father assigns. Although it is not an elitist concept, spiritual maturity is a vital aspect. I advise anyone to seek permission to engage in the shield from the Father, based on their calling and leading.

Participation in the Earth Shield has expanded our reach, allowing engagement with the solar system and opening avenues to other realms. It has facilitated access to the Everlasting Doors and various gates. Whilst I am happy to share my experiences, I am not an expert, and there is much more to be experienced and learned about the Earth Shield.

Key takeaway

Any involvement with the Earth Shield is based on what the Father assigns, so seek permission to engage in it from Him.

Recent posts from Freedom ARC

297. Most people don’t want to know God – and I wouldn’t either!
296. A New Perspective on the Millennium (2)
295. A New Perspective on the Millennium (1)
290. Discovering the Reality of Salvation

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293. Expanding God’s Government of Peace

Mike Parsons

Everything, including our solar system, our own and distant galaxies, and even other dimensions, was created by the Father through Jesus for Jesus. All the beings connected to all of these were reconciled to God through the blood of the Cross. Therefore the beings themselves are not the issue; it is their actions that matter. Some constellations now lack Guardians, and can be vulnerable to beings from other dimensions setting up bases.

Engaging in restoring beings and constellations, reassigning Guardians, and preventing incursions is crucial. The Earth Shield, operational for the past few years, protects Earth from fallen beings and their dimensional incursions. Not all constellations have fallen beings; many are associated with angelic beings and planets that can be engaged for restoration.

There is no need for fear; discernment is essential in each situation. Changes observed in celestial bodies align with ongoing restoration. The cosmos holds vast opportunities; we, as sons of God, have a role in expanding God’s government of peace throughout the cosmos, starting with our solar system and then reaching out far beyond.

Key Takeaway

Sons Arise! The sons of God have an important part to play  in expanding God’s government of peace throughout the cosmos.

Recent posts from Freedom ARC

292. Is God Shocking People into Embracing Love?
291. Can Yoga be ‘Christian’?
290. Discovering the Reality of Salvation
289. One New Man In Christ
288. Enoch’s Secret to Walking with God
287. Unconditional Love, Grace, and the truth about salvation


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279. The Agreement of Heaven

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott  

Government in God’s kingdom is concerned with establishing everything in heaven first, in alignment with God’s desire, so that all things in the created order can be restored to God’s original intention and purpose and heaven be manifested on earth.

God includes us in His government. He wants us to get involved because He has given us authority for this creation. He is waiting for us to come into maturity to be able to fully operate that authority in creation to restore it. So we get to be involved both in heaven and on earth.

The power of agreement

The power of agreement is an awesome thing. If we are in agreement with God, we have a very powerful mandate; if we are not in agreement with Him, we are operating in our own strength. That is why so many people get weary and heavy-laden, because they do so much in their own strength and not in agreement with God and in His empowerment, in relationship with Him. Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). Most people go around with a heavy burden because they are carrying the weight of their own responsibility rather than walking yoked to Him in relationship, where He carries the weight.

We need to come into agreement with Him. It does not work the other way around. Religion tries to get Him to come into agreement with us by doing things to appease Him and make Him happy so that He will agree, to make us happy. For example, I could decide to establish Parsons’ Law: everyone gets to win the lottery! That law is never going to work, because it will not be recognised or agreed to in heaven. God is not going to come into agreement with that law. The way to get the agreement of heaven for something is to get it from God in the first place. When we do create legislation ourselves it is because we know the desires of His heart, it is not something we invent out of our own understanding or desires.

A reflection of heaven

If there were no government in heaven, we would not have government on earth. Whatever is on earth is a reflection of what is in heaven – it is just that earthly government is inevitably flawed because no earthly do-it-yourself governmental system is ever going to be what God’s government is in heaven. The purpose of government is to bring order, so that people can live in a place of safety, security, blessing and empowerment. God’s kingdom is the blessing to empower us to be fruitful, to multiply, to fill the earth, to subdue all obstacles and to rule – and then to expand that out into the rest of the solar system, galaxy, universe, dimensions and beyond – because there is no end to the increase of His government and of peace.

The ‘and of peace’ is particularly important because it is about wholeness. If we are not whole, then what we do in government will be coming out of brokenness, so it is important that we become more and more whole, healed and transformed and that our fragmentation has been dealt with.

Amateurs in the new

If I am happily doing the heavenly stuff but there is no corresponding manifestation on earth, it is easy for critics to point the finger and ask ‘what difference is that making?’ What I do in heaven must either change me, or how I am living, or change my community or nation. It must be achieving something. If we are going to establish government in a foundational way for ekklesias or embassies of heaven, then they have to be on earth. There is no point in having an embassy of heaven in heaven. Heaven does not need an embassy for itself in heaven, it needs to be represented on earth.

Who will do that? We cannot all sit around awaiting for someone else, supposedly more qualified, to step up. As I have said before, God would rather have an amateur in the new than a professional in the old. The professionals in the old have so much junk they will need to get rid of before they could possibly hope to lay a foundation in the new! So what He is looking for is willing people to say ‘Here am I, send me!’ We have to be willing to say ‘yes’ to establishing things on earth, otherwise we will not have any storehouses for the harvest. In fact, the harvest will only come if we do. We cannot afford to wait another 30 years for the next generation to come along.

That is what happened last time. In 1975, Bob Jones brought a word about preparing for a billion-fold harvest but 40 years later we had nothing to show for it. Now a new generation is arising, the Joshua generation. Those of the Moses generation who will not cross over and engage something new (and worse, who even discourage others from doing so) will die out in the wilderness. It is already happening. We will start to see a big change take place as these things start to unfold, when we start legislating for the light to shine and for people to see the truth.

Higher authority

Government that operates from a heavenly position and perspective also operates with a higher authority, using higher laws, which supersede those on the earthly plane. When we operate from above, we have higher authority to change things. When we operate below, we are trying to change things from the same perspective and with the same processes that created the problem. All those problems have been created by following the do-it-yourself path of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We are never going to solve the world’s problems by using the same pathway that created them.

We need to see the mountain of the house of the Lord raised up, which He has established; we are never going to be able to redeem the man-made ‘mountains of authority’ because God did not create them in the first place. They are worldly mountains that have come out of a worldly system and they are not redeemable. They cannot be restored to God’s original intent and purpose because they never were His intent or purpose. According to Isaiah and Micah, they are the hills that will run to us, saying “Let’s go up… that He may teach us His ways.” If today we had an example of a true embassy of heaven, fully functioning under heaven’s higher laws, with no sickness or disease (and therefore no covid-19), would that not be hugely attractive to the world?

Heaven’s authority is higher; and when we operate in heavenly authority, it supersedes all the problems we have here. But we have to outwork it: seeing what our Father is doing and being a gateway of heaven into the earth to establish it.

This series of posts is based upon Mike’s slides and teaching from our Sons Arise! – On Earth As In Heaven conference (September 2018) and other Sons Arise! events.

Related ‘Sons Arise!’ posts

Mike’s new book, ‘Engaging the Father’ is the first volume in the Sons Arise! series, due to be published on 7th June 2023.  You can (pre-)order the paperback from your favourite local or online bookshop or get the ebook NOW from our website.

More info: eg.freedomarc.org/books

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278. Established in Heaven

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott – 

Seated in heavenly places

But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our wrongdoings, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus… (Eph 2:4-6).

When a king is ruling, he sits on a throne. That is where he has authority. Ultimately, God wants to enable us to be seated in authority in heavenly places so that we can then bring His kingdom into the earth:

Your kingdom come,
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.

(Matt 6:10).

God’s kingdom is concerned with heaven being manifested on earth. Heaven and earth were originally in complete alignment, but no longer. The earth is fallen from that place and therefore needs to be restored. That is God’s desire, so restoration is about bringing His will and purpose from heaven into the earth; to manifest it, to see His will at work. He does not want to control everything Himself, He encourages us as His sons to participate with Him in the process.

When we are seated, we are in a place of rest within His will and heart. Then we are able to release His will, His governmental perspective, to everything on earth. That is why it is important for us to understand heavenly government.

In heaven first

If we are going to see something established on earth, it needs to be established in heaven first. How do we do that? By exercising our role in heavenly government.

‘Kingdom’ is not just an empty word, there is a reality to government in heaven. There is a whole governmental structure of angels, archangels and other beings (including the men in white linen) operating in the courts and councils of heaven to fulfil God’s will and purpose. And there is a place for us there too.

Government is relational

Heavenly and earthly government are designed to work together. Most of us are familiar with some form of earthly government in our nation, region or city. Whatever we think about political earthly governments, the reality is that God establishes government. And if we see that any earthly government is actually opposing heaven, then we can ask Him whether He mandates us to use our position in heaven to bring about change and transformation in that earthly government.

All government begins in the relationship that is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, because that is where everything starts. It is all coming out of His heart of love, out of His desire for restoration. All of it is based in who He is. Government is an expression of the intimacy that exists within God Himself. It is all about love because God is love.

He really is. You may have been taught that God brings judgment on nations through earthquakes and floods and so on. He does not: none of that is Him. Maybe those things are spiritual consequences, or maybe we just live in a fallen world which needs restoration and those adverse weather patterns and movements of the tectonic plates are creation groaning under the weight of our lack of sonship. In that case we need to get our act together and begin to bring order and government into it all as sons of God – but in love, not in frustration or anger or with any sense of retribution or vengeance.

The wrath of God is not poured out on people, because Jesus already dealt with death (the wages of sin). There is no need for God’s wrath to be directed towards anyone, because everyone is already forgiven. But there are things which restrict us from knowing who God is and who we are. The wrath of God is poured out on whatever hinders people from knowing and responding to Him and stepping into their inheritance as His sons.

The sons of the kingdom carry government and all of us are sons of the kingdom. We all have a governmental position, whether we like it or not. Whether we understand it or know it, we have authority because we are sons.

Relationship, not a formula

Governments operate according to various principles and protocols, but in heavenly government (and in earthly government where it is a true reflection of heaven) everything is outworked relationally with God and with each other. We do not want to get tied down to formulas. Once you formularise something, you remove relationship from the equation and everything becomes legalistic. For example, sowing and reaping is a principle, not a formula. As soon as you make it a formula, ‘I sow this and I automatically reap that’ then you have excluded God and suddenly it does not bring blessing anymore. God wants us to be involved with Him relationally in the sowing and the reaping so that we receive all that is on His heart for us, and enjoy it with Him.

So there are protocols for operating in the courts of heaven and it helps if you know how each court functions. But if we engage with God and with His heart, everything we need to know and everything we need to do will come from that relationship. And then we need to work those things out in relationship with one another. The government that we have in heaven and the government we need to have on earth as a foundation to all our ekklesias (and anything else we set up) must be relational because God is relational.

Agreement, cooperation and unity

We need to be relational not functional. Things do need to function, of course; but when you do business of any kind it has to be relational, otherwise it is not going to be a true reflection of God.

Agreement, cooperation and unity are all necessary in government: between God and us and between one another. If the relationship between us and God can be problematic, our relationship with one another is even more so. We are all imperfect and we are all in the process of change and transformation, therefore we rub each other up the wrong way. We will have relational conflicts which come up to the surface and we will have to work them through. Most people do not work them through, they sweep them under the carpet and the lump under the carpet gets bigger and bigger until everyone starts stumbling over it and they cannot ignore it any longer.

We have to work everything through relationally if we are going to see government work according to God’s original intent and purpose, so that what we build here is sustainable and effective, continually full of light and life, a reflection of heaven on earth.

This post is based upon Mike’s slides and teaching from our Sons Arise! – On Earth As In Heaven conference (September 2018).

Related ‘Sons Arise!’ posts

Mike’s new book, ‘Engaging the Father’ is the first volume in the Sons Arise! series, due to be published on 7th June 2023.  You can (pre-)order the paperback from your favourite local or online bookshop or get the ebook NOW from our website.

More info: eg.freedomarc.org/books

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Background image by Gerd Altmann via Pixabay

277. On Earth as in Heaven

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott – 

We are living in a key time to engage and move forward as the sons of God. In the global shift which has begun to take place, we have a window of opportunity to step into our sonship and not shrink back. Let’s press in and begin to affect our communities, outwork the kingdom, see heaven established on earth and demonstrate what God is really like. That is what the whole world really needs: they need to meet the true God, their loving Father. Then they will discover that as His children they too have a destiny to fulfil; that they too have been called for a time such as this.

Cities of refuge

Several years ago, when God wanted to get my attention to what He was doing on the earth, He used a biblical term I would recognise, ‘cities of refuge’. As I began to ask Him what He meant by ‘cities of refuge’, whether they were literal cities, or figurative, or representative of something, He then started to talk to me using the term ‘embassies of heaven’ instead.

A city of refuge was a safe place where individuals could go if they were being pursued for something, somewhere they could be safe from fear. There is an aspect to what God is doing which reflects that: whatever is going on in the world, we do not have to live under any sense of fear when we are living under the government of heaven on earth. But ‘embassies of heaven’ added another dimension to it: an embassy is a place where an ambassador lives and operates, a representative of one country living in another. If we are ambassadors of heaven, living in an embassy of heaven, then we represent heaven; and that piece of territory, even though it is on the earth, lives under the laws of heaven rather than the laws of earth.

Ambassadors of heaven

Each of us is an ambassador who represents heaven. We are of the order of Melchizedek, the royal priesthood of heavenly priests and kings who carry heavenly authority in government and then operate as oracles and legislators on earth.

As we open our gateway to heaven and invite the presence of God within us, heaven flows through us as rivers of living water from our innermost being and we begin to outwork our identity as sons and a reflection of God on earth. We become oracles: we carry the heart of God and express it in creative ways, just as Jesus did. This is how people can see what a relationship with God is like, outworked in and through each of us.

We will outwork that heavenly government through our own lives: firstly as individuals but also then corporately, with others who are called to a particular place, territory, region, people group or other sphere of influence. So those who share a particular mandate, blueprint, calling or destiny will begin to build relationally together, seeking to establish things ‘on earth as it is in heaven’ together and to represent heaven on earth together.

Real relationship, real connection

We are not necessarily talking about literal, physical cities but we are talking about real relationship and real connection. Many people are in the early stages of this, but not many are yet connecting at a relational level with others who share the same clear blueprint and mandate for a specific purpose which would enable them to establish a foundation of heavenly government together.

If we have a blueprint for an embassy of heaven, it will need to be established in a very different way to ‘church’. People are beginning to talk about ‘ekklesia’ instead of ‘church’, but we can still find ourselves creating from our own understanding of what we think it should look like. It is more than a change of terminology. An ekklesia will have a very clear heavenly mandate and probably not look like anything we would recognise as ‘church’ when it gathers. We have to be open for a deconstruction of our understanding of what ekklesia is, reflecting something which is more heavenly and less earthly.

Our experience at Freedom Church

Much of what we have tried to do is still a mixture of the old and the new. Here at Freedom, we attempted to transition ten years ago, with the best of intentions and to the extent of the knowledge we then had. The principles were right but we lacked the maturity of revelation and character, personality and identity that were needed. So once again we have now deconstructed everything in order to rebuild according to a new pattern that God will give. Although we have not been able to meet, even in homes, because of the Covid-19 restrictions, we have been continuing relational connection with a view to establishing something built upon a more relational foundation than we had before. Throughout this time, we continue to minister to our community through Freedom Community Alliance, which is itself an expression of heaven on earth, although it looks nothing like the religious version of ‘ministry’ that you might expect.

Please understand that I really do not want to create a pattern here that other people try to copy: that would be following the same franchise model that the church usually adopts (though we might call it a denomination, or perhaps a stream). Each ekklesia needs to be individual and personalised to the people God calls to establish it and function within it, with a blueprint which may be different to any other.

Connect in relationship

So God is beginning to position people individually to begin to connect in relationship. Those relationships will form the foundation of an embassy or ekklesia and when those relationships are strong enough He will add to them. For the moment, they are very small and very scattered. But if they have the foundation both personally and corporately in God and have a clear blueprint that they are pursuing, not trying to do things in their own understanding, then they have the potential to grow very quickly.

God is preparing them out of sight, just as Joseph was prepared in the dungeon then suddenly raised up to be second in charge of a whole nation, with a God-given strategy to ‘save the world’. I guarantee that plenty of people in Egypt were unhappy about Joseph taking 20% of their harvest in the plentiful years because they did not understand why he was doing it. A lot of what God is doing is still in the deconstruction phase and people do not necessarily understand it at this time (to the religious, it must appear alarming and extremely threatening). I have been prophesying for years – or really, declaring and decreeing – that there would be times of great shaking that would cause people to lose faith in the established norms and to pursue new things. That is happening today: people’s trust in the systems they have followed all their lives (both worldly and religious) is being shaken.

After God’s heart

Whilst I do not personally know of anything that really looks like heaven yet, there are certainly precursors who are carrying aspects of it and are pursuing it. You, too, are called to establish things on earth as they are in heaven. God is calling you as a man or woman after His heart to serve His purpose in this generation. Do not disqualify yourself from that, be willing to embrace it. I encourage you, engage with God for yourself to find out more about how He sees you and what He has in mind for you. Begin to believe about yourself what He believes about you, and prepare to arise and take your place in the heavens and on the earth.

Related ‘Sons Arise!’ posts

This article is based on material taken from several sources:
Mike answering a question in Mystic Mentoring, Monday 11th January 2021 US Pacific,
being interviewed by Gil Hodges on Kingdom Talks (2020) and
his contribution to our Sons Arise – On Earth as in Heaven conference (2018).

Mike’s new book, ‘Engaging the Father’ is the first volume in the Sons Arise! series, due to be published on 7th June 2023.  You can (pre-)order the paperback from your favourite local or online bookshop or get the ebook NOW from our website.

More info: eg.freedomarc.org/books

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For repeating donations, if you do not have (or want) a PayPal account please support us through Patreon instead. 

273. Sons Invested and Enthroned

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott – 

A sound from heaven

For several years now, the Father has been releasing a sound from heaven designed to connect to the deep desire within us all for both relationship and responsibility. It is represented within much of the music being performed by Christian musicians in recent times but it is not itself necessarily a sound audible to the natural ear. Some have heard it in the spirit and responded already, but that sound frequency continues to intensify, encouraging all His children to be spiritually open and sensitive and to resonate with it. Let it penetrate as deep calls to deep to awaken your sonship. As you become aware of it, learn to rest and relax in it, to be immersed in His presence in it and to resonate with His intention for your life as that is conveyed to you in the sound.

Revealed sons

The Father has been calling us as His children to come and take our places in heaven; to find and fulfil our heavenly roles so that we can bring heaven to earth through our lives. All His children have a destiny that involves our inheritance and birthright so that we can all be mature sons of God, revealed out of heaven into the earth. He is always giving us opportunity to come to Him to obtain a deeper revelation of our identity, position and authority.

All of us are seated in heavenly places in Christ (Eph 2:6), but few are actively functioning from that position. We are called to a new level of sonship, to access the assemblies and councils of heaven and take up our governmental roles. We can be involved in the decision-making of heavenly government. No-one ever told me that! I thought that God did all the heavenly part and that He would tell me what He wanted me to do on earth. But then He invited me into heaven and I discovered that I had a part to play in establishing things there as well as in outworking them on the earth. We get to be involved in the ‘as it is in heaven’; the more we get involved, the more authority we receive and the more responsibility we carry. The mantles are prepared and the scrolls are ready: all that is needed is for us to accept responsibility as sons and be willing to pursue maturity.

Sometimes we need the old ways to stop working before we will even begin considering the new ones. At that point it can seem like nothing is working while we learn how to operate in the new. If that is you, you are not alone. Right now, we are all learning that. We are all in a transition period between what we have been used to, an old way of doing things, and the new way God is revealing.

Creation is groaning

Investiture, succession, enthronement, coronation: God gave me those four words many years ago. They describe the process of a king coming into the fullness of his power and authority. We are invested with authority as sons of God but for there to be succession the old king has to either die or abdicate. The old king in this context is our soul, in the sense that it has been controlling our lives (which was never its intended purpose). Then we can take up our throne(s) in heaven (enthronement) and be recognised by creation as the sons we truly are (coronation).

Creation is groaning in its bondage to corruption and decay (Rom 8:22). That groan demands an answer and we, the sons of God, are the only ones who can supply it. We are called to administrate and oversee the fruitfulness and increase which come from the face-to-face restored innocence of relationship, not the decay and death which are the consequences of independence.

Living in dual realms

Living in dual realms is the key. At a certain point in my process, I became aware that although my soul and spirit were engaging heaven together daily in a visionary cognitive experience, I was still stepping in through the veil and stepping back out again each time; I was visiting but not inhabiting and living in dual realms. I spent two years going in and out of heaven every day, learning about thrones, mountains and courts and at the end of that God took me through a four month period which led to my surrender. I surrendered my soul’s right to rule in my life; my soul and spirit were separated and reintegrated; and from that experience in 2012 until now, my spirit has been in the realm of heaven and I have learned to connect with that realm and flow from it all the time.

That separation and reintegration of my soul and spirit took place when I entered into the dark cloud of His Presence. You can read what I have written before on this blog about my dark cloud experience but we will look at it again in coming posts. It was a difficult process for me, because a forerunner goes through extremes to establish a way which makes it easier for others who follow. Easier, not easy: it is never going to be easy because the soul has been ruling for most of our lives. Our surrender has to be genuine, and in order to count the cost and enter into it freely, we need to understand what the consequences are. He will be in the process with us and will walk us through it but He cannot do it for us, nor make us surrender against our will. We have to choose.

Pursue and choose

We can be proactive. God had to manoeuvre me into a position where I was faced with making the choice (one way or the other), but once you know the choice is there to be made, then you can choose when to make it. That is why I share about it and teach about it. You can pursue it if you want to. You can ask God to take you into the place where you can surrender and then learn to operate in dual realms. The process for you may be different than it was for me, but the principle will be the same: your soul needs to surrender. Whatever that looks like for you, your soul and spirit will be separated from the control the soul has on the spirit so that they can then be reconnected to flow from the inside out, the spirit to the soul, and not the outside in.

Will you accept God’s call and actively take your place of heavenly government? Your new covenant inheritance gives you access to an open heaven through the torn veil: do not let the veils of the old religious restrictions limit the full scope of your sonship. The call is not just to keep ascending but to dwell in dual realms, consistently functioning in heaven and on earth as responsible, mature sons. Until that happens, and new order ekklesias and embassies of heaven multiply on the earth, the true mountain of the house of the Lord will remain in the shadow of the religious systems of men.

Note: this post and the two which will follow it are drawn from Mike’s teaching in the Sons Arise! Into the Dark Cloud intensive, the Sons Arise! Invested and Enthroned conference and our Engaging God subscription programme.

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Mike’s new book, ‘Engaging the Father’ is the first volume in the Sons Arise! series, due to be published on 7th June 2023.  You can (pre-)order the paperback from your favourite local or online bookshop or get the ebook NOW from our website.

More info: eg.freedomarc.org/books

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257. Limitless, Immortal Beings

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott

Restoration of Sonship

The deeper I have gone in relationship with the Father the more I have come to know the two priorities of the Father’s heart: the restoration of our sonship and the restoration of all things. My journals are filled with our conversations relating to sonship and restoration. These are some of the things He has spoken to me about:

The Father’s Heart

Knowing that God is our Father is one thing; choosing to pursue that relationship and allowing Him to father us is something else altogether. His desire is that we share His heart; that we get to know His ways as well as His works. As we carry His heart and grow in maturity, He will include us in the deliberations of the councils and assemblies of heaven. His deepest desire is for His children to return to the place of our conception within the recesses of His heart, so that we can truly know Him and have a deeper revelation of who we are as His sons, made in His image: co-heirs and co-creators.


He desires to restore everything about us, including our identity, position, authority, abilities, knowledge, wisdom, relationship and connection to the created order. He desires to remove the limitations of the finite and the mortal nature of our minds and restore the limitlessness of our transcendent and infinite origins. We are relational beings, made in His image, of limitless creative potential.

We were conceived as limitless, immortal beings like our Father. He never intended the limited, restricted, finite, mortal existence which mankind now experiences because of choosing the DIY path instead of the Tree of Life. Restoration of our sonship encompasses possibilities far beyond the wildest dreams of even the most creative minds. I can imagine eyes capable of seeing all wavelengths of light, ears capable of hearing all wavelengths of sound, bodies capable of multidimensional travel and existence, minds capable of creative expression, bodies capable of instantaneous healing. I can imagine doing the works Jesus did, and greater works: controlling the molecular structure of water, becoming invisible, creating and manipulating matter, telepathy (knowing people’s minds and hearts) and telekinesis (‘immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going’), creative thought, translation, bilocation, pre- and post-cognition, time travel…

If I can imagine those things, then the true potential of restored sonship lies far, far beyond them.


He told me, “Son, your sonship is the only priority you need to focus on.” The purity of restored relationship between the Father and His sons and daughters is His deepest desire; the restoration of all things is its outworking. “This is the love agenda where all things of the created order will be returned to relational connectedness within My unity. Son, no one who becomes intimately acquainted with the thoughts and intentions of love revealed through knowing Me could fail to see their destiny within the desires of My heart.”

All things

Just as Paul wrote, God is continually ‘working all things together for good’. That is how they were designed to work. All things were created to work together, unique and individual in themselves, yet only complete within the harmonious union of the whole. The removal of all fragmentation, fracturedness and brokenness in all its forms is the ultimate goal of restoration:

Personal restoration of spirit, soul and body to original intention, condition and functionality
Spirit to God relationship
Spirit to eternal identity
Spirit to all creation, physical and spiritual
DNA restored to 12 strands
Spirit soul and body
Everything within the soul – mind, emotions, will, conscience, imagination, reason, choice – restored to innocence
All brokenness, fragmentation, separation, isolation and rejection restored
All needs met for harmony, relationships, intimacy, union, unity, love, joy and peace
Mind restored to full creative capacity
Body restored to health and wholeness and all supernatural abilities
Breath of life restored
Restored destiny and purpose
Restored inheritance, identity, birthright, position, authority
Spirit being, to living being, to godlike being


That shalom, that wholeness and peace, will carry on expanding: there will never be an end to its increase within His ever-increasing kingdom. And we are intended to be instrumental in the government of that kingdom. The restoration of our relationship as sons must lead to our exercising responsibility commensurate with our sonship. We will learn to rule, not only over what is already created but over what we create. We already have the ability to create; however, because of lost identity we have created mainly chaos. Knowing our identity and restored to sonship, our capacity to create beauty and order will increasingly manifest around us.

The restoration of the sons of God will be like Joseph coming out of the dungeon prison to take up the second highest position in Egypt; we will emerge from obscurity and shame to be invested, enthroned, seated in the heavenly places; ruling and reigning as the mountain of the house of the Lord.

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245. What Jesus Did

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott

In the last two posts I have quickly outlined what the Bible really says about ‘hell’. That has caused a certain amount of controversy (to put it mildly). But I am not trying to invent a new theology or doctrine, or even ask you to believe what I believe, and this time I am simply going to share my testimony with you.

Renewing my mind

In recent years, God has given me experiences that demonstrate the strength of His love, profoundly challenging my beliefs and what I used to think the Bible was saying. This all happened as part of the removal of the manmade constructs of my mind, and it was not an easy process for me as those mindsets, doctrines and theological frameworks of my thinking were very strong.

For 3 weeks I felt severe pressure around my mind, almost like a physical pain. God was challenging me to reconsider the issue of ‘hell’ but my long-held belief systems discouraged me from doing so. You see, I had even been to the fire. I had had visions of people in anguish in what I called ‘hell’. So I purposely held back, even though frequent love-encounters were making it increasingly difficult to deny what I now believe. That is, until Jesus actually took me back to the fire to see.

Satan’s trophy room

Wisdom’s heights was my entrance.

Does not wisdom call, and understanding lift up her voice? On top of the heights beside the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand; beside the gates, at the opening to the city, at the entrance of the doors, she cries out (Prov 8:1-3).

Some years ago, I was a given a seal and staff and went through a door on Wisdom’s heights. It was a tunnel of fire which opened into a place of extreme restriction and sadness: satan’s trophy room. There I saw 3 things:

  • The sparkling diamond trophies of the destinies of those living and dead who had not believed the good news
  • Stolen mantles and crowns
  • An area of the heritage of my generational family lines

Now Jesus took me back there. He showed me the heritage area and I looked at the family line of my father’s father.

Jesus said to me, “Do you want to see this restored?”

I asked “How?”

Into the fire

Then He showed me a door I had not seen when I came before. He explained that the door had been there all along, but my framework of beliefs would not allow me to see it. Then He gave me a silver heralding trumpet and we went through the door into the fire. There were thousands of people there from that part of my family line, not talking to one another; isolated individuals who appeared to be in anguish of soul. They were not being tormented; there was no devil there with a pitchfork or anything like that. They were there, on their own, in a place of consuming fire.

So I looked to Jesus, hoping He was going to do something. He just stood there looking right back at me. So eventually I preached the good news to them, though not very well! I felt rather tongue-tied and overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with love, actually, and of course completely unprepared. But at least I told them that they could accept Jesus and come out.

I figured Jesus must have given me the trumpet for a reason, so I blew it. He turned to walk out, and there was no way I was going to stay in there on my own, so I followed Him back through the tunnel of fire. I went through the door back to Wisdom’s heights and this time I saw that the door was like a fiery sword (I knew that a fiery sword guards the way to the Tree of Life).

I looked back and a few hundred people had followed us to the door. As they approached I saw them kneel, I heard them confess Jesus as Lord and they walked out and through the gates into Zion.


I turned to Jesus. “What have you done to me? I’m in trouble now! How do I explain this?”

Jesus said “Just tell people that you are doing what I did – and I told you to do what I did, and greater things. This is just the beginning”.

I asked Jesus why so few of them had followed us out of the fire. If it was me and someone offered me a way out, I would have been out of there as fast as I could. This is what He told me:

“You can only preach with authority to the degree that the fire has consumed generational things in you. That is why not everyone responded. Keep presenting yourself to the fire of the altar and you will be able to reach more of your generational lines. Embrace the coals to touch areas of your life that have come from your generations; that will give you authority.”

So I present myself as a living sacrifice on the altar in the temple every day.

Back again… and again

Since that first time, I have been back to engage each of my 4 generational family lines and preached the good news to them. When I was in China in 2017 someone gave me a silver heralding trumpet just like the one Jesus had given me. One morning while I was there I woke at 3am and felt a strong desire to engage the altar and ask for the fiery coals to touch a specific area of behaviour, the area of divorce.

As I did, I began to feel intensely loving towards everyone in my generations who had been divorced, not angry or resentful, and I began forgiving them and blessing them. Once I finished I went to the fiery place again. I preached to all my generational lines with boldness, blew the silver trumpet and this time many more responded. They followed me out, came to the door, confessed Jesus as Lord and went through.

Later, on a Sunday morning here at Freedom as I was embracing the fire another area surfaced. I again went back and preached with renewed boldness and once again many more responded. Another time, I wondered what it might be like if I took communion down into the fire. So I went back there and offered communion, the body and blood of Jesus, to those who were in the fire. Yet again, many responded!

More recently I became aware that there were many in that place with fractured souls, what we sometimes call ‘stuck parts’, mostly caused by trauma in their lives. They were double-minded, triple-minded or worse and were unable to make a decision to follow Jesus. So I asked Jesus to come with me and I told them they could come to the Prince of Peace (shalom means ‘wholeness’) and be made whole. Vast numbers of them did so.

My strong desire is to empty that place, but for that to happen I need to embrace the fire myself. I need to be good news and demonstrate that good news in my own life.

I have now had many experiences of going into the place of fire both for personal refining and on rescue missions. The fire of God is for purifying and refining and removing all the dross in people’s lives. They are waiting for someone to come and share the good news with them.


One day, before I even mentioned this publicly, a friend I meet with online said he had something to share with me. He had been engaging in heaven when some of his family members came up to him. He was surprised and said “I didn’t know you were believers in Jesus!” And they said, “We weren’t. But we remembered that you said your whole household would be saved, and Jesus came and preached the good news to us, and that’s why we are here.” This really did not fit my friend’s theological box, as he put it. He was encouraged when I then shared my experiences too.

Since then (and especially after this topic cropped up in several of my regular online mentoring groups) I have had conversations with others and I have heard many testimonies of people who have gone into the fire and preached the good news as Jesus did. After I shared this in the Vision Destiny 2017 series I had a number of emails from people thanking me for opening up the discussion as they had been afraid of sharing their experiences because of the reaction they knew it would cause (a reaction I have experienced for myself).


This view of the fire as purification and a place from which people could be rescued is not some strange new doctrine. This was the position of many of the early Church Fathers and others across the church spectrum through the last 2000 years: Clement of Alexandria, St. Macrina, St Gregory Nyssen, St Isaac of Nineveh (and many other Fathers), and moderns including Fr. Sergei Bulgakov, St. Silouan the Athonite, Fr. Alexandre Turincev, Metropolitans Kallistos Ware and Hilarion Alfeyev.

There are many accusations people throw at you if you start talking like this. You will be called a heretic, and a Universalist (I am neither). I do not believe that all roads lead to God. I am not even a Christian Universalist because I do not believe that it is guaranteed. I believe that Jesus gives people the choice. I like what Brad Jerzak’s article Permit me to hope says about hopeful inclusivism: “We cannot presume that all will be saved or that even one will be damned. Rather, we put our hope in the final victory and verdict of Jesus Christ…” But I do not accept any of these labels – as soon as you accept a label,

  1. you immediately narrow your options to the views espoused by those who carry that label.
  2. you are assumed by others to believe everything they think that an [insert label here] believes.

Objections and accusations

Some will say “If people are going to be saved anyway, then what is the point of preaching the gospel?” Is that not a rather selfish view? Do we not want people to know and enjoy relationship with God now? Or to find and fulfil their destiny in this life? And I certainly do not want anyone to go into the consuming fire of God’s presence without knowing Him. It is not a pleasant place to be if you don’t know Him. If anything, I find I want to preach the good news more than ever.

They will also say, “Well, if there are no consequences to my behaviour then I might as well just keep on sinning.” If that is true, then they are only behaving as they do out of fear. They are living under the law, not grace (whilst they sadly shake their heads and accuse us of promoting ‘another gospel’). Why on earth would we want to keep on sinning, when sin messes up our relationship with God and everything else in our lives and its wages are death?

Embrace the fire

It is best not to argue with people. We can share our testimony, and just love them whether they agree with us or not. We are not looking to provoke controversy, enter into fruitless disputes or draw people into making accusations. These posts are not intended for those who only want to fight their corner and prove that they are right. They are for those who are open to lay down their own presumptions and assumptions, to engage with God for themselves and allow Him to reveal the truth about His love for them and for all His creation; for those who will embrace that truth and be part of the ‘restoration of all things’ (Acts 3:21).

Jesus told me to release this message and encourage the Joshua Generation to arise and be bold, to come to Him and He will open the gates to reveal the consuming fire and show them the way just as He has shown me. I believe we all have the ability to engage the fiery place and do what Jesus did, to preach the good news to those spheres that we are mandated to engage.

The refining fire of the altar is where the authority to preach will be given. As we embrace the fire with urgent desire, great authority will be released to us. I believe we get to choose when we go to the place of fire. We can go now, or later, but God is a consuming fire and we cannot escape His love. That love is an unquenchable fire, intended to refine and purify us.

Let’s choose to embrace the fire now.

Related articles from Freedom ARC

“Three views of hell: burn forever, annihilation, restoration… How did you come to yours?” – Mike answers George’s question here on YouTube: Supernatural Mentoring Monday 12th March 2018 Washington or scroll down to view the video in full on this page.

Resources on the topic of ‘hell’

These publications and websites raise issues we believe God is drawing to our attention today. The fact that they are listed here should not be taken to imply that we agree with all the doctrinal positions, conclusions or opinions of the authors.

Image attribution: the image used at the head of this post is by 7trumpetsmusicband [CC BY-SA 4.0
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)%5D, from Wikimedia Commons

Hell? Journey Testimony Part 1Supernatural Mentoring Monday 12th March 2018 Washington

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238. A Good Report

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott – 

Beyond the veil

We saw last time that, as those called to be forerunners in the new, like Joshua and Caleb, we need to give a good report. We cannot just keep this to ourselves, have a great time exploring the realms of heaven and write off everybody else as if we are somehow better than them. There are so many people out there, believers and not-yet-believers, who need to hear a good report of the inheritance that is theirs if they will cross over and appropriate it for themselves! We need to reach out, to call out to our brothers and sisters in the wilderness to come and see the promised land of their inheritance as sons of God. And when they come, we need them to cross over to take their heavenly positions as sons beyond the veil.

In the old we would have prayed for it to happen. We might also have posted on social media, published some blog posts, done some talks, radio or TV interviews, maybe even written a book and arranged a big ‘launch event’. But in the new, we know it must be established in heaven first. So now we will seek to get heavenly strategy and produce legislation in the courts of heaven to enable it to take place. Then any of those other things we are mandated to do in the realm of the earth will carry heavenly authority and be far more effective.

The Law of Religious Freedom

This is a law which I received and which has been ratified in heaven for Freedom Church and our associated ministries to use.

I hereby authorise the law of religious freedom.
This law approves the right of the Joshua Generation to set My people free.

You are authorised to bring freedom to the oppressed, to release light into the shrouded darkness of the old Moses order.
You are authorised to administer Emmaus road-like encounters to those whose minds have been veiled by the coverings of men.

You are authorised to call for and administrate justice for God’s people.
In love you are empowered to challenge the old wineskins and their associated mindsets.
The old Moses-order mountains can be shaken with the Winds of Change*.

You are to call the Joshua Generation to action, to cry into the valley of decision and release heaven’s sound and light.
You have been assigned the ordinances of the angelic hosts to engage in visitations, dreams and visions.

God told me to “use this legislation wisely and with precision and many will be set free to receive their inheritance”.

This is what I declared when I used it:

I call for the veils to be removed from those covered by resistors and rejecters of the new heavenly order.
I call for justice on the basis of God’s judgement, the exposing of those refusing to take the people into the promised inheritance.
I call for a stirring and quickening of the hearts of those who have been covered and limited.
I call for a new generation to arise.

I call for mercy and the light of truth to shine brighter and with more intensity into the darkness of the coverings of men.
I call for justice and freedom from the religious evangelical spirit that is plaguing God’s people.
I call for a holy dissatisfaction to grow in the hearts of God’s people and the cry to go out from deep within “there must be more than this.”

I call for the sound of heaven to resonate in the hearts of those who will become hungry for more as they become dissatisfied with junk food and baby food.
I call for more angelic encounters, visitations, dreams, visions and supernatural engagements.
I call for new desire to rise in the hearts of those who have been misled and covered by religious veils of doctrine and theology that denies the supernatural as normal to our lives.

Make your own declarations. Ask God if you can use this law, or step in and get your own. Do something to reach out to those who are in the old: He wants to bring them into the new.

A note about heavenly legislation

Your spirit has permission to release laws from that spiritual place and to declare and decree them; I did not write that law from trying to figure out what to say, I just said it from my spirit and then wrote down what I had said. Every one of us can do that but it requires us to take the initiative from our own position in heaven and to start to operate in the authority we have there. So if we are to make and use legislation effectively then we need to see ourselves as God sees us, and start to conduct ourselves as sons and not slaves.

* ‘Winds of Change’ is the name of an angel and of an order of angels.

[This blog post is adapted from Mike’s teaching in the ‘Engaging God‘ subscription programme. Find out more… ]

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236. The Hallmark of the New

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott

What is the ‘new wine’?

In this series of posts we are looking at new wine and new wineskins. Last time we saw how the new wineskin is each one of us, both individually and coming together as a new order ekklesia, but what is this new wine? What does it represent? Here is some of what I have seen (and if you will engage with God for yourself, I am sure you will see some of this and more besides):

    • New governmental mandates and new government patterned after heaven. New revelation and understanding of how to expand the kingdom, subdue and rule from a new heavenly perspective of servant leadership.
    • New values and ideals. Jesus introduced the manifesto of the kingdom, a completely new way of living. As we have seen, the ekklesia is to be a reflection of heaven’s values, an embassy of heaven on earth. We are to be ambassadors of that embassy, carrying the authority of heaven and exercising it on the earth.
    • New things established in heaven.
    • New heavenly strategies instead of earthly ones. Let’s stop trying to figure out how to do things and instead go to the heavenly strategy room and get a strategy which will be effective.
    • A new heavenly identity of sonship. It is in heaven that we operate in fullness of sonship, so that we can be manifested as sons on the earth.
    • A new health service – healing and health for the world, to demonstrate that God is a loving God who wants to heal. As a first step we will be living in health ourselves: body, soul and spirit in wholeness, connected to heaven, with the life of heaven flowing from the inside out. That will draw those in the world looking for healing.
    • New economic and financial services. Jesus threw all the money changers’ tables over: kingdom finance and economics bear no resemblance to the systems of the world. Kingdom finance is a love-based system in which we can freely give because we freely receive under an open heaven. Serving in love is the currency of the kingdom, going the extra mile and putting others before self.
    • A new society – paradise restored. God wants to bring back human society to how it would have developed in the Garden (if the Garden had expanded to fill the earth as it should have). The way up is down; the first will be last and the last first.
    • New speech, new attitudes, new ideals, new culture. Everything comes from a new perspective as redefined by Jesus.
    • New behaviours, abilities and powers. We will recover everything that was lost at the fall, at the flood, at Babel and throughout history as our DNA is renewed and restored and as we renew our minds.
    • Heaven transforming earth. This is God’s ultimate desire and plan.


    All new ways flow from beyond the veil and they are experiential.

    • New experiential ways of ministry. No longer will we set ourselves up as ministers who tell people what God is saying and what to do. Instead we will get alongside them and equip them to hear God for themselves. Liebusting is a good example of this new way, in which the person asks Jesus what He wants to do in their life and asks Him to show them how to deal with what stands in the way. And teaching people how to go to the courts equips them to hear first-hand, rather than getting someone else to tell them what the issue is and how to address it.
    • New experiential ways of teaching – we have to get away from a scenario where it is just me or some other teacher lecturing a roomful of people. It will be all of us together, experiencing. The activations we have done together on a Sunday morning and in some of the online sessions and events are a first step towards that. Alongside the new kingdom financial system, I am sure we will see a new education system as well.
    • New experiential ways of prayer. We will not just be crying out from here on the earth, hoping that God might hear something, but going to meet Him face to face.
    • New experiential ways of interceding, not from below but from above. We can stand before God, identifying with the person, city, nation or planet we are interceding for, in a heavenly courtroom, getting His judgment and verdict on the situation.
    • New more effective ways of kingdom administration: outworking heavenly government on the earth.
    • New ways of partnering with the angelic realm: angels are ministering spirits sent for the sake of those who inherit salvation. We are already hearing more testimonies of angelic engagement, and that will only increase. They are awesome, powerful created beings, and they can do things which have never even occurred to us yet!

    Growing in maturity

    The new ways are about our maturity. Moses did miracles, parted the Red Sea, food just appeared, the Israelites’ clothes never wore out, they were led by a pillar of cloud and fire – all this while they were just children who only knew God by His deeds. If they had gone and engaged heaven with Moses, they would not have needed any of that.

    Under Joshua’s leadership, the people did the miracles, parted the Jordan, caused the walls of Jericho to fall. They did not need supernatural food or clothing provision because they could all sow in the Promised Land, and reap the harvest of what they sowed.

    Jesus showed his disciples how to multiply food, do miracles, produce provision and so on. He taught them how, then sent them out to do it themselves. Unlike Moses, He did not just do it for them. And today He will show us new ways of being salt and light in our world, new ways of being agents of change in history, society and culture, so that we are not influenced but influencers. He will open up new ways for us to bring transformation to our communities. We will do all this by establishing all things in heaven first so they can be manifested on earth – that is the hallmark of the new.

    This blog post is adapted from Mike’s teaching in the ‘Engaging God‘ subscription programme.

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