325. Embracing Compassion: Aligning to God’s Heart

Mike Parsons

Emotions are a powerful and important part of the human experience, and we do not have to be afraid to embrace them. In fact, the very word used to describe Jesus’ compassion means being “moved in the gut” – a deep, visceral reaction. The key is aligning our emotions with the Father’s heart. 

When we see injustice or suffering, it is right for us to feel anger or sorrow. But we have to be careful that we do not just let those emotions rule us and cause us to act rashly or unwisely. Instead, we can use those feelings to connect with what the Father is feeling about the situation. What does the Father’s heart desire in this moment? Allow that to be what moves us and guides our response. Sometimes that may mean taking practical action, whether through legislation, intercession, advocacy, practical aid or other means. At other times, it may simply be about weeping with those who weep, or expressing compassion in a way that reflects the Father’s love. Every situation and every individual prompts a unique response.

The danger is when we try to suppress our emotions altogether, out of a misplaced sense of stoicism or reserve which is prevalent in some cultures. That is not how Jesus lived – he expressed the full range of human feelings, from laughter to tears. His emotions were a key component of the connection he enjoyed to the Father’s heart that enabled him to respond every time with such wisdom and power.

So let us be open to what the Spirit is stirring within us. Sometimes those gut-level reactions will well up unexpectedly, going beyond just our intellectual understanding. When that happens, we need to lean into it, allowing those emotions to guide us towards the Father’s purposes, rather than trying to shut them down.


Ultimately, it’s about finding the right balance – not being controlled by our emotions, but allowing them to be a servant that connects us to the Father’s heart and empowers us to act in alignment with His will. That is where we will find the wisdom and compassion to truly make a difference in this world, bringing heaven to earth.

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323. The Judgment Seat of Christ

Mike Parsons

Video summary

Some people may not fully live out their intended destiny, but encounter purification at the Judgment Seat of Christ, where that which is of lasting value is distinguished from what is not. The Lake of Fire symbolises purification rather than eternal damnation, a place of refining in God’s presence, not the end of the world or the fate of the devil and fallen angels. In context, it relates to the persecution faced by early Christians, particularly at the hands of non-believing Jews in Jerusalem.

Entering the realms of heaven involves engaging with the Father, who comforts and purifies. Regrets are addressed, tears are wiped away, and the scroll of your life is cleansed. This leads to an ongoing relationship marked by unfolding knowledge, truth and engagement as part of the cloud of witnesses.

I do not subscribe to the concept of Purgatory, but I do believe in the Judgment Seat. I have experienced it personally, engaging with my scroll under the fire of God’s scrutiny. However, there was no guilt, shame, or condemnation – only love and a process of addressing missed opportunities and wrong motives. Our sins are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, and every accusation against us is nullified. From God’s perspective, He always sees us as innocent, justified and righteous.

When we engage with God relationally, we begin to understand our true identity and undergo transformation through the renewal of our minds. I encourage you to spend time with the Father, seeking to discover the truth about Him and yourself. This understanding frees us from negative thoughts about our imperfections: perfection, to God, is simply being who He made us to be. It’s not about striving or achieving but about resting in our identity as His children.

Unconditional love and forgiveness are in God’s nature, freely given without the need for works or religious practices. As children of God, we already enjoy His love; and our Dad delights in us. Drawing nearer to God’s heart unveils the depth of His boundless love, liberating us from guilt and performance-driven mindsets. This freedom allows us to rest in our identity and embrace life fully.

Jesus promised complete joy, and left us His transcendent peace. He loves us without conditions, empowering us to love Him and others in return. The key is to allow Him to shower His love upon you, revealing it in ever-deeper ways, leading you into true freedom. The truth that you know will set you free: not mere intellectual knowledge but personal experience. Encountering the Truth embodied in Jesus renews our minds, enabling us to embrace our true selves, live abundantly, and flourish in every aspect of our being.

Key Takeaway

Perfection, from God’s perspective, is simply being who He made us to be.

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322. Spiritual Listening: Beyond Biblical Meditation

I find joy in spending time in God’s presence. I have moved beyond the need to only meditate on the Bible, because interpreting it can be complex and subjective. Instead, I allow God room to speak to me in various ways. I  relax, clearing my mind and focusing solely on the Father or on Jesus. I open my heart and mind, ready to receive communication from Him.

This can take various forms, whether it’s a thought, a picture, a vision, or simply a knowing. I have had visions that were vivid encounters, although they weren’t visual in the traditional sense. When we perceive spiritually, it’s not about light bouncing off objects into our eyes; it’s about tuning into a different wavelength and interpreting the impressions received by our spiritual senses. Just as different tastes or smells can be unfamiliar until we learn to recognise them, spiritual experiences require us to train our spiritual senses to filter out distractions and focus on what the Father is communicating. Whether it’s ascending into heavenly realms or standing before the Arc of the Presence or whatever else it may be, I am not seeing any of it with my physical eyes because I always journal these experiences with my eyes open. Yet, I am there. I am an active participant, but I am also translating my spiritual perceptions into descriptions of my experiences.

I have found that it’s more about enjoying being in the presence of God. Instead of focusing on visualising or hearing something in a specific way, simply relax and see what unfolds. Talk to God and listen for His response, asking Him to reveal something to you in His own way. For me, understanding doesn’t always come through visual or auditory experiences.

Even the word ‘see’ can refer to more than just visual perception: it can also mean to perceive or understand. The main idea is to grasp the concept, regardless of the method. In the early days, there was often a strong emphasis on ‘seeing’ as a prerequisite for spiritual experiences. Ian Clayton, for one, was quite insistent about this. But no-one else knows what exactly he sees or how he sees it. He shares what he has seen, just as I too share my own experiences! For me, it is about a deep knowing – an intuitive perception that comes from engaging with God repeatedly over time. I sense and feel His presence, and my emotions are often deeply intertwined with these experiences, with moments of intense emotion when I feel the waves of His love rolling over me.

Analysing or dissecting spiritual experiences can make it more challenging to receive them. If you rely heavily on logical, analytical thinking, you may struggle with this. It’s understandable to want to understand and control the process by seeking a set protocol or method to follow. However, spiritual connection is inherently relational, and it’s best to allow the relationship with God to unfold naturally.

I made a conscious decision to let go of my own agenda and simply ‘be’ in God’s presence, with no particular expectation of seeing or hearing anything specific. Every night before I go to sleep, I intentionally connect with God in the garden of my heart; surrounded by green pastures, beside quiet waters, with the Shepherd by my side. As I drift off to sleep, my spirit remains open and receptive to experiences in the heavenly realms, while my soul is restored as I rest securely in the Father’s embrace. When I wake, I may sometimes retain memories from my time in God’s presence. But if there are mornings when nothing comes to mind, that too is perfectly okay.

Key Takeaway

Find joy in spending time in God’s presence, and allow your relationship with Him to unfold naturally.

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315. Align with the Frequency of the River of Life

Mike Parsons

This is an excerpt from my book Into the Dark Cloud, where I describe how we engage with the frequency of the water in the river of life, immerse ourselves in it, and experience profound effects.

All matter possesses frequency, which can also be described as an electric current or vibrational energy. Frequency is the rate at which something vibrates: light and sound waves are familiar examples. Everything, including our bodies, thoughts, and emotions, has its own frequency, and the frequencies we come into contact with affect us.

Matching frequencies have very powerful effects. An opera singer’s voice that matches the frequency of a glass can cause it to vibrate internally until it breaks apart. Even our thoughts and feelings have vibratory qualities with measurable frequencies. Negative mental states can lower our frequency,
whilst positive attitudes of prayer or meditation can raise it.

A substance with a higher frequency tends to raise a lower frequency. Love vibrates at the highest frequency of all and has the ability to bring all the lower frequencies of our physical body, organs, emotions and thoughts, into alignment with it.

When someone operates from a place of love, it attracts people and has the power to elevate the frequencies of those around them. When we spend time with them, it disarms us, and transforms our emotional state. Being around those who radiate positivity and love makes it almost impossible to stay miserable for long.

When we immerse ourselves in the frequency of God’s living, dynamic words, our bodies are transformed and become infused with His life, energy and vitality.

The river of life pulsates with frequencies that stimulate our DNA, causing it to trigger change and rearrangement. Taking communion operates on the same principle: we absorb the energy of God, which begins to vibrate in us,
bringing about transformation and even resequencing our DNA.

Through resonance, our frequency is elevated to a higher level, which can activate health and wholeness in each organ of our body. Similarly, it can influence our minds when we align ourselves with it.

Agreement holds great power for manifestation. This is why we approach communion with a mindset of agreement, acknowledging that the words spoken are not mere text on a page, but words of life which we actually identify with. By speaking them in faith, they carry the inherent power of the frequency of God’s life, creating an opening or an opportunity for us (because an arc always creates a window).

Key takeaway

Love vibrates at the highest frequency of all. When someone operates from a place of love, it attracts people and has the power to elevate the frequencies of those around them.

This video blog post is another excerpt from Mike’s latest book, Into the Dark Cloud, out now.

313. The Eternal Record of Our Identity

Mike Parsons – 

The dance floor is where we begin to take on the image of sonship
by engaging with the character, nature and essence of God.

On the dance floor we get to know Father, Son and Spirit intimately,
experiencing their fragrance, frequency, and unique characteristics. They are indeed all God, but they also display distinct qualities that create a personal and intimate connection. Through engaging with each of them, we become intertwined with their light in a beautiful, transforming dance.

[This is an excerpt from my book, Into the Dark Cloud. If you are looking for transformation in an intimate relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit, this book is for you.]

On the dance floor of our hearts, we can engage with the eternal record of our identity, the song of all songs. This record describes who we are in God’s eyes.

I find great joy and delight as the light of God surrounds me and initiates transformation. I am being transfigured and transformed by the light, which effectively brings my two human strands of DNA into alignment with my third light strand, the one that carries my eternal record. I am being conformed to the image of who I truly am, my new creation self, aligning with the characteristics of God.

Through engaging with the nine characteristics of God I become aligned with His image, and this alignment profoundly impacts and changes me.

We can be immersed in the depths of the Father, Son and Spirit, taking us to a whole different level of connection. We can be clothed with Father, Son and Holy Spirit, with the armour of light, of righteousness, and the whole armour of God. Such experiences help us become who we truly are in Him.

The dance floor is not a one-size-fits-all formula that guarantees specific experiences at certain times. Rather, it is a journey that continually unfolds according to the seasons and circumstances of our lives. Sometimes we instantly connect with a revelation or experience, while at other times it may be released to us gradually.

We cannot impose a fixed timeline or try to rationalise everything cognitively. It is better simply to receive and allow the experiences to unfold in their proper season. Even if we do not fully comprehend what is happening in the moment, we can trust that deeper levels of revelation and transformation will be made available to us as we progress.

Experiencing God’s presence is not limited to a specific set of actions, reactions or sensations. Whether we see, feel, or sense anything, our spirits will receive what God imparts to us.

Key takeaway

We can begin to take on the image of sonship as we engage with the character, nature and essence of God.


308. Energy Systems Within Our Being

Mike Parsons

I wouldn’t want to deny the ‘righteous real’ of the energy gates within our being.

We have a blood system, a nervous system, a lymphatic system—systems that the body was created with, or has now, even if not in the original creation. I have no problem with there being an energy system, energy Gates within the core of our being—rivers of living water flowing from our innermost being. I’ve learned to activate those energy gates, and the abilities that God created us to have as sons of God, made in His image and likeness. So I have no issue with any of that. But it’s when it gets mixed with Eastern mythology and religion that the problem arises.

Of course, they believe in a kundalini spirit, a serpent-like energy that rests within the coils of the human spine and all of this stuff. They believe that through spiritual techniques, this energy stretches out and awakens to an awareness, leading to out-of-body experiences, physical sensations, hallucinations, and more. Some associate demonic oppression with the Kundalini, referring to it as a demonic entity linked to spiritual experiences. They criticise the charismatic movement for manifestations like holy laughter, drunkenness in the spirit, and being slain in the spirit, attributing these to the Kundalini Spirit. Others connect the Kundalini spirit with yoga, Eastern mysticism, Buddhist meditation, acupuncture, and similar practices.

While some of these things are neutral, I personally wouldn’t engage in practices like yoga or Eastern mysticism because I can engage with God without resorting to those methods. There’s a mixture of different views out there, some from Christians arguing against other Christians, warning about ‘new age’ practices. Just because these practices are associated with energy, chakras, or similar concepts doesn’t negate the possibility of a true reality, which is what I believe I’ve discovered.

God took me on a journey to understand that I am spirit, soul, and body—a unified being, whole. In my spirit, connected to heaven, flows the River of Life. At the core of my being, there’s an energy centre often described as the Merkabah, linking spirit, soul, body — and heaven. It’s a portal for travel and communication within me. I can be one with Heaven and Earth, and one with spirit, soul and body. Spirit, soul, and body are connected at the core of my being; the River of Life flows, energised through the Merkabah, focused into different energy gates.

I’ve activated these energy gates as needed—for creativity, discernment, and so on—learning to function in an energised state, doing what I see the Father doing. I don’t need more energy than necessary; I never run out because I have all I need for my designed purpose. I’ve lived through periods without needing food or sleep, drawing from a different energy source, but I also appreciate normal natural activities like eating and sleeping.

I live with a conscious awareness that I am energised and equipped for my calling. It’s become part of my unconscious, like breathing. However, the association of these concepts with Hinduism and other religions, and their terminology, can be a distraction. I don’t have a serpent or python spirit; I only have the Holy Spirit and my spirit working together. I’ve had out-of-body experiences, physical sensations, and visions, but not through Eastern practices. Some experiences, like laughter and drunkenness in the spirit, may be criticised and labelled as a Kundalini spirit, but I see them as positive, even if they never came close to what I now experience in encountering God face to face. They are no longer necessary as we grow in maturity.

God does such things to get our attention and draw us back to intimacy. Bob Jones prophesied about ‘Joel’s bartender’, emphasising the pouring out of the spirit to bring attention to intimacy.

We can live in a state of peace and rest, not needing external manifestations.

So, while I wouldn’t be afraid of it, I also wouldn’t choose to engage in Eastern mysticism, because I don’t need to. Instead, I believe in focusing on our relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit in intimacy.

Key takeaway

Don’t be fearful of Eastern mysticism, but you do not need to engage in it: focus on your relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit in intimacy.


307. God’s Unconditional Love For You

Mike Parsons reads from his latest book, ‘Into the Dark Cloud‘.

God knows everything there is to know about you, even many things you do not know about yourself, and He loves you. He loves you as much as He could possibly ever love anyone, and His love will never change. It is totally unconditional. There is nothing you can do (or not do) which will ever change His love for you.

Once we really accept the truth of that, it gives us the confidence and trust to be completely open with Him, not fearing that if we are honest with Him He will be angry or disappointed with us. He is always smiling upon us; His countenance is always fair towards us. He may be stern and fiercely opposed to whatever is robbing us, hindering us or putting stumbling blocks in our path, but never towards us.

He loves us, and when we really know His love it allows us to say: “Search me, O God, and know my heart. Put me on trial and see if there’s anything in me which is a hindrance and a stumbling block to me.” (see Psalm 139:23-24).

In the Mirror Bible it says this:

The message God spoke to us in Christ, is the most life giving and dynamic influence in us, cutting like a surgeon’s scalpel, sharper than a soldier’s sword, piercing to the deepest core of human conscience, to the dividing of soul and spirit; ending the dominance of the sense realm and its neutralizing effect upon the human spirit. In this way a person’s spirit is freed to become the ruling influence again in the thoughts and intentions of their heart. (Hebrews 4:12).

We want the living word to penetrate and impact us. When God speaks to us, He speaks life and truth: He opens up revelation to us. Before we can change the atmosphere around our life by flowing from the inside out, an inner transformation needs to take place. We want our spirit to be free to become ‘the ruling influence in the thoughts and intentions of our heart’, so that we are no longer ruled by our soul: the directive comes from the spirit and our soul is in complete agreement.

Our surrender, our yielding, invites and enables God’s action.

The whole time we are trying to do it ourselves, God is waiting for us to stop and give up.

In all we are embarking upon in this book, there may be points where we have to give up. When we have been used to fighting for things all our lives,
or been taught that we should always be actively trying to do something,
giving up is not always easy!

Into the Dark Cloud is out in print on 14th February, but you can get the ebook delivered instantly today!

Key Takeaway

Nothing you can do (or not do) will ever change His love for you.

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306. Reflecting on My Journey with God

Mike Parsons

Reflecting on my personal journey, I found immense joy in being led by God rather than following a rigid set of practices. It wasn’t about ticking off tasks but allowing my senses to be trained, within the relationship I shared with God. If I were to offer advice, I would suggest a less systematic and more relational approach, emphasising the importance of being led, enjoying the journey, and avoiding unnecessary stress.

Our journey with God isn’t a duty; it’s a dynamic relationship. Whilst the Engaging God programme can be a useful guide, it’s showcasing possibilities rather than dictating a routine. I wouldn’t change my journey, as it uniquely unfolded based on my relational connection with God. However, I’ve added basic meditation and rest at the beginning of each day to enhance the experience of simply being, not doing.

It’s about enjoying the journey, and I encourage others to be led by what resonates with them rather than adhering strictly to a predetermined order. Following God’s guidance is paramount, since every individual is at a different stage in their journey. I stress the importance of being led to what personally resonates, acknowledging that everyone’s path is unique. One size definitely does not fit all, and that’s perfectly fine.

Key takeaway

Approaching the journey from a place of rest, enjoying the process rather than fixating on the destination, leads to the unfolding of identity and the revelation of destiny through a deep and relational connection with God.

Recent posts from Freedom ARC

304. Wrath is not the solution (PSA [2])
303. The Nature of God’s Love
302. Practice, practice, practice…
301. Trauma Response | How memories can control our emotions
Into the Dark Cloud
300. Be Transformed Through Intimacy. 
299. PSA Sounds Nothing Like Jesus! (Penal Substitutionary Atonement [1])

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305. Desire, Discipline, Delight

Mike Parsons reads from his latest book, ‘Into the Dark Cloud’.

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Only the truth that you know will set you free. How are we going to know the truth? Not by reading someone else’s book or doing someone else’s course – not even mine! What that can do is stimulate us to find it for ourselves by engaging God, who will reveal the truth to each of us so that we can live in it.

Desire, discipline, delight

So when this book gets into some tough areas, please do not tune out, switch off or walk away. If it gets difficult, surrender to God. Again, I am not saying that you have to take my word for anything: be still and wait in rest, and see if He has something to say to you about it.

That was the process God took me through: learning to be still and wait in rest. For two years I had loved being still, waiting and resting; until He told me to, and then I could not do it anymore.

That sometimes happens because it challenges the whole dynamic of what works for us! Generally it is our soul becoming uncomfortable in facing what it needs to face.

I went through various stages and processes of transformation, such as dealing with trading floors in my own heart, its motivations, thoughts and intentions. It was not at all pleasant for my soul because I had to admit that I was not very nice in some ways, and that my motivation was often not entirely pure. It was not easy, but because I knew the love of God it enabled me to trust Him, so instead of becoming defensive, I learned to surrender.

It was horrible to think that I was really like that: that my motives really were driven by my soul’s need or desire. But I realised that God loved me anyway so I was able to let it go. If I had gone with my feelings I would have stopped right there and never made it through to transformation.

If you get to a crisis point, try not to back off. Personal desire and pursuit will take you through the discipline to the delight. Stick with it. It can require fortitude and discipline to press on through but when you come out on the other side, I can promise you it will have been worth it.

Key takeaway

Instead of becoming defensive, I learned to surrender.

Recent posts from Freedom ARC

304. Wrath is not the solution | PSA [2]
303. The Nature of God’s Love
302. Practice, practice, practice…
301. Trauma Response | How memories can control our emotions
Into the Dark Cloud
300. Be Transformed Through Intimacy. 
299. PSA Sounds Nothing Like Jesus! (Penal Substitutionary Atonement [1])

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300. Be Transformed Through Intimacy

Mike Parsons

Engaging with God intimately is a journey of transformation, as we spend time in the light of His love. It is not about rigid doctrines or rituals; it is about being in His presence, letting that love shape us into the very image He always intended. This transformation can even affect elements like our DNA and family history, as we align with the Father’s revelations. It is a journey of ‘becoming’, in which we are guided by His wisdom and respond practically to His leading.

This is a state of being in which we are constantly aware of His unconditional love, limitless grace, and triumphant mercy. Dwelling in Him allows for a richer relationship, yet our focus remains on being present in that love, not necessarily noticing, recalling or dissecting every detail. Shifting our perspective from a frantic pursuit of ‘doing’, we can embrace a life of ‘being’ – dwelling in love, intimacy, and rest. Any actions we take in the spiritual realm come from that place of rest, often without a cognitive understanding of what is happening.

Living multi-dimensionally involves being present in multiple realms simultaneously, led by the Spirit, and always from a place of rest. The mindset of what we should or should not do is replaced by a focus on enjoying life, rejoicing, and embracing love, joy, and peace – even amidst life’s storms and challenges.

Key takeaway

Shaped by love: Let God’s unconditional love shape us as we are guided by His wisdom and respond practically to His leading.

Recent posts from Freedom ARC

299. PSA Sounds Nothing Like Jesus! (Penal Substitutionary Atonement [1])
298. Revealing the Function of the Earth Shield
297. Most people don’t want to know God – and I wouldn’t either!
296. A New Perspective on the Millennium (2)
295. A New Perspective on the Millennium (1)
290. Discovering the Reality of Salvation

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