322. Spiritual Listening: Beyond Biblical Meditation

I find joy in spending time in God’s presence. I have moved beyond the need to only meditate on the Bible, because interpreting it can be complex and subjective. Instead, I allow God room to speak to me in various ways. I  relax, clearing my mind and focusing solely on the Father or on Jesus. I open my heart and mind, ready to receive communication from Him.

This can take various forms, whether it’s a thought, a picture, a vision, or simply a knowing. I have had visions that were vivid encounters, although they weren’t visual in the traditional sense. When we perceive spiritually, it’s not about light bouncing off objects into our eyes; it’s about tuning into a different wavelength and interpreting the impressions received by our spiritual senses. Just as different tastes or smells can be unfamiliar until we learn to recognise them, spiritual experiences require us to train our spiritual senses to filter out distractions and focus on what the Father is communicating. Whether it’s ascending into heavenly realms or standing before the Arc of the Presence or whatever else it may be, I am not seeing any of it with my physical eyes because I always journal these experiences with my eyes open. Yet, I am there. I am an active participant, but I am also translating my spiritual perceptions into descriptions of my experiences.

I have found that it’s more about enjoying being in the presence of God. Instead of focusing on visualising or hearing something in a specific way, simply relax and see what unfolds. Talk to God and listen for His response, asking Him to reveal something to you in His own way. For me, understanding doesn’t always come through visual or auditory experiences.

Even the word ‘see’ can refer to more than just visual perception: it can also mean to perceive or understand. The main idea is to grasp the concept, regardless of the method. In the early days, there was often a strong emphasis on ‘seeing’ as a prerequisite for spiritual experiences. Ian Clayton, for one, was quite insistent about this. But no-one else knows what exactly he sees or how he sees it. He shares what he has seen, just as I too share my own experiences! For me, it is about a deep knowing – an intuitive perception that comes from engaging with God repeatedly over time. I sense and feel His presence, and my emotions are often deeply intertwined with these experiences, with moments of intense emotion when I feel the waves of His love rolling over me.

Analysing or dissecting spiritual experiences can make it more challenging to receive them. If you rely heavily on logical, analytical thinking, you may struggle with this. It’s understandable to want to understand and control the process by seeking a set protocol or method to follow. However, spiritual connection is inherently relational, and it’s best to allow the relationship with God to unfold naturally.

I made a conscious decision to let go of my own agenda and simply ‘be’ in God’s presence, with no particular expectation of seeing or hearing anything specific. Every night before I go to sleep, I intentionally connect with God in the garden of my heart; surrounded by green pastures, beside quiet waters, with the Shepherd by my side. As I drift off to sleep, my spirit remains open and receptive to experiences in the heavenly realms, while my soul is restored as I rest securely in the Father’s embrace. When I wake, I may sometimes retain memories from my time in God’s presence. But if there are mornings when nothing comes to mind, that too is perfectly okay.

Key Takeaway

Find joy in spending time in God’s presence, and allow your relationship with Him to unfold naturally.

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308. Energy Systems Within Our Being

Mike Parsons

I wouldn’t want to deny the ‘righteous real’ of the energy gates within our being.

We have a blood system, a nervous system, a lymphatic system—systems that the body was created with, or has now, even if not in the original creation. I have no problem with there being an energy system, energy Gates within the core of our being—rivers of living water flowing from our innermost being. I’ve learned to activate those energy gates, and the abilities that God created us to have as sons of God, made in His image and likeness. So I have no issue with any of that. But it’s when it gets mixed with Eastern mythology and religion that the problem arises.

Of course, they believe in a kundalini spirit, a serpent-like energy that rests within the coils of the human spine and all of this stuff. They believe that through spiritual techniques, this energy stretches out and awakens to an awareness, leading to out-of-body experiences, physical sensations, hallucinations, and more. Some associate demonic oppression with the Kundalini, referring to it as a demonic entity linked to spiritual experiences. They criticise the charismatic movement for manifestations like holy laughter, drunkenness in the spirit, and being slain in the spirit, attributing these to the Kundalini Spirit. Others connect the Kundalini spirit with yoga, Eastern mysticism, Buddhist meditation, acupuncture, and similar practices.

While some of these things are neutral, I personally wouldn’t engage in practices like yoga or Eastern mysticism because I can engage with God without resorting to those methods. There’s a mixture of different views out there, some from Christians arguing against other Christians, warning about ‘new age’ practices. Just because these practices are associated with energy, chakras, or similar concepts doesn’t negate the possibility of a true reality, which is what I believe I’ve discovered.

God took me on a journey to understand that I am spirit, soul, and body—a unified being, whole. In my spirit, connected to heaven, flows the River of Life. At the core of my being, there’s an energy centre often described as the Merkabah, linking spirit, soul, body — and heaven. It’s a portal for travel and communication within me. I can be one with Heaven and Earth, and one with spirit, soul and body. Spirit, soul, and body are connected at the core of my being; the River of Life flows, energised through the Merkabah, focused into different energy gates.

I’ve activated these energy gates as needed—for creativity, discernment, and so on—learning to function in an energised state, doing what I see the Father doing. I don’t need more energy than necessary; I never run out because I have all I need for my designed purpose. I’ve lived through periods without needing food or sleep, drawing from a different energy source, but I also appreciate normal natural activities like eating and sleeping.

I live with a conscious awareness that I am energised and equipped for my calling. It’s become part of my unconscious, like breathing. However, the association of these concepts with Hinduism and other religions, and their terminology, can be a distraction. I don’t have a serpent or python spirit; I only have the Holy Spirit and my spirit working together. I’ve had out-of-body experiences, physical sensations, and visions, but not through Eastern practices. Some experiences, like laughter and drunkenness in the spirit, may be criticised and labelled as a Kundalini spirit, but I see them as positive, even if they never came close to what I now experience in encountering God face to face. They are no longer necessary as we grow in maturity.

God does such things to get our attention and draw us back to intimacy. Bob Jones prophesied about ‘Joel’s bartender’, emphasising the pouring out of the spirit to bring attention to intimacy.

We can live in a state of peace and rest, not needing external manifestations.

So, while I wouldn’t be afraid of it, I also wouldn’t choose to engage in Eastern mysticism, because I don’t need to. Instead, I believe in focusing on our relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit in intimacy.

Key takeaway

Don’t be fearful of Eastern mysticism, but you do not need to engage in it: focus on your relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit in intimacy.


288. Enoch’s Secret to Walking with God

Mike Parsons

Enoch’s ability to walk with God stemmed from Jesus creating a way for mankind to have a relationship with Him before the world’s foundation. Whilst Adam chose independence, not everyone followed suit, and Enoch’s attentive listening allowed him to walk with God in the spirit.

The path to the tree of life was not blocked by the angels. The fiery sword symbolises refining and purification; those who embrace the refining fire gain access to God. Enoch, choosing the fiery sword path, walked in the realms of Heaven, providing evidence that we do not need to die to function in heaven – in fact we are able to function in heavenly and earthly realms simultaneously.

This is very different to the man-made sacrificial system. It offers direct access through engaging with the fire of God’s presence, as demonstrated by Moses and the elders but rejected by the people of Israel. Before the cross, everyone was spiritually dead in Adam, but going through the fire allowed reconnection with the spirit, changing the dynamics of the relationship between Heaven and Earth.

Key points:

  1. Unobstructed Access to the Tree of Life: The path to the tree of life is not blocked by angels, that is a misconception.
  2. Fiery Sword Symbolism: The fiery sword represents refining and purification; those embracing the refining fire gain direct access to God.
  3. Enoch’s Heavenly Walk: Enoch’s choice of the fiery sword path shows that individuals can walk in heavenly realms without experiencing physical death, indicating the possibility of functioning simultaneously in heavenly and earthly realms.
  4. Transformation through the Fire: Going through the transforming fire of God’s presence contrasts with the man-made sacrificial system which was never effective.

Recent posts from Freedom ARC

286. Unconditional Love in Action
287. Unconditional Love, Grace, and the truth about salvation

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My Journey Beyond Beyond

by Mike Parsons

My Journey Beyond Beyond is Mike Parsons’ autobiographical record of deep calling to deep, the pursuit of intimacy with God.

This is a book for the Joshua Generation, not only to read but also to pass on to others to introduce them to the concept of operating in the realms of heaven as sons and heirs together with Jesus.

From the Introduction:

As I ponder where my journey began, I remember as a child dreaming of adventures, quests and exploits of derring-do, and being drawn to films and TV programmes like Robinson Crusoe, Thunderbirds, Stingray, Lawrence of Arabia, Forbidden Planet and Lost in Space. My first book was H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine, which resonated with the destiny God had agreed with my spirit in the before. That destiny was buried deep within my soul, hidden, but creating that splinter within my mind which sought to break free of the limitations of my mundane existence. I longed to go beyond the small Cornish town that framed my life but films and dreams were my only avenue.

God had wired me to be inquisitive, always curious about how things were made and how they worked. I often took things apart and, to my mother’s dismay, was unable to reassemble them. I loved to try to fix things that were broken, using my inbuilt ingenuity to solve problems with whatever was at my disposal.

I often went on adventures, sometimes with my friends but mostly on my own, and would come back with some treasure – usually a creature that I had captured to be added to my personal zoo.

Throughout my life, I have resonated with the mind-expanding possibilities of science fiction, Star Wars, Star Trek, the Marvel superhero universe comics and, more recently, films. I was stirred by the adventures of Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit as it was read to us in junior school and later as I explored the world of Middle-earth in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

God had placed within my soul the desire for adventure that longed to be outworked but only began to find expression when I discovered that I was included in God’s cosmic plan for the restoration of all things.

That deep-seated inspirational drive was at the heart of my quest for knowledge and a reality that always seemed just beyond my grasp. There was always something at the core of my being that knew there had to be more than this. “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for” are the lyrics of a U2 song that I resonated with for most of my life. When I first saw the movie The Matrix I discovered that the false and fabricated reality of religion had been pulled over my eyes. I was inspired to find the truth that had been obscured by the religious veil and willing to pay whatever the cost to discover what I had always known but had never been able to see. Thus began the quest for true reality, to discover what my destiny had always been looking for.

If I were God (fortunately I am not), the religious backwater of a small town in the far southwest of the United Kingdom would not have been my choice of place to begin the journey. My destiny and calling were to be a forerunner, therefore hindrances and obstacles often characterised the path I was destined to follow. All this was of God’s design, in order hopefully to inspire others that nothing is impossible with a God who often chooses the foolish things of this world…

In My Journey Beyond Beyond Mike shares about the restoration of a Father and son relationship, hearing the voice of God, seeing and travelling in the spirit; he explains how he began exploring supernatural dimensions to access the heavenlies, engaging with the angelic realms and legislating in the courts and assemblies of heaven. He tells his experience of integrating soul and spirit, deconstructing and renewing the mind, expanding consciousness and searching for quantum reality.

My Journey Beyond Beyond is available from online booksellers and high street bookstores worldwide.

Click here to find it on your local Amazon site.
If that link does not work for you, please search ‘My Journey Beyond Beyond’ on your chosen retailer’s website.
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Engaging God

Are you part of the Joshua Generation?

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Engaging God on the Heavenly Pathways of Relationship and Responsibility
Equipping a Joshua Generation of supernatural sons of God to live according to the order of Melchizedek

To find out more and get started today*, click here…

‘Engaging God’ is an interactive modular programme developed by Mike Parsons.

Through using it you will learn how to access God through Jesus who is the Way, Truth and Life, in the realms of heaven and within your own spirit and heart; and how to take up your responsibility as a mature son [daughter] in God’s kingdom.

Many people have had involuntary or ecstatic encounters or experiences where they have engaged God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and the realms of heaven in visions. Whether you have had such experiences yourself or not, through this programme you will learn to develop the ability to engage and re-engage those encounters at will, and to mature in outworking the revelation you receive from God on a daily basis.

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Pictures to share with you

Here are some pictures that I really like. I don’t necessarily want to say a lot about them, I’ll just share them with you.

Can you imagine the Lion up in heaven, going ‘What are they up to now?’. It’s a good thing God has a great sense of humour. Even when He corrects us, He does it with a smile on His face.

This next one was an advertisement for a conference, I think. It reminded me of a scripture: Hosea 11:10 They will walk after the LORD, He will roar like a lion; Indeed He will roar And His sons will come trembling…

13. Battle for Your Attention

Mike Parsons

What God wants is our worship.

It has nothing to do with singing songs, that is not what worship is – worship means obedience. It means that God wants us to be His people, who will do what He says and fulfil His purpose. It is described as service in Romans 12:1.

‘Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship’.

That is, giving our life to Him as an offering, surrendering our life daily to His will and purpose. That sacrifice is acceptable to God, it says, and it is your spiritual service and worship. ‘Spiritual service’ and ‘worship’ are the same Greek word, they mean the same thing. They mean that when we surrender to God, we become vessels fit for Him to use. But only if we do indeed surrender, and it is our choice: He gives us free choice to surrender to Him or not. And it is a daily choice, as Jesus said, daily to take up your cross, deny yourself and follow Him. It’s not something you just do once for all, you have to make that conscious decision daily.

And when we come together to worship, we need to release what is in us to fill the environment. We don’t come to suck it in, we come to let what is in us come out: the Presence of God in us.

Who are you going to serve?

But there is a battle going on for your attention, for your worship, and for your choice. Everything around you – the world, your flesh, the devil – everything is competing for your attention, for your worship, for your choice to say ‘yes’ to God on a daily basis. There is competition, there is battle, there is warfare. The question is, who are you going to serve – world, flesh, devil or God?

That is a choice we must make every day. Every day we need to come as a living sacrifice. Every day we need to say ‘Not my will, but Yours be done.’ Every day we need to say ‘I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in this body I live by faith in the Son of God’ (Gal 2:20). And not just faith in the Son of God, though that is what we start with: we become those who have the faith of the Son of God (Gal 2:20 KJV). We can do the same things Jesus did by faith; we can do the miracles that He did if we have that same degree of faith. So who are we going to serve? God is challenging us, He is challenging his church.

God is Love. That is His very nature. It was what caused Him to create the universe and to create every one of us. And Love wants the best; God wants the best for us, for each of us. He knows what the best is for each of us, that best is already written on a scroll, if you read Psalm 139 it says that He knew you before you were even born. Already on that scroll in heaven your whole life is set out, His will for your life, and He wants to reveal it to you. He wants you to know the best.

‘Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword’ (Matt 10:34).

God has plans for us

Now because God wants the best for us, He is not going to leave us as we are. He is not going to leave us in a mess. He is not going to leave us with all kinds of things going on in our lives that stop the best, that stop us being like Jesus. He is going to come with a sword, the sword of His Word, the sword of the Spirit, speaking the truth. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, so there is no other Way: He is going to bring the best. There is no other Truth, there is no other Life: it is the very best that God has got prepared for us. He has got plans for us.

Some of us may look at our lives and think, ‘Is that ever going to happen?’ That’s why He is coming as He is coming: to ensure that it does happen, to ensure that everything – every negative experience in our past – gets dealt with.

‘For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart’ (Heb 4:12). That is what has been taking place here. God has been challenging the thoughts and intentions of our hearts, asking what is our motive, why is it that we want to come and be touched by Him? Why do we want more of His Spirit? What is going on? Why is He drawing us? Well, it is because that sword of truth is coming to divide. It is going to show us what is in our hearts. It says in Jeremiah that the heart is deceitfully wicked, it can deceive us. So it needs purifying. God is coming to show us the truth, to purify and refine us, to create the best, to create the image of the glory of Jesus. He wants sons. That includes the ladies, it’s a generic term, He wants to reveal us to the world as His sons.

First of many sons

He sent Jesus as the first Son, who was the firstborn from the dead. He rose from the dead so that He could be the first of many sons, and we are all those sons, but we need to be transformed into that image of Jesus. So that we can be like Jesus, do the things that Jesus did, we need to be prepared.

Therefore we need to pay attention to what God has said. We need to pay attention to what God is doing, we need to listen, because He is saying to get ready. There are situations, obstacles, challenges coming that we need to be ready for. So let’s be prepared to see and to hear, in the realm of the kingdom of God. Prepared to act in obedience, to step out when He says to step out, even if it might cost us, still willing to step out. We have got to ‘be prepared to be prepared’. God is coming to prepare us, and we need to be prepared for the warfare that is coming. Prepared to be ambassadors for the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth, operating under another value system. We have got to be prepared to be revealed as sons, real sons of God, to take dominion and rule. Adam and Eve were given dominion of the earth and they lost it to Satan; but Jesus came and got it back, and now He wants us to administer it for Him. We have got to be prepared to bring heaven to earth, therefore we need to have access to heaven: we need to be able to access the realms of heaven in order to be able to bring them to earth.

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Engage with God like never before!

Engaging God on the Heavenly Pathways of Relationship and Responsibility
Equipping a Joshua Generation of supernatural sons of God to live according to the order of Melchizedek

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12. God in the Garden

Mike Parsons – 

There is a frequency of sound that is being released from heaven today: God’s voice. John 10:27 says, My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me.’ How many of you are hearing God’s voice? God wants you to hear his voice, and not just in big meetings or when someone’s speaking or when you are reading the Bible; He wants you to hear his voice all the time.

He is speaking all the time: that voice is coming out of heaven and it is the voice of revival, the voice of God calling his people to himself. Look at Ps 42:7, Deep calls to deep at the sound of your waterfalls. That sound from heaven is like a waterfall. It contains all the frequencies of sound. You need frequencies which flow; you need something to move you. Low frequencies vibrate and you can feel them go through you. It is possible to move a house off its foundations using low frequency sound, and that is nothing compared to the sound of God’s voice. God’s voice is powerful, he wants to release his voice so that we can hear it. We looked at this before in Rev 1:15-16: His voice was like the sound of many waters… out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword; and His face was like the sun shining in its strength.

God’s voice can sometimes be a voice of love. He comes to woo us, as we sing, drawing us close, letting his love surround us. When we have got to that place where we know the love of God, sometimes the sound of God’s voice changes and he comes to declare the truth.

The sound of revival is about a visitation of God.

Why is God coming the way he is coming in this revival? The answer is, because we are not doing what we should be doing. That is the bottom line. If we were manifesting the presence of God, the Spirit of God and the power of God that is in us, he wouldn’t need to come like that. When we come together, are we coming to receive, or are we coming to release? God wants us so connected with his presence on the inside of us, which is connected to heaven, that it is releasing the sound of heaven through us. ‘On earth as it is in heaven’: the sound of heaven, the light of heaven, the power of heaven would be released through us.

Over the years we know the church has become traditional and institutional and has stopped doing the things they did in the New Testament times. We have looked at how the church spiralled down and went into darkness in the Dark Ages, and how God has been restoring the church ever since, bringing it back to its intended glory, not just the glory of the former house, the New Testament church, but the glory of the latter house, the end-time church that is going to usher in Jesus’ return.

And that church is going to be far more glorious; but who is the church? We are. So who is going to be far more glorious? I said last time that Adam was glorious in the Garden of Eden. I could preach a whole message on the Garden of Eden but let me just pursue this a moment, I will try not to get too far off track…

The Garden of Eden was not the garden of God. Read it carefully and you will see the garden of God was in Eden, and he planted a garden east of Eden, and it was watered from the garden of God. The River of Life flowed from the garden of God into the Garden of Eden, then it came out in four streams that filled the earth.

The Tree of Life was present there and if Adam had eaten of the Tree of Life, his destiny would have been fully revealed to him. We can now eat from the Tree of Life, but not on earth, because the Garden of God went back into heaven after the fall. The River of Life went back into heaven. The Tree of Life went back into heaven. When it was on earth, heaven and earth overlapped and everything from heaven was flowing freely to earth. So God was able to walk with Adam in the cool of the day. He was walking in that place of intimacy and relationship. God breathed the eternal essence of his Spirit into man and he became a living soul, so we are spirit beings first and foremost – and Adam’s spirit was on the outside. He didn’t look the way we do now, he did have a body, but the glory of God clothed him on the outside. He shone. God is going to restore that.

God does not want to restore us to the level of the New Testament church, he wants to take us back to Adam and Eve – and then to mature us into the manifest sons they would have become. They were given a mandate to bring heaven to earth, to manifest heaven on earth, and they walked in intimacy with God and had a relationship with God which was way beyond what most of us have experienced. We are just beginning to experience that too, and God is going to restore it more and more.

God is shouting right now, he is calling HIS church. It belongs to him, it doesn’t belong to us. He sent his Son to die for the church, to establish it. God is calling to his church, he is coming to his church in this visitation, to prepare us. He wants our full attention fixed on Him. He doesn’t want us to be distracted, looking at the signs and wonders, only that they point to him. He doesn’t want us to be looking at the miracles and the healings, only that they point to him. Everything needs to point to him. When we fix our eyes upon him, we are we going to become like him. We will become like the one we behold, transformed from one degree of glory to another, one degree of being like him to another increased measure of being like him, being like the Son.

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The Restoration of All Things 2


From June 18th-21st 2020, Nancy CoenLindy Strong and Justin Paul Abraham joined Mike Parsons to present The Restoration of All Things 2 – Going Deeper live online.

God is restoring all things according to His original intent and purpose.

More than 30 hours of teaching, testimony, discussion and engagement with heaven!

Get the recordings set – 22 videos for £100 GBP (around $125 USD).

Stream or download mp4 videos and mp3 audios, plus pdf slides where available, all included in this price.

Engage with God like never before!

Engaging God on the Heavenly Pathways of Relationship and Responsibility
Equipping a Joshua Generation of supernatural sons of God to live according to the order of Melchizedek

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11. Authority, Power and Glory

Mike Parsons  

bright small sizeWe have to get ready and be prepared because the spiritual warfare which has been hidden is going to become more open and obvious. The meaning of the word ‘occult’ is just ‘hidden’ – spiritual warfare has been largely hidden in the western world – but as we have said before, soon the enemy’s schemes that are hidden are going to be exposed, and it is our light that is going to expose them.


If you go to Africa, or Brazil, or many places in the developing world where spiritual things are really open, you will see manifestations you would not see if we cast out a demon here. We may get a bit of screaming or wriggling, we do not get transformation into werewolves or snakes or other things; I am talking about actual physical transformation.

I ministered up in the Amazon jungle in Brazil, and we started praying for a girl who began to spin like a top, faster than was naturally possible. We couldn’t see her, she was spinning so fast. We were all amazed, thinking ‘What is this?’ But anyway, we told it to get out and it left (you really do not need to be frightened of this kind of thing because we have the authority in Jesus, and we have the power over demonic powers to cast them out in Jesus’ name).

I know many people who have ministered in Africa, who have seen stranger things than this. When Todd Bentley ministered there they had a big pit they called the ‘Snake Pit’ at the front, lined with people who ministered, and anyone who began to manifest in the meetings was put in that pit. I am not going to tell you what went on in there, it would blow most people’s minds. The open power of the demonic is common in those countries: witch doctors operate in those kinds of abilities, and they really can do things which western people cannot even conceive of.

Light is going to shine

Today it is hidden here, but it is going to become more open, because the light is going to shine brighter and brighter. The world may get darker and darker, but the light is going to shine. God is going to expose the darkness that is going on in this nation. Those things that are currently hidden will not be able to hide any longer when the light starts to really shine. And it is going to start to shine.

We will be casting demons out of people on the street and in the supermarket and in other public places because the power of God will expose the demonic. When you walk around in the power of God and the glory of God, and the Holy Spirit is so strong in you, you will bring conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment (John 16) and people cannot walk past you without either running or getting on their knees in repentance. That time is going to come: we must start resonating with the voice of God from heaven, start receiving that light, shining with that light, and operating in that light.

Adam was glorious in the Garden of Eden. I will go into this more next time: he didn’t look the way we do now, the glory of God clothed him on the outside. He shone. And God intends to restore that glory to us.

This post is also available in Spanish and French

Engage with God like never before!

Engaging God on the Heavenly Pathways of Relationship and Responsibility
Equipping a Joshua Generation of supernatural sons of God to live according to the order of Melchizedek

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Related articles from FreedomARC:

10. Nephilim: The Enemy Pollutes the Seed

Mike Parsons

Greek MS of the Book of Enoch
Greek MS of the Book of Enoch (fragment).

We have been looking at what Jesus said, that ‘As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man’ (Matt 24:37). How was it, then, in the days of Noah?

‘The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually’ (Gen 6:4-5).

So, there were Nephilim on the earth before the flood, and even after the flood. And can you imagine how terrible that was, that all the thoughts and intents of their hearts were evil continually? Why? Because they had been polluted, genetically changed. This was the enemy’s strategy in those days, to pollute the seed, to make the people on the earth genetically impure.

Hybrid offspring

I promised last time to say more about this. The Nephilim were the hybrid offspring of fallen angels and human women. This is how that came about: two hundred watcher angels were sent to earth to fulfil Lucifer’s role (he had been supposed to guard man and bring man into perfection). Those angels, then, were sent to guide and direct. But man started worshipping them and they fell. In falling, they took women for themselves, of humankind, and produced hybrids. These hybrids did not have human spirits, which has consequences for us today, as we will see. Now you may think that is pretty wild stuff, and so it is. But it says in Jude, ‘And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day, just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh…’ (Jude 6-7). You can read more about this in the Book of Enoch.

That is what happened to those angels, they are in eternal bonds because they went after strange flesh. But in mating with human women they created ‘mighty men’ (Gen 6:4). [‘Mating’ could allude to overshadowing or genetic manipulation of man and animals, as happened with Adam and Eve when they traded with Satan: they gave their DNA (seed) in return for knowledge apart from God (Gen 3:4-6) to produce the seed of Satan (Gen 3:15)].

Some of those offspring of fallen angels and women were the giants. And if you look at the myths and mythology of the ancient world, you will find stories about Hercules and people like that, who were supposedly the offspring of gods and humans. Those stories have a basis in fact, they are not just myth, and some of those things actually took place. They brought violence to the earth, and they were looking to wipe out mankind so that the Seed of Woman – Jesus – could not be born, and therefore Satan would win. But we know that that scheme was unsuccessful because God came and wiped out the earth with the flood.

After their kind

If you take how many people there were at the flood, at a very conservative estimate, using a population equation widely used and accepted to estimate population growth, there were around 17 billion people. That is far more than there are today. Now, when God made the world he decreed that all living things should reproduce ‘after their kind’. There was to be no cross-breeding.  And this is not ‘after their kind’ – angels were never intended to interact with man in this way. But they did. That is what Jude means by ‘strange flesh’. So the spirits of all those people, because they were genetically impure, were not human spirits.

Consider this now: the first generation of Nephilim were the offspring of those fallen angels who mated with women. That first generation of  Nephilim again mated with women, and their descendants were more Nephilim; but each generation had less of the ‘angelic’ DNA, if I can put it that way, so there were more of them but their powers were less.  Although the flood wiped out the Nephilim, those Nephilim spirits are still around – as I said, they were not human spirits, they were ‘unclean spirits’. They are what we call the demons today. They are still roaming the earth, there is nowhere they could go, because they are not human spirits. So there are large numbers of demonic spirits roaming around, looking to affect, influence and challenge man. And there are fallen angels looking to control them (and through them to control you and me).


Now this is pretty wild stuff, as I said, and it’s not the kind of thing you hear very much about. But we have to be ready, because those Nephilim spirits are here and more are going to return. Where do we think the information about genetic manipulation has come from? Surely not from God, since He expressly commands things only to reproduce after their own kind (Gen 1:1, 12, 21, 24, 25). Draw your own conclusions.

The enemy has not stopped trying to wipe out the seed. ‘As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man,’ so spiritual warfare is going to become more open, as we confront the power of the enemy and expose him.

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