327. Reflections on my Journey with God

Mike Parsons

My own journey and the experiences I have described to you over many years are just one example of what can happen, not something that everyone has to go through in the same way. Walk in relationship with the Father, and let Him set the agenda.

When I was fasting and engaging with God for the first time in 2010, I went through an exhaustive process of applying the blood of Jesus to the gateways of my soul, as I had heard Ian Clayton explain. It worked for me because of my disciplined nature, but I wouldn’t necessarily advise everyone to take that same approach. Instead, allow the Father to show you what He wants to deal with, and provide you with the right tools for that specific work. It’s about using the appropriate method for the job, rather than trying to force something that doesn’t fit.

Flexibility and responsiveness to the Holy Spirit are the key, not trying to impose a rigid, one-size-fits-all process. In something like Engaging God I can provide some resources, but nowadays I would advise letting the Father direct how they are applied in each person’s unique journey. Simply surrender as a living sacrifice, and allow Jesus, your High Priest, to prepare you. Keep walking in relationship with the Father, and let Him set the agenda. I have found that a formulaic, systematic approach is not the way God does things. Use the tools provided as the Spirit leads, not as a program to work through. Each person’s journey is unique, and the relational, responsive approach led by the Father is far more effective than trying to systematically fix ourselves. So be at rest and do not strive.

The finished work of the cross is indeed complete, but we may not always be fully aware of (or benefiting from) everything that Jesus accomplished. Transformation comes through the renewing of our minds, as we come to a deeper realisation of God’s amazing unconditional love, limitless grace, and triumphant mercy. That is what enables us to change, not because we have to in order to be acceptable to God, but because the revelation of what He has already done for us leads us into transformation.

The journey of restoration and wholeness is a relational one, and the pace at which it unfolds is relative to each person’s unique circumstances. Some may experience swift breakthroughs, while others who are deeply broken may need more time to fully trust God and allow Him access to the depths of their being. The key is to simply follow God’s lead, without setting your own agenda. Present yourself daily as a living sacrifice, and let Him guide you on the path He has for you. Resist the temptation to compare yourself to others or try to figure it all out through your own knowledge and strength. Trust Him, enjoy the journey, and allow Him to bring things to the surface when the time is right. This keeps the process relational and joyful, rather than heavy or burdensome.


I believe that God will lead you into the wholeness and restoration He has for you, at the pace that is perfect for your unique journey. The invitation is to rest in His love, walk closely with Him, and let Him do the work. When we do that, the transformation He desires to bring about in us can unfold in a positive and life-giving way.

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323. The Judgment Seat of Christ

Mike Parsons

Video summary

Some people may not fully live out their intended destiny, but encounter purification at the Judgment Seat of Christ, where that which is of lasting value is distinguished from what is not. The Lake of Fire symbolises purification rather than eternal damnation, a place of refining in God’s presence, not the end of the world or the fate of the devil and fallen angels. In context, it relates to the persecution faced by early Christians, particularly at the hands of non-believing Jews in Jerusalem.

Entering the realms of heaven involves engaging with the Father, who comforts and purifies. Regrets are addressed, tears are wiped away, and the scroll of your life is cleansed. This leads to an ongoing relationship marked by unfolding knowledge, truth and engagement as part of the cloud of witnesses.

I do not subscribe to the concept of Purgatory, but I do believe in the Judgment Seat. I have experienced it personally, engaging with my scroll under the fire of God’s scrutiny. However, there was no guilt, shame, or condemnation – only love and a process of addressing missed opportunities and wrong motives. Our sins are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, and every accusation against us is nullified. From God’s perspective, He always sees us as innocent, justified and righteous.

When we engage with God relationally, we begin to understand our true identity and undergo transformation through the renewal of our minds. I encourage you to spend time with the Father, seeking to discover the truth about Him and yourself. This understanding frees us from negative thoughts about our imperfections: perfection, to God, is simply being who He made us to be. It’s not about striving or achieving but about resting in our identity as His children.

Unconditional love and forgiveness are in God’s nature, freely given without the need for works or religious practices. As children of God, we already enjoy His love; and our Dad delights in us. Drawing nearer to God’s heart unveils the depth of His boundless love, liberating us from guilt and performance-driven mindsets. This freedom allows us to rest in our identity and embrace life fully.

Jesus promised complete joy, and left us His transcendent peace. He loves us without conditions, empowering us to love Him and others in return. The key is to allow Him to shower His love upon you, revealing it in ever-deeper ways, leading you into true freedom. The truth that you know will set you free: not mere intellectual knowledge but personal experience. Encountering the Truth embodied in Jesus renews our minds, enabling us to embrace our true selves, live abundantly, and flourish in every aspect of our being.

Key Takeaway

Perfection, from God’s perspective, is simply being who He made us to be.

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319. Face to Face with God

Mike Parsons

I am not against miracles, and God still does them: He works to bring people into a relationship with Him. I have experienced all sorts of amazing things, like rolling around on the floor and laughing, being translated in the Spirit and more. These experiences were part of my journey, part of my coming of age, or maturing; but they did not change me in any dimension compared to encountering God face to face.

I can do anything I see the Father doing, and if that’s a miracle or a healing, then that’s great. However, I wouldn’t do it just because I thought it was something I should do. I am only going to function out of what I know the Father’s heart is expressing. I will ask Him and be directed by Him on every occasion, rather than just doing something.

I am not trying to put you off ministering healing or other miracles to people. I would not say you need to do it as ‘gifts of the spirit’: your spirit is quite capable of operating in those things. Discernment comes through training our senses to experience how to see in the spiritual realm, and obviously I am not against engaging in the angelic realm or any of those activities. I just feel we have to be careful that we don’t create another mediatorial system which people need to enter God’s presence.

Let’s bring people directly to God and let them experience God for themselves: then they will find the power of His presence and His love transforming their lives. There is no need for a mediator or a third party. We have to be careful that we don’t become the third party that other people become dependent on.

The prophetic movement has created a “you need to come and have us prophesy over you” mentality, rather than teaching people how to prophesy themselves. We mystics need to teach people to be mystics, to be able to live in intimacy with the Father, to have an experience of Heaven and Earth. In that way they can demonstrate God’s power and love in that way to others by leading them into an experience of Him, rather than doing things for them.

There is a real a danger in mixing the covenants, and mixing what was in the transition (between the old and the new covenants, in the first century AD)  with what God wants for today: which is that Heaven is open, Jesus is the door; anyone can walk through that door at any time and experience God for themselves. Therefore they don’t need faith. Faith is the evidence of things not seen: I have seen God, therefore I don’t need faith. I experience Him. It’s His faith that I am living in, His faith in me. I live by the faith of the Son of God: who He says I am as a child of God. I don’t live by my faith in Him – that is all about works!
and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20 NRSVUE).
How much faith do I have? And some of the healing ministry, especially the Word of Faith movement, was about generating faith. I live in an awareness of my sonship; therefore I don’t need to have faith. All those people in Hebrews 11 died in faith, having not seen the promises. You don’t need faith when you have experience. When I encounter God, that experience brings a realisation of what is true. That generates faith, if you like; but in what is true, not how much faith I’ve got in something.
I live by the faith of the Son of God; I don’t live by my faith in Him – that is all about works!

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317. Leaving a Positive Light Deposit

Mike Parsons

If we were all just more cognizant of who we are, and aware of who we are – what our true identity is – and just enjoyed being us, I think we would find a lot of change begin to take place around us because of our light and joy. We leave a residue of that DNA and that light wherever we go. Whenever we speak and act in a place, that gets recorded within the fabric of the atoms, molecules and particles of that place; so when we walk in that place we leave a deposit of ourselves; that light does continue. So let’s make sure we are not miserable and leaving a miserable deposit in the place we have been in: moaning, complaining and grumbling over the fact that it isn’t as we want it to be. Let’s be positive, leave a deposit of activity in the realm of the spirit in that place which will continue until it has finished bringing about change and transformation.

I think that is the key. Jesus said “If you go into a place and they don’t receive you, shake the dust off your feet and leave.” People think that is so negative! And it wasn’t. That was such a positive statement. Because the dust was the rabbi’s dust, reflecting the rabbi’s teaching that they had received and were living. Therefore by shaking that dust off they were leaving a deposit of the truth and the life and the light in that place; so even though they might have rejected Jesus at that moment, they had a possibility of accepting and engaging because you’ve left a positive deposit, not “let’s bring down fire out of heaven and burn up that village.”

Some of them didn’t yet get it because they didn’t get the love dimension yet; and I think Jesus had to show them by his attitude even by being punished, being whipped and beaten and having a crown of thorns and all the terrible things that he went through getting to the cross, let alone on the cross itself. His response was still “Father, forgive them.” His response was still “look after my mum.” He was still thinking of others, he was still thinking about the world even while he was going through those things; and that’s what he taught his disciples. So when they then went through martyrdom or persecution – which he warned them was likely to happen in the next generation; both the religious and the political spirit being against them (both Israel and Rome) – they could do so with a smile. And even when they were crucified upside down, as some of them were, they still rejoiced because they saw it as an honour

We are leaving deposits of light and love and truth wherever we go. If people have found some joy or happiness in being around us because we weren’t miserable and we weren’t complaining and grumbling about the weather and everything else, but we were rejoicing and enjoying and always had something to be thankful for and grateful about, that leaves a deposit of life; and that will bring about change, even after we have left and are no longer there, because we have been there.

What have we left? It’s a good thing to think about. Wherever we have been in the last week, whether it be at work or in the supermarket or in the garden or in meeting people or out having fun or having a meal in a restaurant, did we leave a good deposit? Did we leave a good vibe, a good atmosphere – a rejoicing, peaceful atmosphere – or did we moan and complain and oh, the queue’s too long and we’re getting angry and annoyed and frustrated and all that? What have we left? What deposit have we left wherever we have been, and wherever we are going?

Think about it this week. Wherever you are going this week, whatever you are doing this week, what deposit of light are we leaving behind, of peace, of joy, in the fabric of the very place we have been to bring about that place being transformed? Or the people who are going to come into that place feel and sense something good about it because they pick up the light and that peace that we left there?

It is a good thing to think about isn’t it? Am I leaving rest and joy, and peace and love wherever I’m going? If people see you enjoying your grandchildren and having fun, you’ll leave that deposit with them and with where you’ve been enjoying them; that memory is there in that fabric of that place. It will be a joyful, happy place and other people who come there can still feel and sense it.

Russian scientists, recording light from our very DNA, are still recording it after we left1. I don’t know how they record it after we left, but they have obviously found a way of doing it. But actually it’s more than that! We are leaving more than just residual light, we are leaving a deposit of who we are in that place, and I think that’s what the world needs.

1. PDF download: THE TORSION FIELD AND THE AURA by Claude Swanson, Ph.D.

Key takeaway

Am I leaving a deposit of rest and joy, peace and love wherever I go?

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316. The Purpose of the Fire

Mike Parsons

God desires that we live in two realms simultaneously, just as Jesus did,
functioning in both earthly and heavenly realms.

[“I am reading from my book INTO THE DARK CLOUD, in which I describe the process I went through to enable that to begin to happen in my life . I hope it will encourage you to seek God for your own dark cloud experience.”]

I counsel you to open your heart and embrace the fire. The purpose of the fire is not to harm us, but to change and transform us: we need to be willing to embrace both the water and the fire. Some of us will experience different processes of transformation. If you go through a water transformation without needing the fire, so much the better. That was not my experience. I had to go through both water and fire, and the fire was instrumental in bringing about transformation in me.

The places of restriction in our lives are where preparation and transformation occur. Sometimes God tells us that in this season everything has to stop: our busy-ness and constant activity can hinder intimacy with Him. We are so focused on doing, doing, doing, that we do not take the time to simply be.

It is in those moments of being that God has the opportunity to speak to us, challenge us, and bring about change.

We can be so consumed with our activities that we never truly hear God’s voice. We may continue doing things because we think we are doing what God wants, but if we take time to listen, He is telling us to stop and move on

Who am I, if I am not doing any of the things I believe God wants me to do?
Do I still have value and worth?
Do I feel the same about myself, when I am not actively engaged, or when I am not ‘doing’ everything?

These are the questions God starts to raise when He places us in restrictive situations or dark clouds. It is in those moments that we have the time to reflect. Sometimes these seasons will feel like a dark night of the soul
because they involve intense experiences. That is why many people resist or fight against them: they do not understand what God is seeking to accomplish. They try to escape or avoid the process instead of embracing it.

I was like that. I fought it. At least, I certainly tried – for six weeks, and it was a miserable time.

I counsel you to open your heart and embrace the fire.

Key takeaway

Simply be. It is in those moments of being that God has the opportunity to speak to us, challenge us, and bring about change.

This video blog post is a final excerpt from Mike’s latest book, Into the Dark Cloud, out now.

314. Limiting Mindsets and Beliefs

Mike Parsons

This blog post is taken from my latest book, INTO THE DARK CLOUD. I’d like to recommend it to you, if you want to understand your life’s purpose, and if you’re willing to let God reveal your true self.

In this passage I examine why we cannot transform ourselves by self-effort.

Any aspects of our identities we have derived from external or earthly  perspectives will be challenged, especially our view of ourselves and any other limiting attitudes and beliefs. Such mindsets conceal who we really are as sons of God, made in His image. He will expose the lies and dispel the limitations, freeing us from the need to identify and remove them ourselves.

Naturally, our focus will always be on what we want to avoid.If you ask me not to think of a tree  I will inevitably think of a tree – in the very effort to not think of one!

Instead, we can allow the truth to transform us. True transformation occurs when we allow new ways of thinking to completely reshape our minds. Then the old ways fall away and there is no room for them. Even if they try to creep back in, we now see them as obvious lies, and wonder how we ever believed as we did.

We cannot try to transform ourselves through our own efforts. Instead, let us surrender ourselves as living sacrifices, and allow Jesus, our High Priest, to transform us. Embracing the soaking room is vital to this.

However, it is not only about removing the lies, but also about unveiling new truths and possibilities we would never have anticipated. I experienced extraordinary encounters even while I was still transitioning back and forth between heaven and earth, but there was a ceiling on my experiences because I was constantly shifting in and out. It was  quite a high ceiling: I was ruling on a mountain, seated on a throne, operating as a lord – but God wanted to take me to another level.

My soul was still wired to ‘need to know’ what was happening. It would not allow my spirit to remain engaged, without being aware itself. My spirit was tethered to my soul, hindering me from reaching the fullness of my potential and restricting me from realising possibilities that have since become a lifestyle. That is why the tethering needs to be severed.

Only when my soul and spirit were untethered, separated and then correctly reintegrated through quantum entanglement could I gain the ability to dwell in dual realms simultaneously. Previously, I was tethered to the earth realm, and my experience was restricted. Now, my soul is instantly quantum-connected to heaven and earth at the same time.

That is one example of those new truths and possibilities being unveiled.

Key takeaway

We cannot transform ourselves through our own efforts. Instead, we can allow Jesus, our High Priest, to transform us.

This blog post is an excerpt from Mike’s latest book, Into the Dark Cloud, out now.

313. The Eternal Record of Our Identity

Mike Parsons – 

The dance floor is where we begin to take on the image of sonship
by engaging with the character, nature and essence of God.

On the dance floor we get to know Father, Son and Spirit intimately,
experiencing their fragrance, frequency, and unique characteristics. They are indeed all God, but they also display distinct qualities that create a personal and intimate connection. Through engaging with each of them, we become intertwined with their light in a beautiful, transforming dance.

[This is an excerpt from my book, Into the Dark Cloud. If you are looking for transformation in an intimate relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit, this book is for you.]

On the dance floor of our hearts, we can engage with the eternal record of our identity, the song of all songs. This record describes who we are in God’s eyes.

I find great joy and delight as the light of God surrounds me and initiates transformation. I am being transfigured and transformed by the light, which effectively brings my two human strands of DNA into alignment with my third light strand, the one that carries my eternal record. I am being conformed to the image of who I truly am, my new creation self, aligning with the characteristics of God.

Through engaging with the nine characteristics of God I become aligned with His image, and this alignment profoundly impacts and changes me.

We can be immersed in the depths of the Father, Son and Spirit, taking us to a whole different level of connection. We can be clothed with Father, Son and Holy Spirit, with the armour of light, of righteousness, and the whole armour of God. Such experiences help us become who we truly are in Him.

The dance floor is not a one-size-fits-all formula that guarantees specific experiences at certain times. Rather, it is a journey that continually unfolds according to the seasons and circumstances of our lives. Sometimes we instantly connect with a revelation or experience, while at other times it may be released to us gradually.

We cannot impose a fixed timeline or try to rationalise everything cognitively. It is better simply to receive and allow the experiences to unfold in their proper season. Even if we do not fully comprehend what is happening in the moment, we can trust that deeper levels of revelation and transformation will be made available to us as we progress.

Experiencing God’s presence is not limited to a specific set of actions, reactions or sensations. Whether we see, feel, or sense anything, our spirits will receive what God imparts to us.

Key takeaway

We can begin to take on the image of sonship as we engage with the character, nature and essence of God.


311. Death Has No Hold Over Me

Mike Parsons

Through communion, death has no hold over me.
The wages of sin is death, and Jesus has already dealt with sin.
But if there are still remnants of death within me,
inherited through my generational lines and encoded in my DNA, they are still able to manifest.

I embrace the truth that Jesus is the living bread that came from heaven; by eating that bread, I will not die.

This is an excerpt from my latest book, Into the Dark Cloud. If you have ever wondered what Jesus meant when He said we could eat His flesh and not die, that is what I am writing about in this excerpt.

“I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. This is the bread which comes down out of heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread that came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread also which I will give for the life of the world is My flesh.” (John 6:48-51).

Jesus really did say “and not die.”

There are people who have not died and are still alive, hundreds and hundreds of years old. They are often called hermits, or ancient ones, and they are somewhat changed by the process of living that long with God.

I do not intend to die either; therefore I want everything in me removed that could cause me to do so. I take communion so that there is no death operating in me. The plan of God is not for us to die and go to heaven; it is for us to have age-enduring life, living from the Kingdom of God within us.

If we have unknowingly made a covenant with death,
believing that we can only truly experience heaven after we die, let us break those agreements and mindsets. We can encounter God face to face, now, and become transformed into His likeness. The death and resurrection of Jesus have already overcome death, so we do not need to die. Jesus died our death on the cross, so that we would not have to. Now, all of us who believe in Him have the life of God at work within us.

We have spiritualised it to avoid believing it.

Not dying does not simply refer to life after physical death, but to a life that transcends death in this age and for all ages to come.

The resurrection changed everything. Jesus made it possible for all of us to have a relationship with God and experience exactly the same quality of life that He has.

Key takeaways

Jesus really did say “and not die.”
His resurrection changed everything.

Into the Dark Cloud is now out in print, and can be ordered from all good booksellers worldwide. Or you can get the ebook delivered instantly right now!

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305. Desire, Discipline, Delight

Mike Parsons reads from his latest book, ‘Into the Dark Cloud’.

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Only the truth that you know will set you free. How are we going to know the truth? Not by reading someone else’s book or doing someone else’s course – not even mine! What that can do is stimulate us to find it for ourselves by engaging God, who will reveal the truth to each of us so that we can live in it.

Desire, discipline, delight

So when this book gets into some tough areas, please do not tune out, switch off or walk away. If it gets difficult, surrender to God. Again, I am not saying that you have to take my word for anything: be still and wait in rest, and see if He has something to say to you about it.

That was the process God took me through: learning to be still and wait in rest. For two years I had loved being still, waiting and resting; until He told me to, and then I could not do it anymore.

That sometimes happens because it challenges the whole dynamic of what works for us! Generally it is our soul becoming uncomfortable in facing what it needs to face.

I went through various stages and processes of transformation, such as dealing with trading floors in my own heart, its motivations, thoughts and intentions. It was not at all pleasant for my soul because I had to admit that I was not very nice in some ways, and that my motivation was often not entirely pure. It was not easy, but because I knew the love of God it enabled me to trust Him, so instead of becoming defensive, I learned to surrender.

It was horrible to think that I was really like that: that my motives really were driven by my soul’s need or desire. But I realised that God loved me anyway so I was able to let it go. If I had gone with my feelings I would have stopped right there and never made it through to transformation.

If you get to a crisis point, try not to back off. Personal desire and pursuit will take you through the discipline to the delight. Stick with it. It can require fortitude and discipline to press on through but when you come out on the other side, I can promise you it will have been worth it.

Key takeaway

Instead of becoming defensive, I learned to surrender.

Recent posts from Freedom ARC

304. Wrath is not the solution | PSA [2]
303. The Nature of God’s Love
302. Practice, practice, practice…
301. Trauma Response | How memories can control our emotions
Into the Dark Cloud
300. Be Transformed Through Intimacy. 
299. PSA Sounds Nothing Like Jesus! (Penal Substitutionary Atonement [1])

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301. Trauma Response | How memories can control our emotions

Mike Parsons

Emotions are a good servant and a bad master. The negative reactions we experience are often triggered by mindsets or neural pathways connected to memories. Predicting and controlling emotional responses can be difficult, but the restoration and healing of memories can lead to wholeness. Recognising our triggers and negative reactions is the first step, and in the Engaging God programme, I set out a process called Trauma to Transformation, exploring the roots of trauma with Jesus and the Father for healing.

When trauma surfaces, it provides an opportunity to explore its roots and understand why triggers occur for us. Walking through these memories with Jesus and the Father is a healing process, replacing neural pathways associated with trauma with pathways to the truth. This structured approach takes time but reduces the likelihood of repeated triggering. Meanwhile, in moments of overwhelming emotions, avoid condemnation or guilt. Turn to the Father, quickly re-centre yourself, and practise deep breathing to regain control until you can address the entire dynamic.

God wants to separate our soul and spirit, in order to properly reintegrate them. Our spirit does not need purifying as it has never been polluted; however, things we have done or had done to us can negatively impact our soul. When I go to sleep at night, I lie down in green pastures by quiet waters. I ask the Father to restore my soul, trusting Him as the Shepherd of my soul. I present myself as a living sacrifice, continually surrendered for Him to do whatever He wishes, and I respond when He reveals something. In this way, triggers can be dealt with, as the Father reveals their roots.

Several years ago, I faced an unexpectedly intense emotional response, which the Father revealed as stemming from childhood trauma from which I had completely dissociated. Rather than succumbing to the darkness, I chose to focus on finding peace and rest in the Father’s love. It took a few months, but over time He revealed and addressed the root cause and brought healing.

The sacrifice does not prepare itself; the high priest does. I offer myself to God daily, allowing Him to do as He pleases. I maintain my focus on Him, without pressuring Him to address my issues. I trust His guidance and surrender everything to Him, relying on His provision to renew my mind, heal my emotions, and restore me completely.

Key takeaway:

Focus on God, and allow Him to lead and guide the process. Trust in His love and provision for complete renewal in spirit, soul, and body.

Recent posts from Freedom ARC

300. Be Transformed Through Intimacy. 
299. PSA Sounds Nothing Like Jesus! (Penal Substitutionary Atonement [1])
298. Revealing the Function of the Earth Shield
297. Most people don’t want to know God – and I wouldn’t either!
290. Discovering the Reality of Salvation

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