327. Reflections on my Journey with God

Mike Parsons

My own journey and the experiences I have described to you over many years are just one example of what can happen, not something that everyone has to go through in the same way. Walk in relationship with the Father, and let Him set the agenda.

When I was fasting and engaging with God for the first time in 2010, I went through an exhaustive process of applying the blood of Jesus to the gateways of my soul, as I had heard Ian Clayton explain. It worked for me because of my disciplined nature, but I wouldn’t necessarily advise everyone to take that same approach. Instead, allow the Father to show you what He wants to deal with, and provide you with the right tools for that specific work. It’s about using the appropriate method for the job, rather than trying to force something that doesn’t fit.

Flexibility and responsiveness to the Holy Spirit are the key, not trying to impose a rigid, one-size-fits-all process. In something like Engaging God I can provide some resources, but nowadays I would advise letting the Father direct how they are applied in each person’s unique journey. Simply surrender as a living sacrifice, and allow Jesus, your High Priest, to prepare you. Keep walking in relationship with the Father, and let Him set the agenda. I have found that a formulaic, systematic approach is not the way God does things. Use the tools provided as the Spirit leads, not as a program to work through. Each person’s journey is unique, and the relational, responsive approach led by the Father is far more effective than trying to systematically fix ourselves. So be at rest and do not strive.

The finished work of the cross is indeed complete, but we may not always be fully aware of (or benefiting from) everything that Jesus accomplished. Transformation comes through the renewing of our minds, as we come to a deeper realisation of God’s amazing unconditional love, limitless grace, and triumphant mercy. That is what enables us to change, not because we have to in order to be acceptable to God, but because the revelation of what He has already done for us leads us into transformation.

The journey of restoration and wholeness is a relational one, and the pace at which it unfolds is relative to each person’s unique circumstances. Some may experience swift breakthroughs, while others who are deeply broken may need more time to fully trust God and allow Him access to the depths of their being. The key is to simply follow God’s lead, without setting your own agenda. Present yourself daily as a living sacrifice, and let Him guide you on the path He has for you. Resist the temptation to compare yourself to others or try to figure it all out through your own knowledge and strength. Trust Him, enjoy the journey, and allow Him to bring things to the surface when the time is right. This keeps the process relational and joyful, rather than heavy or burdensome.


I believe that God will lead you into the wholeness and restoration He has for you, at the pace that is perfect for your unique journey. The invitation is to rest in His love, walk closely with Him, and let Him do the work. When we do that, the transformation He desires to bring about in us can unfold in a positive and life-giving way.

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275. Separating and reintegrating soul and spirit (2)

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott – 

As I have described before, in the autumn and winter of 2011-2012 God instructed me to spend a month in the garden of my heart, followed by a month on the dance floor, a month in the soaking room and finally a month in the bridal chamber. I was to make a marriage contract and take it into the canopy of darkness, into the presence of the person of God, for consummation. This is how I came to engage the dark cloud of His presence, where the separation of my soul and spirit took place. Since I was to be joined to the Lord in marriage, self could no longer be the controlling principle of my life. I had to yield and surrender the essence of self.

If none of my dreams were realised,
If none of the prophecies ever came to pass,
If my destiny was never fulfilled:
Would I still love God?
Would I still trust God?
Would I still have love, joy and peace and live in rest?
Would I still be able to rejoice and give thanks?
Would God still be a good God?

God loves us and wants to restore us to original condition.
He wants to give us the fullness of His blessing.
He wants us to find our heavenly identity and position as sons.
He wants to release us into the fullness of authority as sons.

In that cloud it may feel dark, but there is a heart-shaped hole in the darkness that leads us to Him.

Between soul and spirit

Between our soul and spirit there may be familiar spirits, religious spirits, fears, disappointment, lies, doubts – all sitting there, hindering or blocking the flow. Within our soul gates there could be guilt and shame, wrong belief systems and mindsets. He wants to remove all those negative influences so that there is nothing hindering the flow of life from the inside out. We looked at this process in the previous post and I suggest you work through it before attempting to go any further. It may not be a quick fix, but it is worth spending the time on.

And once all those issues are dealt with, there remain connections which our soul may have made to our spirit, maybe even as a consequence of our redemptive gift and how God created us to be, but connections which have arisen from trying to operate in our own strength independently of Him or without the pure motivation of love, from the outside in. These are a short tether, preventing us from operating in heaven and on earth at the same time.

We need those connections to be severed and new connections made from our spirit gates to our soul gates, so that everything flows from the inside out. These new connections are a quantum tether, allowing us to operate in dual realms, flowing from heaven through our gateways into the earth around us.

Invite Jesus

We are going to invite Jesus, the living Word of God, the Truth, into a place within us between soul and spirit.

We are going to ask Jesus, the Truth, to reveal any umbilical cords from soul to spirit.

We are going to ask Jesus, as the living Word, like a sword, to divide our soul and spirit.

We are going to invite Jesus, the living Word, to untether our spirit from the soul and from being earthbound so that we can fly like the butterfly, soar like the eagle and live beyond the veil continually.

Then we are going to invite Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to make us whole by reintegrating our soul and spirit, by reconnecting our spirit and soul gates correctly, and by quantum entangling us to live in dual realms.

Our soul has wanted to be recognised for what we do. The soul has looked to provide for its own needs; we then look for affirmation, affection, approval from people for what we do, instead of just being who we are. I encourage you to embrace the transformation process, so you can become whole. The more we become transformed into the image of God as His children, the more authority and power will be released because we will be recognised by creation itself as the sons of God.

Jesus, we invite you as the living word of God, like a sword, to walk through our spirit gate of worship where we surrender to you.
Jesus, we invite you as the living word of God to engage the illegitimate soul ties to our spirit.

I choose to surrender my soul’s rights to you.
I choose to surrender any path I have followed from the DIY tree.
I choose to surrender all works of the soul to validate itself.

I choose to surrender my redemptive gift to you and I declare I will not use it for self-validation.
I ask that you untether me from being earthbound.

Consciously surrender all ties, connections from your soul to your spirit, and ask Him to sever and separate and untether your spirit from your soul.

I ask that you, the living word of God, sever any umbilical cord or ties in my soul that have fed off my spirit, that gives my soul power to live independently.
I ask you to untether and separate me from any ungodly tie connected to my redemptive gift.

I ask you, as the Prince of Peace, to reintegrate my soul and spirit from the inside out.
I ask that you would reconnect and quantum entangle my soul and spirit so that my spirit will be continually connected, that heaven can flow through me.

I ask you to reintegrate me and make me whole and reconnect my spirit to my soul correctly.
Connect my Fear of God gate and Reverence gate to my conscience,
My Hope gate to my imagination,
My Prayer gate to my mind,
Revelation gate to my reason,
Intuition gate to my emotions,
Faith gate to my will 
And Worship gate to my choice.

Let heaven flow through me as rivers of living water.
I ask you to quantum entangle my soul and spirit.
Let heaven flow through my being.

Engage heaven and stay there, dwell there with your spirit.
Shift only your consciousness back to the earthly realm;
Choose to dwell seated in the heavenly realms.

Note: this is the third post on this topic drawn from Mike’s teaching in the Sons Arise! Into the Dark Cloud intensive, the Sons Arise! Invested and Enthroned conference and our Engaging God subscription programme.

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Mike’s new book, ‘Engaging the Father’ is the first volume in the Sons Arise! series, due to be published on 7th June 2023.  You can (pre-)order the paperback from your favourite local or online bookshop or get the ebook NOW from our website.

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273. Sons Invested and Enthroned

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott – 

A sound from heaven

For several years now, the Father has been releasing a sound from heaven designed to connect to the deep desire within us all for both relationship and responsibility. It is represented within much of the music being performed by Christian musicians in recent times but it is not itself necessarily a sound audible to the natural ear. Some have heard it in the spirit and responded already, but that sound frequency continues to intensify, encouraging all His children to be spiritually open and sensitive and to resonate with it. Let it penetrate as deep calls to deep to awaken your sonship. As you become aware of it, learn to rest and relax in it, to be immersed in His presence in it and to resonate with His intention for your life as that is conveyed to you in the sound.

Revealed sons

The Father has been calling us as His children to come and take our places in heaven; to find and fulfil our heavenly roles so that we can bring heaven to earth through our lives. All His children have a destiny that involves our inheritance and birthright so that we can all be mature sons of God, revealed out of heaven into the earth. He is always giving us opportunity to come to Him to obtain a deeper revelation of our identity, position and authority.

All of us are seated in heavenly places in Christ (Eph 2:6), but few are actively functioning from that position. We are called to a new level of sonship, to access the assemblies and councils of heaven and take up our governmental roles. We can be involved in the decision-making of heavenly government. No-one ever told me that! I thought that God did all the heavenly part and that He would tell me what He wanted me to do on earth. But then He invited me into heaven and I discovered that I had a part to play in establishing things there as well as in outworking them on the earth. We get to be involved in the ‘as it is in heaven’; the more we get involved, the more authority we receive and the more responsibility we carry. The mantles are prepared and the scrolls are ready: all that is needed is for us to accept responsibility as sons and be willing to pursue maturity.

Sometimes we need the old ways to stop working before we will even begin considering the new ones. At that point it can seem like nothing is working while we learn how to operate in the new. If that is you, you are not alone. Right now, we are all learning that. We are all in a transition period between what we have been used to, an old way of doing things, and the new way God is revealing.

Creation is groaning

Investiture, succession, enthronement, coronation: God gave me those four words many years ago. They describe the process of a king coming into the fullness of his power and authority. We are invested with authority as sons of God but for there to be succession the old king has to either die or abdicate. The old king in this context is our soul, in the sense that it has been controlling our lives (which was never its intended purpose). Then we can take up our throne(s) in heaven (enthronement) and be recognised by creation as the sons we truly are (coronation).

Creation is groaning in its bondage to corruption and decay (Rom 8:22). That groan demands an answer and we, the sons of God, are the only ones who can supply it. We are called to administrate and oversee the fruitfulness and increase which come from the face-to-face restored innocence of relationship, not the decay and death which are the consequences of independence.

Living in dual realms

Living in dual realms is the key. At a certain point in my process, I became aware that although my soul and spirit were engaging heaven together daily in a visionary cognitive experience, I was still stepping in through the veil and stepping back out again each time; I was visiting but not inhabiting and living in dual realms. I spent two years going in and out of heaven every day, learning about thrones, mountains and courts and at the end of that God took me through a four month period which led to my surrender. I surrendered my soul’s right to rule in my life; my soul and spirit were separated and reintegrated; and from that experience in 2012 until now, my spirit has been in the realm of heaven and I have learned to connect with that realm and flow from it all the time.

That separation and reintegration of my soul and spirit took place when I entered into the dark cloud of His Presence. You can read what I have written before on this blog about my dark cloud experience but we will look at it again in coming posts. It was a difficult process for me, because a forerunner goes through extremes to establish a way which makes it easier for others who follow. Easier, not easy: it is never going to be easy because the soul has been ruling for most of our lives. Our surrender has to be genuine, and in order to count the cost and enter into it freely, we need to understand what the consequences are. He will be in the process with us and will walk us through it but He cannot do it for us, nor make us surrender against our will. We have to choose.

Pursue and choose

We can be proactive. God had to manoeuvre me into a position where I was faced with making the choice (one way or the other), but once you know the choice is there to be made, then you can choose when to make it. That is why I share about it and teach about it. You can pursue it if you want to. You can ask God to take you into the place where you can surrender and then learn to operate in dual realms. The process for you may be different than it was for me, but the principle will be the same: your soul needs to surrender. Whatever that looks like for you, your soul and spirit will be separated from the control the soul has on the spirit so that they can then be reconnected to flow from the inside out, the spirit to the soul, and not the outside in.

Will you accept God’s call and actively take your place of heavenly government? Your new covenant inheritance gives you access to an open heaven through the torn veil: do not let the veils of the old religious restrictions limit the full scope of your sonship. The call is not just to keep ascending but to dwell in dual realms, consistently functioning in heaven and on earth as responsible, mature sons. Until that happens, and new order ekklesias and embassies of heaven multiply on the earth, the true mountain of the house of the Lord will remain in the shadow of the religious systems of men.

Note: this post and the two which will follow it are drawn from Mike’s teaching in the Sons Arise! Into the Dark Cloud intensive, the Sons Arise! Invested and Enthroned conference and our Engaging God subscription programme.

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Mike’s new book, ‘Engaging the Father’ is the first volume in the Sons Arise! series, due to be published on 7th June 2023.  You can (pre-)order the paperback from your favourite local or online bookshop or get the ebook NOW from our website.

More info: eg.freedomarc.org/books

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220. Sacrifice, Transformation, Destiny – Redemptive Gifts (4)

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott

My redemptive gift (Romans 12:6-8) is how am I wired up or made that enables me to engage in the process of restoring creation (Rom 8:19-21).

We have seen that there are both positive and negative potential characteristics that go with each gift. Like me, perhaps you have been wondering why the negatives are there. So I asked God about it. I mean, from our point of view it would be much nicer if everything was just positive, wouldn’t it?

But He reminded me that it is through overcoming things that we mature and grow. That process teaches us to develop and maintain our dependence on Him, as we learn to trust Him and engage with Him. He is with us on that journey which brings us into the image of Christ. Adam was sinless when he was created, but he was not perfected – even if he had not sinned, he would still have needed to mature into the fullness of the stature of Christ (Ephesians 4:13).

We need each other’s gifts so that we learn not to act independently. Other people outworking their gift contribute to helping us outwork our gift, and in a culture of honour, we allow one another to speak into our lives, to encourage and to challenge. That helps us maintain our humility, and stops us being arrogant, or full of ourselves. When we are aware of our weaknesses it becomes very clear that it is not all about who we are, but rather about who God is in us.

Do not focus on the negative

We have looked at the principles and blessings associated with each gift, and at some of the other factors that can influence how our gift works in us. In this post and the next, we are going to look at some of the negatives but it is important to realise from the outset that we can overcome all these things with the virtues that God puts in us and with the blessings inherent in the gifts. Do not focus on the negative but take any issues to God and allow Him to transform you into the image of Jesus. Our series on ‘Transformation’ can help with this process.

Associated with each redemptive gift are:

  1. a demonic stronghold where the enemy looks to engage,
  2. a root of iniquity, and
  3. curses associated with the birthright.

Below is a table which sets those things out for you, and you may recognise some of them outworking in your life. I am not going to go into detail here, but as I said, please take any issues to God and ask Him to show you how you can be transformed so that they can be overcome.

Click on the image to download this table as a PDF

Note: Arthur Burk has gained a great deal of revelation on this and taught on it much more fully. If you want to go into this more, I would encourage you to seek out his treatment of Redemptive Gifts on YouTube and elsewhere.

Let our spirit rule

We must learn to let our spirit rule over our soul. For years, before we became Christians, our soul ruled. Often it still tries to do so and gets into a mess by trying to use things of the world to meet the needs that God placed in us.

Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden, a picture of intimate relationship. And so in the process of our journey with God, coming into our identity and destiny, we must walk it out relationally with God. He is with us in this process: we are not on our own. We don’t have to do it in our own strength: we do it by surrender.

And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me” (Luke 9:23). We can allow God to lead and direct us, through the power and victory of the cross, so that we can be like Jesus and outwork all that He has for us.

Sacrifice and surrender

We cannot get around the fact that maturity and transformation come through sacrifice and surrender. We might wish for an easier way, but there isn’t one. If we choose not to sacrifice and surrender to God and allow Him to work it out, then we continually fight against Him and we continually have problems with our soul.

I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me (Gal 2:20).

Jesus was our example. He loved us and He gave Himself up for us so that we can enter a relationship with Him. And He wants us to do the same – to give ourselves up for Him.

Let’s apply the victory of the cross to our lives, stop living independently, and stop living selfishly. God wants us to be in relationship with Him, which is why we have to go through a process in which our soul gets transformed and changed. This scripture was the basis for the ‘Transformation’ series, so we probably know it really well by now:

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect (Rom 12:1).

Right there, that is your destiny; that is your redemptive gift; that is your identity. It comes as you are transformed from the ways of nurture, nature and trauma that the world has imposed on you to come into what God says about you, and having your life operating in the good of that.

So the process is this: Sacrifice > Transformation > Destiny.

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209. The Right to Become Children of God

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott

God the Father sent Jesus to ‘redeem those who were in bondage to sin’, to buy us back from slavery. He set us free, but it does not stop there – we are adopted into His royal family, and become His heirs. In this family relationship, we find and enjoy acceptance, affection, affirmation, approval – and unlimited access to our Father, to Jesus, and to the Holy Spirit.

The right to become children of God

But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God (John 1:12).

Everyone reading this has the right to become a child of God. That is astonishing! Everything we have done in our past has been overcome because of Jesus’ death on the cross.

See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God (1 John 3:1)

We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him (1 John 4:16).

That word ‘know’ means ‘experience’. If God is love, and God is in us, then love is in us, and we can experience it for ourselves. In fact, we can live in it, every moment of every day.

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children (Rom 8:14).

Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God (Gal 4:7).

An inheritance for you

You are the son of a Father who has an inheritance for you. Not only that, but He has released that inheritance to you so that you can experience the fullness of that relationship. That relationship of intimacy in sonship is something He has always wanted and planned for each of us:

He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will (Eph 1:5).

Slaves and orphans struggle with the fear of trusting, and therefore live a life of independence. If we cannot trust anyone else, we will feel we are on their own. God does not want us to feel alone. If, because of that fear, we fail to fully grasp that we are sons, then there is no way we will act like sons either.

We may find it hard to trust because of past experience. We have all been hurt, all been damaged, all been let down by people. We may be afraid of being hurt, rejected, or disappointed.  We may suffer from fear of failure, or fear of losing control.

But losing control is the very thing we need to do. We need to surrender control to God, and trust Him to have our best interests at heart. We have to stop being independent and learn to trust Him as our Father. When we do, we embrace everything He has for us, because he will cause our destiny to be outworked in our lives.

A loving, affectionate Father

You see, the completed work of salvation does not make us slaves (servile followers of a tyrannical God). That is what religion presents, and it is the lie which leads astray so many people who would otherwise turn to God. No, this great salvation makes us sons (grateful children of a loving, affectionate Father). That is the difference between religion and relationship. Religion will always put us into bondage (the word ‘religion’ even comes from a Latin word meaning ‘bound up’), but relationship will bring us freedom.

To be liberated from slavery is wonderful. But to find that we have been adopted as a son and made a co-heir of the Father’s entire estate is absolutely astounding! If we were to fully understand what it is to have access to the wealth of our Father (and I’m really not talking about money), it would totally transform our lives. Because of our adoption, the nature of our whole relationship with God has radically changed. We are set free from that religious perception of God as a hard taskmaster just looking for every opportunity to punish us, a God we have to somehow try to appease by doing our good works (only to find that nothing we can do is ever quite good enough).

There is no punishment in store for us as His children, just love and acceptance, forgiveness, grace and mercy.

Reserved in heaven for you

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time (1 Peter 1:3-5).

I hope we all understand by now that ‘reserved in heaven for you’ does not mean that you have to wait until you die to go and enjoy it. Jesus has opened up heaven for us and we are seated there with Him: everything there is for us to discover, and we can walk in that inheritance as sons right now. And God is looking to reveal more and more of what it means to be sons, what it means to be part of His family, what it means to have a relationship with Him.

In the past, I have ministered to people who had been adopted, and they can struggle, in a natural sense. In spite of much love from their adoptive parents, they can still have a feeling of not belonging, of not fitting in (and especially if they come from a different country, race or colour). But when we experience adoption by God it is like we have found our eternal home, as if we have come back to how things should always have been. Because that is the reality of it.

Steal and kill and destroy

But (and it is a big ‘but’)…

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy… (John 10:10a AMP).

The accuser, the father of lies, wants to remind us of our past and our history in order to rob us of our present and our future. He wants to rob us of our adoptive inheritance and destroy our relationship with God. Yet Jesus said,

I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows) (John 10:10b AMP).

Who are we going to listen to? If we are smart, we will listen to Jesus and embrace the fullness of what the Father has destined and provided for us.

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SoundTrack: Identity in A (SML Music) – Engagement and meditation music composed and performed by Samuel Lane.

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202. Answer Creation’s Call

Mike Parsons
and Jeremy Westcott

For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God… For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now (Rom 8:19, 22).

The whole universe is groaning, waiting and calling us forth as his children, every one of us, God’s sons of light. Whether you know it or not, you are called to be a true son of the light, a fully matured son of God, in order to change and transform the whole universe in which we live. We are to bring everything back into the order God always intended from eternity past. That is how we are to answer creation’s call.

While you have the light, believe in the light, so that you may become sons of light (John 12:36).

You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We are not of the night, nor of darkness (1Thess 5:5).

Then the righteous shall shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear (Matt 13:43).

God wants us to hear what He is saying. There is a sound coming from heaven in these days, which is calling forth the children of God to be revealed on earth. It is calling us to be like Jesus, to say the things that Jesus would say and to do the things that Jesus did.

So that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe (Phil. 2:15).

God wants us to be shining like stars in the midst of all the darkness that there is in the world, so that we bring light and transform that darkness. The world is only dark because we are not bringing enough light. God wants to manifest His light through us. It is our destiny to restore light to the whole universe as revealed sons of God.

God wants to reveal us. He wants to show us off and to demonstrate who we are, because it will demonstrate who He is.


Everything Jesus did on the earth, He did as a man. He gave up His majesty and came to live among us. He was anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit to do everything that He did. Jesus did not do it as God. So we have no excuse.

If He had done it as God, we could legitimately say, ‘we cannot do that, because we are not God’. He did it as a man to show us what is possible for sons of God, operating in the power and authority of God’s kingdom. We are joint heirs with Christ. He conferred on us all the authority and power He had, and sent us out with it into the world. When we look and see what Jesus did, it should be our goal and our aim to do the same things (and greater).

What would Jesus do? It has become a catch phrase, but it is a good question. We can ask ourselves that question in our life, in our situation, in our workplace and in our home. But we do not have to stop at just reading about what Jesus did two thousand years ago and trying to work out what to do for ourselves:

Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something he sees the Father doing, for whatever the Father does, these things the Son does in like manner” (John 5:19).

Eyes on the Father

Jesus had his eyes on the Father. He lived in the realms of heaven and earth at the same time, all the time. He could see something happening on the earth, look into heaven and see what the Father was doing in that situation, and cooperate with it. That ability came out of the level of intimacy of relationship He had with His Father. The Father was in Him and He was in the Father. He lived that way as a man, and so can we; some of us are just beginning to grasp the reality of these things. But it will take a thorough reordering of our priorities, plenty of practice in developing our spiritual senses, and a radical transformation in us.

We are supposed to rule over and change some of the things we see happening. We are not to be under the circumstances but over them, because we come with a higher level of authority. We are called to bring heaven to earth, in us, through us and around us.

The gift of righteousness

…those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ (Rom 5:7b).

We must realise we have been made righteous. We receive righteousness, right standing before God, not because of what we have done, how good we are, how smart we are or any of those things. It is a gift, and because of that gift we can reign in life.

To reign is to have authority over and to rule. It is to administer the existing laws and to enact new ones where they are needed. But to handle that kind of power and authority we will need to be wholly submitted to God and know that He has made us righteous.

For I say to you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5:20).

That is a challenging statement and much misunderstood. On the surface the scribes and Pharisees looked really good. They tried to keep the external provisions of the law, but in reality God was not interested in what they looked like on the outside, but rather what was going on inside them and motivating their hearts. Were they doing the will of God or were they doing things for their own selfish gain and purposes?


Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in your name perform many miracles. Then I will declare to them, I never knew you, depart from me, you who practice lawlessness (Matt. 7:21-22).

If He did not know them, that means they were not intimate with Him. That is how they came to be doing things for their own motives, which is what ‘lawlessness’ means. We can do good things for our own motives and completely miss out on God’s best for us. Jesus had no agenda of His own, but only did the Father’s will.

God is not fooled. He is always looking on the inside rather than the outside. He knows our hearts. He knows what is motivating us and why we do what we do. We can fool each other by behaving in a particular way so that we fit in and are accepted. If we are trying to hide from God what is going on inside us, it will hinder us from being intimate with Him. He knows who we are and what we are. He knows who He created us to be. He knows all the work that still needs to be done to make us like Jesus.  Knowing all these things, He loves us anyway.

We do not need to try to pretend or hide. If we are open, honest and vulnerable with God, He is not going to punish us. But because He loves us too much to allow us to stay where we are, He will transform us. We need to own and acknowledge where we are so that He can take us to where He wants us to be. Let us be real with God. Let us be intimate with Him and not hide from Him any longer through fear.

The whole world is looking at us, ambassadors of heaven, and seeing if we produce good fruit. Good fruit comes from the motivation of our spirit, not our soul. Where is our motive rooted, in our spirit or our soul? When we are living in intimacy with Him, when we are joined to the Lord and one spirit with Him (see 1 Cor 6:7), then we can bring heaven to earth as we reign in life.

And be revealed as the sons the whole creation is longing for.

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Night Moon In Big Space image courtesy of nuttakit at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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180. Divine Nature Assimilated

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott  

For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Heb 4:12).

The deepest level of transformation is the dividing or separating of soul and spirit, bone and marrow: at the genetic level, in our very DNA.

A record of past generations

We each get half our genes from our mother and half from our father, just as they got half each from their parents, back and back generation upon generation. Therefore we all carry a record of our past generations back to Adam and Eve. Only about 2% of our DNA is coded for our physical appearance and characteristics, and 98% used to be considered ‘junk’, because scientists couldn’t figure out what it was for. But it has been found that DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body, but also serves as data storage and in communication.

Programming DNA

Russian scientists have found that the genetic code, especially in the ‘junk’ 98%, follows the same rules as all our human languages. By exposing DNA to sound frequency patterns on a laser beam, they were able to influence both the DNA frequency and the genetic information itself. Living DNA substance will react to language programmed on modulated laser rays and even to radio waves. By applying sound vibration and language through light the human body can be programmed by language, words and thoughts.

It seems that depression, grief, sadness, anger, negativity and unforgiveness can actually program our DNA to produce sickness and disease in our cells, whilst praise, joy, peace and forgiveness can program it to produce healing, health and wholeness.
Could it be that anointed prayer and laying-on of hands release frequencies that can repair, restore and reprogram our DNA, resonating and vibrating with heat and power? People have been healed during worship services, as their DNA responded to the sounds of heaven.

Faith words

We can apply faith words to change and call things back into wholeness. Matter is never destroyed, but just changes form, so something that once was can be called back into existence. Lost limbs, for example… And we know of the opposite effect too, instances in which tumours have dissipated on command. Could we direct things to change form? Jesus changed water into wine.

If you mix God’s grace (divine enabling strings of power that exist in the fabric of all our beings, at a sub-atomic quantum level) with faith filled words of agreement, that will produce a charge of anointing power.

Genetic triggers

We need to resonate at a frequency that can change things at a DNA genetic level. In that 98% of DNA, there are latent switches waiting to be triggered – by nurture, trauma, the environment, sin, or generational behaviours. We know that some conditions run in families, though not all members of the family may exhibit them. That is because these genetic switches turn on or off certain genes, giving individuals a predisposition to:

  • Disease – heart, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, liver, kidney etc.
  • Poor mental health – depression etc.
  • Addictions – alcohol, chemicals, food, sexual
  • Behaviours – sexuality, criminality, religious, occult

It is not that genetic factors waiting for triggers are any excuse for licence. We know that God always makes a way to escape from temptation, so we are all responsible for our own behaviour. Rather, it is that God desires to transform our lives if we will cooperate with Him. Perhaps we should consider just what we want to pass on to our children.


There is a solution. It is called ‘repentance’ (which, as we know by now, really has nothing to do with ‘saying sorry’ and everything to do with choosing to come into line with how God thinks and speaks about us). We can be transformed from these genetic factors and conformed to the image and DNA of God; we can be restored to wholeness. We can apply the power of encountering God’s DNA in communion.

Supernatural abilities

There may also be triggers for God-like latent abilities or other supernatural abilities, already contained within our DNA. As we surrender ourselves wholly to Him, God may ‘turn on’ certain abilities that have been lost.

So the enemy counterfeits real abilities that Jesus demonstrated? We should not allow that to put us off demonstrating the authentic. Again, the secular world have picked up on these things, so you see plenty of books, films and TV series about characters who actively use ESP and telepathy, can fly, become invisible, teleport, heal, or manipulate matter. Although they may be presented as science fiction, these things have a basis in fact. Most Christians lag far behind the followers of the occult and the New Age in demonstrating supernatural abilities, because we have been warned off and told ‘you can’t touch that’.

This needs to change, and soon. I want to be able to do everything that Jesus did. If He could disappear from one place and reappear in another, I want to do that. If He could walk through a crowd of people who were trying to throw Him off a cliff – imagine what that was like – I want to do that. If Jesus was able to walk on water, turn water into wine, multiply food, and do healing miracles, I want to do that.

Jesus levitated into the air when He went back into heaven. Levitation? Surely that’s really dodgy stuff! Yes it is, when it’s done by occult practitioners. Not when done by Jesus. So what about if it’s done by us? There may be need for some of these abilities in the things that are coming. And what are the ‘greater things’ that Jesus spoke of in John 14:12?

The visible spectrum

I believe Adam could see more than we can see with our natural eyes. He had trans-dimensional vision: he could see into the realms of heaven, but he lost that bandwidth perception at the fall. Yet more was lost at the flood, after which the rainbow formed of only seven colours, and at the Tower of Babel, where God took away the ability to move things with sound.

spectre visible
By Philip Ronan, Gringer – File:EM spectrum.svg and File:Linear visible spectrum.svg, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=24746679

We can only see a very small proportion of all the colours that exist. If we took the seven keys on a piano to stand for the seven colours in the spectrum of visible light, then a keyboard with all the wavelengths of invisible light would stretch to the moon.

The spiritual realm operates in a bandwidth we cannot see. But I believe Adam could see it, and that God intends us to see it. He wants us restored to original condition. DNA transformation occurs in us when the divine nature is assimilated. He wants us to be like Him, and to be revealed as His sons.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified (Rom 8:28-30).

Search me thoroughly, O God

Abilities latent within our DNA can be triggered by an encounter with the living God.

On the other hand, negative characteristics latent within our DNA can be triggered by iniquity, allowing the enemy access. If sickness and disease, weaknesses and patterns of bondage are lying in wait in my DNA, I want them transformed before they have the chance to be triggered.

Search me thoroughly, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way (Psa 139:23-24).

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[Thanks to Ian Clayton who first suggested that DNA might stand for ‘Divine Nature Assimilated’, and RNA for ‘Revealed Nature Achieved’.]

DNA Restoration Process video by Adam Butterick 

DNA restoration
Click on the image to view video. (External link to vimeo.com opens in a new tab)

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174. Iniquity, Transgression and Sin

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott

Sold into slavery.

The human race was traded or sold into slavery by Adam and Eve: slavery to sin and with it, a sense of separation from God. It set a pattern. Joseph and Israel were sold into slavery in Egypt, and Israel and Judah were sold into slavery in Babylon, because people turned away from God and followed their own way. David expressed it like this:

Behold, I was shaped in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me (Psalm 51:5).

The good news is that Jesus, the second Adam, brought redemption and reconciliation for all mankind. No-one needs to feel separated from God any longer.

God’s Living Word

For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analysing and judging the very thoughts, motives and purposes of the heart (Heb 4:12 AMP).

There are three areas where God’s living word is active in us as He brings about transformation:

  • soul and spirit (identifying what is of the flesh and what of the spirit)
  • the joints and marrow, the deepest parts of our nature
  • the thoughts, motives and purposes of the heart

Search me

Search me thoroughly, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way (Ps 139:23-24).

God uses the trials we face to bring things to the surface so that we can see them and deal with them in our lives.

Iniquity, transgression and sin

And the LORD passed before him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation” (Exodus 34:7, emphasis mine).

What happens in our lives can affect future generations, and what has happened in past generations can affect us.

Three provide government

Iniquity, transgression and sin are three different concepts. They all come from worldly, natural and demonic wisdom, three things which will provide government in our lives unless we deal with them. Heavenly wisdom brings God’s government by three things from the Spirit (righteousness, peace and joy), three things from the Son (the Way, Truth and Life) and three from the Father (judgment, justice and grace).

When Adam and Eve were created, they had spirit, soul and body, with the spirit on the outside. God was intimately involved with them, but He gave them free will. He asked them to follow the pathway of the tree of life, leading to life, peace and joy. But satan came from the outside and gave them another choice, the broad pathway of the knowledge of good and evil, which would lead to death.


Break the cycle

Adam and Eve chose the broad pathway that leads to death. Adam’s transgression was a cause of sin. The effect was the curse. As they continued in that, it developed into sin nature, which they passed on. That resulted in more transgression and set patterns of iniquity – which then caused more transgression.

Iniquity (the motive of things in us) creates sin (desire) which forms transgression, which then leads to more iniquity (see diagram at the head of this post).

In Christ, God has given us the power to break out of this cycle, and we must do so, not only for our own sake but for the sake of our generations to come.


Here are some dictionary definitions:

  • Wilfully doing something you know to be wrong
  • Wilfully not doing something you know to be right
  • Violation of a law, command or duty
  • Rebellion or revolt

Hebrew: a wilful deviation from, and therefore rebellion against, the path of godly living.
Greek: to go beyond, overstepping the limits.

‘Who will set me free?’

Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the offense of Adam … So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, For as through the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners (Rom 5:14, 18-19).

And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest (Eph 2:1b-3).

But God so loved the world – the Greek word is ‘cosmos’, so no-one is left out – that He sent His only-begotten Son (John 3:16), to deal with all these things so that we could become free; so that we could recognise and live from the nature which He created us in, the image of Jesus.

Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? (Rom 7:24).

How many of us have felt that way? Here is the answer:

Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death (Rom 8:1-2).

In Christ, the condemnation that was passed down from Adam is removed. A higher law has set us free from sin and death.

Sin nature

We have probably all heard that to sin is to miss the mark, to fail to achieve the standard God has set (and when this series first appeared in 2012 I taught that myself). Strong’s Dictionary gives this definition, based on a traditional understanding of Romans 3:23: H2403 (Sins): an offense. Sinning is anything that comes short of the glory of God.

But in the New Testament the most common word for sin is hamartia, a noun (the sin) not a verb (to sin). ‘The sin’ in question is the sin of Adam, following the DIY path of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Religion focuses on behaviour – what we do wrong – but Jesus did not come to deal with our individual actions as much as He came to deal
with the issue at the root of our actions.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom 6:23).

The wages of sin is death. When Jesus overcame death, He defeated the power of sin in our lives. We are not of Adam’s line but of Jesus’, the second Adam. It is not that our behaviour is unimportant, but that it can only be changed by transformation from the inside out, when we recognise our true identity in Christ, and not from the imposition of external religious rules or even principles.

Jesus is the answer

Altogether in the scriptures there are 12 Hebrew words and 5 Greek words for sin, falling into 7 basic categories:

  1. Deliberate act against a known law of God – 1 John 3:4 – external
  2. A mental consent to temptation or sinful desire – coveting, lusting – Matt 5:27-28, Rom 7:7-8 – internal
  3. Unbelief – rejecting biblical truth – Rom 14:23
  4. Neglect of known duties or opportunities – James 4:17
  5. Doing the wrong things out of ignorance – Lev 5:17-19 Luke 12:48
  6. Our sinful natures, inherited from Adam – Ps 51:5, Rom 5:19-20
  7. A law, principle or constant force dwelling in our sinful nature that enslaves us – Rom 7:14, 20-23

Four involve guilt through choice, one through ignorance, and the last 2 involve condemnation through inheritance (Rom 5:19, Eph 2:3, 1 Cor 15:50). But through His death and resurrection Jesus has done everything necessary to deal with whatever the accuser tries to bring against us. He has made us alive (Eph 2:5) and we can make a new choice to follow the pathway of the Tree of Life, which leads to peace and joy. So –

  • Iniquity?
  • Transgression?
  • Sin?

– whatever the question, Jesus is always the answer. His death and resurrection enables us to break free from our past and into the future He created us to have and enjoy. We all share in the victory of the cross and in resurrection life.

 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive (1 Cor 15:22).

Two make an arc

Forgiveness and cleansing are two, making an arc which opens the third: the window of power which rests on our lives, enabling us to deal with those internal processes which have bound us to crooked behaviours.

We need to lay hold of forgiveness (and live in the good of it), so that we can be cleansed and then transformed.

…knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:18-19).

Consider yourselves dead

We have been bought back (redeemed) from slavery and exile into relationship with God. When we are baptised in Christ, we are baptised into what he did on the cross, and we reckon ourselves dead. That deals with the sinful nature.

Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? (Rom 6:3).

Knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; for he who has died is freed from sin (Rom 6:6-7)

Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts, and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God (Rom 6:11-13, emphasis mine).

Jesus did it, we consider it every day.


I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which [Christ and] I now live in the flesh [Christ and] I live by faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me (Gal 2:20).

We can deal with:

  • Transgression or sins – they are cleansed and forgiven through the blood of Jesus.
  • Sin nature – we count ourselves dead through the cross and the death of Jesus.
  • Iniquity (we will see more in future posts – by engaging with the finished work of Christ through DNA transformation in communion; through separation, through divorce courts in heaven; and through seraphim fire).

A daily choice

It is a daily choice and we have free will to decide. What path will we follow?

“If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me” (Matt 16:24; Mark 8:34).

We choose daily surrender, allowing God to lead, guide and direct us. We take one step, one day at a time. We find fresh mercies which empower us to live a life of godliness, to demonstrate God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, and enable us to fulfil our destiny in God.

We choose life.

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172. Seven Trading Floors – Trading (2)

Mike and Deb Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott 

No Condemnation

We are going to be looking at some difficult subjects in this post. Please do not get drawn into feelings of guilt and condemnation because of anything we write here. Let’s be sure to remember that there is no condemnation for us. The Holy Spirit will certainly bring conviction of sin where sin exists; but we can repent (that is, stop thinking about ourselves [and how we act] according to our own understanding, change our minds and see ourselves the way God does instead), turn from it and renounce it, receive forgiveness and look for transformation.

Ungodly trading

Adam and Eve traded with the accuser and gave their DNA for position and power to be like God (humanism, rationalism). That inclination to ungodly trading was passed on to each one of us.

Whenever we do not seek first God’s kingdom we are trading for ourselves; seeking to be gods of our own lives (just what Adam and Eve were offered). Esau traded his birthright for a bowl of stew, and we trade today on things that are coming tomorrow.

We even need to consider for whose benefit we are doing ministry: the approval of man is temporal, not eternal. In Matthew 6 Jesus spoke about practising righteousness before men, drawing attention to our giving, fasting and praying: there is nothing wrong with these activities except the motive.

Anything we do should be for God, for His glory, not for us. Jesus introduced a new standard, based not on external adherence but on heart motive. Anger equals murder, lust equals adultery; love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you:

“For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matt 5:20).

If our righteousness does not bring glory to God it is not righteousness at all.

Earthly, natural, demonic wisdom

This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing (James 3:15-16)

What source of wisdom influences, motivates and directs our decisions?

  • Whenever we seek to use our own knowledge as opposed to God’s we are falsely trading.
  • Whenever we use a substitute instead of God’s provision we are falsely trading.
  • Whenever the motives of our heart are selfish we are falsely trading

This gives access to the demonic world to influence and affect us, to restrict us and take away our inheritance.

Trading floors

When I first came to teach on this subject, I knew I could not do so without having gone through it in my own life, but I kept putting it off. Ian Clayton was a forerunner in this, and he took 8 months to work through it in his own life. In the end, I did it in three weeks, because I was part way through teaching this series already and I was running out of time. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I had to recognise how I had been meeting my own needs in my own way, and deal with the reasons for this in my heart.

There are at least seven ungodly trading floors I have recognised. I went through every one of them, asking God on each one how and where I had traded on them. God showed me in detail, and emotionally it was really difficult to deal with it.

Then I needed to outwork my repentance. I asked God to sharpen my conscience so that I would stop if I found myself going down that route again. I have found that with perseverance, it is possible to take captive the thoughts, to recognize the whispers, before I even get on that pathway.

Seven floors

I will just say a few words about each of the trading floors here, but if you would like to work through them in your own life, you may find it helpful to download the full Trading Floors document which you can find here: Negative Trading Floors – Mike Parsons

1.Tyre – money, materialism.

The King of Tyre ransacked and robbed God’s temple, using the gold to build a trading city for his own glory and gain.

This is often about money taken from God and used for our own purposes. This includes areas such as offerings, gambling, financial cheating and debt.

2. Jezebel – manipulation, control, domination, witchcraft

Jezebel was the daughter of Ichbaal (the King of Tyre), who married the King of Israel to gain control of the religious system.

This covers issues such as the use of emotions, politics, sexual wiles, bribery or blackmail, and using substances to alter how we feel.

3. Athaliah – kingly seed

Athaliah was Jezebel’s daughter (or by some accounts, sister-in-law). She married the king of Judah and tried to control the future seed by killing all the possible heirs. She used the political system to usurp authority, and became the only queen Judah ever had.

Poor self-image, believing lies and familiar spirits, and masonic involvement all belong to this trading floor.

The King of Tyre, Jezebel and Athalia were all Baal worshippers – involved in idolatry, the cult of fertility, sensuality and child sacrifice.

4. Cain – murder

Cain was the son of satan, serpent seed, who murdered Abel his half-brother because of jealousy and the nature he inherited from satan.

This is not only physical attacks, but any kind of anger, character assassination, accusations, and selfishness.

5. Delilah – seduction

She offered pleasure and gratification, seducing Samson in order to rob him of his destiny.

This trading floor is where we find people living in a fantasy (especially romantic or sexual), finding ways to gain (or hang on to) acceptance, approval, or affirmation; and a lust for money, power or influence.

6. Leviathan – gossip, lies, deception

A demonic sea creature, a twister.

This is about lying or cheating to make others think better of you; half-truths; self-promotion, looking to impress, gossip… and what are you sharing on Facebook?

7. Apollyon – opposes the gospel

A fallen angel who opposes preaching of the gospel.

Whenever we have watered down the gospel of the kingdom, offered a cheap salvation gospel, been involved with false cults, been ruled by fear or embarrassment, or failed to share the full truth of the gospel for any reason, we have traded on this floor.

But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman’s hand (Ezek 33:6).

What should we do?

None of this is easy to admit to when we discover it in our lives. But the truth is, we all have it, and plenty of it. It is keeping us from what God has for us. He wants us to come into His glory, but that is impossible with all this in place. We need to get rid of it!

We must be ruthlessly honest about our past, not covering up or pretending. It is really hard to face the horrible things we have done, but the reality is that unless we do we will not be free of them.

Remember that God loves us. His love is a canopy over us, which gives us a safe place to deal with these things. Remember all the things I wrote in the first paragraph of this post. There is no condemnation for us.

This is not easy, but because forerunners have already gone there, they have made it a little less difficult for us (and our doing it will make it a little less difficult for those who follow us). We must:

  • own our past trading and motives
  • confess our trading as sin
  • seek revelation about any family trading that may influence us (we will look at this more fully in a future post on iniquity).

We may find it useful to use this diagram that we have seen before:

Event reactions2

We can use the court system in heaven. The mobile court is a very effective place to deal with all this:

  • Accept the accusation and receive God’s judgment for our own and our family’s trading
  • Repent and renounce false trading (be very specific)
  • Be separated from false trading
  • Invite God to activate our ‘reverence’ and ‘fear of God’ spiritual gates, so that our ‘conscience’ gate will be sensitive and activated.

Armed with this revelation and experience, in future we may recognise when we are going down the route towards negative trading. The earlier we can catch ourselves (or hear the Holy Spirit’s warning) and turn around, the better. We really want to get to the point where our conscience kicks in right away, so that negative trading is no longer even an option for us.

This is all part of the process of renewing our mind so that we can be transformed into the image of Jesus.

Courtroom Prayer

Before using this prayer, I recommend you work through a section (or even just a few lines) of the full Trading Floors document for yourself, so that you can be very specific about each trading floor, and how you have traded on it.

Father, I thank you that you love me
And that your kingdom is based on righteousness and justice.

By faith I step into the court of accusation.
I face my accusers and I accept and agree that I have wrongly traded.

I accept that I have followed the pathway of the knowledge of good and evil
I accept that I have been influenced and motivated
By earthly, natural and demonic wisdom.
I stand here representing myself and my forefathers, identifying with them.

I repent of and renounce all false trading for myself and my forefathers
(be very specific here about what trading you have recognised).

I receive the judgment of God
And I am justified and made righteous through my advocate, Jesus.
I release the judgment of God against my adversaries and accusers.
I receive a mandate to be separated from all false trading.

I step back into this realm
With the authority to identify and reject
All demonic, natural and earthly influences and motives.

I choose to be identified as your son
Walking in the light
Following heavenly wisdom on the earth.

Next Post: Godly Trading Floors
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171. Information for Elevation – Trading (1)

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott – 

The deception we are living in

We find it hard to judge ourselves. We are used to thinking the way we do, used to meeting our own needs in our own ways. But God will go deeper, revealing and judging the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. By revelation of His word and His Spirit He will show us the reality of our motives.

Search me thoroughly, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way (Psalm 139:23-24).

The difference between how we see ourselves and how God sees us is the deception we are living in.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil


Our motives are formed by past experience and decisions, in our own lives and in those of our ancestors. Our hearts bear the record of previous generational blood line decisions, and we may have been programmed through generational patterns of iniquity. These in turn form patterns within our hearts.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the pathway and source of all self. Its roots are sourced from satan’s trading, ‘I will ascend, I will be like God’. Trading is a pathway we follow when we seek to meet our own need. The fruit of this tree is always shiny on the outside, but it is death to us. If we could see beneath the attractive skin, see the rottenness and poison within, we would never fall for satan’s seductive lies.

Trading is exchange. It is based on the desires of our hearts, which are corrupted by sin in our nature, from Adam onwards. All sinful trading is rooted in the heart’s desire to be like God. Satan’s was the first negative trade, before time began. The first negative trade on earth was between satan and Adam and Eve: he offered them something and they gave him something in return.

The covering cherub

Over the ark of the covenant were two cherubim with wings outstretched, covering the revelation that came from the Presence of God. When they released their wings, the light of that revelation shone onto the stones that covered their body, and was reflected out into the created order.

Lucifer (one of the covering cherubs, who would become satan) gained revelation of God’s plan and purposes, and saw that the future destiny of the universe was not to be subject to him and the angels, but was assigned to mankind. He traded on that information to lead a third of the angels in rebellion, seeking to stop the outworking of God’s plan (see Ezekiel 28). He traded for future position.

Adam and Eve

Now that he is cast out of heaven, he can no longer see into God’s plans. But because he knew God’s plan for Man, Adam and Eve became his target as soon as they were created.

He came to them in the garden (Gen 3:1-7), and began by twisting God’s words, creating doubt about God in their hearts (Adam was standing right there with Eve throughout this whole scene). Eve responded by adding something of her own – ‘or touch it’ – to what God had actually said, and he moved on to an outright lie – ‘You will not surely die’. He offered them a pathway to fulfil their own destiny apart from God: ungodly, corrupted wisdom, ‘You will be like God, knowing good and evil’.

As soon as they accepted the offer, they began to follow their own source of supply and provision, sewing fig leaves together to make a covering. And Man has been covering himself with religious self-effort ever since.


The trade of information for elevation, that you can know and be like God, is the root of all humanism (elevated human capacity) and rationalism (elevated human reasoning).

Meeting our needs

God has put in us a need for acceptance and love; a need for affection, value and worth; for approval and significance; affirmation, for identity and purpose; security, safety and provision. All these needs He intends to meet Himself, through our relationship with Him. Any attempt on our part to use another source or method is trading on demonic trading floors: offering something in exchange for the meeting of a need.

Nothing good can come from this pathway. All pathways of the knowledge of good and evil produce death, even the ‘good’ ones. They substitute happiness for joy, satisfaction for fulfilment, leisure for peace, good causes for destiny; things which may appear really attractive, may make us feel good, but on this pathway they all lead to death.

Trading floors are demonic substitutes for God’s provision. They offer a perverted altar on which to sacrifice. There may be generational patterns drawing us into these trades, and familiar spirits which activate and operate them. They come with strings attached, putting us into bondage to sin and death.

When we take the pathway of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; when we opt for a shortcut to gratification, success, money, position, influence or power; when we derive our identity from performance, work or ministry, we are trading.

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world (1 John 2:16).

The temptation of Jesus

Satan’s temptation of Jesus was an example of how he tries to lure us into this (Matt 4:3-10). He cast doubt on what God had said, twisting God’s word and taking it out of context; and tried to get Jesus to meet His own needs apart from God’s provision. Jesus’ answer was ‘it is written’. Unlike Eve, He added nothing to what God said.

When he took Jesus to a high mountain (it was not in this earthly realm – there is no physical mountain from which you can see all the kingdoms of the world), he showed Him His own inheritance, and offered Him a shortcut, bypassing the cross. Jesus’ reply?, ‘Go, satan’ (we need to say the same to the whispers in our head), ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’ To serve ourselves is to follow satan’s pathway.

It is quite challenging when we start to consider the thoughts and motives of our hearts.

Jesus passed this test and went out in the power of the Spirit, working miracles and destroying the works of the evil one. Had He succumbed to any of these temptations, He would never have been able to do the works of the kingdom, and would never have been able to go to the cross. Satan will make us similar offers, often through the familiar spirits assigned to our lives.

Ruthlessly honest

Let’s present ourselves to God for examination, and examine ourselves regularly. Let’s be ruthlessly honest about our past, remembering that He loves each one of us. Let’s own our past trading and motives, confess our trading as sin, and seek revelation about family trading so that we can confess and deal with that too.

Father I thank you that You have made a way
For me to access your heavenly presence
By faith I step in through the veil of Jesus, through the way of the cross
Jesus, my high priest, I present myself to you in surrender as a living sacrifice

I submit to the authority of the living word in my life
I step through the veil of truth into the Holy Place
I stand in the light of your truth

I ask you to search me
Reveal my blind self to me
Show me the hidden motives of my heart
Show me where I have followed the pathway
Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

Show me where I have accepted satan’s deceptions
Reveal where I have followed earthly, natural or demonic wisdom
To meet my own needs

Show me where I have traded
By taking the shortcut to gratification
Through success, money, position, influence or power

Show me where I received my identity
From performance, work or ministry

Show me where I have formed relationships
To meet my own needs
For love, acceptance, affirmation and approval

Show me where I have sought to meet my own needs
Through humanism and rationalism
Following the forbidden pathway of self

I submit and surrender my life
To following the pathway of the tree of life as my source
I commit myself to a lifestyle of repentance for all negative trading
I repent of the patterns of sin in my heart

I commit myself to a lifestyle of renunciation of all negative trading
I renounce my sin where I have followed the pathway
Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
As my way of life
I renounce all my defence, coping and survival mechanisms

Give me revelation of my true identity as a son of God
Give me a heart secure in its identity
Renew my mind to the mind of Christ
Meet all my unmet needs in yourself
Heal all my unhealed hurts
Restore my soul to original condition

I receive your unconditional love,
Acceptance, affirmation, and approval
From the source of the tree of life
I stand transparent naked and unafraid before you
I hear you say ‘I see you and I love you’
I receive your value, esteem and worth

I choose to follow the pathway
That leads to my source, the tree of life, Jesus

I step back into this realm to walk in the ways of your kingdom
Manifest your glory through me on earth as it is in heaven
So I will fulfil my eternal destiny

Next Post: Seven Trading Floors – Trading (2)

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