335. Resonating Truth

Mike Parsons

There are certain frequencies and certain materials that have the ability to resonate and produce sounds, which in themselves carry something of God’s creational intention. We also have the ability to use sounds as a carrier wave for our intention. It’s like your intention is carried on a wave of sound to impart into something else.

You see this in all sorts of technological contexts. Sound waves and light waves, for example, can carry information. Fibre optics carry lots of information within light. They are now replacing and upgrading copper wire communication systems with fibre optics, which is essentially a different way of facilitating communication. I believe this is a picture of what happens spiritually in terms of communication and knowledge, which comes through relationships. It’s not just intellectual information; it is experience. You ‘know that you know’ what you’ve experienced.

Using sound waves as carrier waves, you don’t just have someone telling you about something; you experience it yourself. That experience brings about a resonance, an agreement, a vibrational energy. When something is brought close to the truth, it is entrained to vibrate at the same frequency, coming into agreement with the truth. The more time we spend close to the heart of God, the more we align with His heart, resonating with Him. When we speak, our voice resonates with His authority because we resonate His intention, not our own. Ultimately, our intention and His intention become one. As it says in Corinthians, “Whoever is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.” We just need to be close enough to be joined, become one, to be in union. This is crucial in terms of frequency, harmony, and vibration.

Technological metaphors for spiritual communication help us understand these concepts. God is light, spirit, love, and a consuming fire. Other descriptions of what God is like are figurative, helping us understand from a human perspective. God is light, and God is love; therefore light and love are synonymous terms. The light of love and love’s light are about the nature of light, which carries the ability to create. It is the foundational building block of all reality, forming reality when possibilities collapse into realities.

Right now, there are billions of possibilities for what we will do, say, or where we will go next. If we keep choosing realities from our past experiences, we replicate the same life. However, if we choose realities based on what we see in God’s heart for us, we start to produce a different life, one aligned with who we really are.

We need to learn how to resonate in harmony with God and His frequency. Then, we will be creative, and light will respond to us as it does to God. We need to make sure to be in tune with God’s heart so our choices align with His, and we don’t act independently, doing our own thing.