288. Enoch’s Secret to Walking with God

Mike Parsons

Enoch’s ability to walk with God stemmed from Jesus creating a way for mankind to have a relationship with Him before the world’s foundation. Whilst Adam chose independence, not everyone followed suit, and Enoch’s attentive listening allowed him to walk with God in the spirit.

The path to the tree of life was not blocked by the angels. The fiery sword symbolises refining and purification; those who embrace the refining fire gain access to God. Enoch, choosing the fiery sword path, walked in the realms of Heaven, providing evidence that we do not need to die to function in heaven – in fact we are able to function in heavenly and earthly realms simultaneously.

This is very different to the man-made sacrificial system. It offers direct access through engaging with the fire of God’s presence, as demonstrated by Moses and the elders but rejected by the people of Israel. Before the cross, everyone was spiritually dead in Adam, but going through the fire allowed reconnection with the spirit, changing the dynamics of the relationship between Heaven and Earth.

Key points:

  1. Unobstructed Access to the Tree of Life: The path to the tree of life is not blocked by angels, that is a misconception.
  2. Fiery Sword Symbolism: The fiery sword represents refining and purification; those embracing the refining fire gain direct access to God.
  3. Enoch’s Heavenly Walk: Enoch’s choice of the fiery sword path shows that individuals can walk in heavenly realms without experiencing physical death, indicating the possibility of functioning simultaneously in heavenly and earthly realms.
  4. Transformation through the Fire: Going through the transforming fire of God’s presence contrasts with the man-made sacrificial system which was never effective.

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Author: Freedom ARC

Freedom Apostolic Resource Centre, Barnstaple, UK.