327. Reflections on my Journey with God

Mike Parsons

My own journey and the experiences I have described to you over many years are just one example of what can happen, not something that everyone has to go through in the same way. Walk in relationship with the Father, and let Him set the agenda.

When I was fasting and engaging with God for the first time in 2010, I went through an exhaustive process of applying the blood of Jesus to the gateways of my soul, as I had heard Ian Clayton explain. It worked for me because of my disciplined nature, but I wouldn’t necessarily advise everyone to take that same approach. Instead, allow the Father to show you what He wants to deal with, and provide you with the right tools for that specific work. It’s about using the appropriate method for the job, rather than trying to force something that doesn’t fit.

Flexibility and responsiveness to the Holy Spirit are the key, not trying to impose a rigid, one-size-fits-all process. In something like Engaging God I can provide some resources, but nowadays I would advise letting the Father direct how they are applied in each person’s unique journey. Simply surrender as a living sacrifice, and allow Jesus, your High Priest, to prepare you. Keep walking in relationship with the Father, and let Him set the agenda. I have found that a formulaic, systematic approach is not the way God does things. Use the tools provided as the Spirit leads, not as a program to work through. Each person’s journey is unique, and the relational, responsive approach led by the Father is far more effective than trying to systematically fix ourselves. So be at rest and do not strive.

The finished work of the cross is indeed complete, but we may not always be fully aware of (or benefiting from) everything that Jesus accomplished. Transformation comes through the renewing of our minds, as we come to a deeper realisation of God’s amazing unconditional love, limitless grace, and triumphant mercy. That is what enables us to change, not because we have to in order to be acceptable to God, but because the revelation of what He has already done for us leads us into transformation.

The journey of restoration and wholeness is a relational one, and the pace at which it unfolds is relative to each person’s unique circumstances. Some may experience swift breakthroughs, while others who are deeply broken may need more time to fully trust God and allow Him access to the depths of their being. The key is to simply follow God’s lead, without setting your own agenda. Present yourself daily as a living sacrifice, and let Him guide you on the path He has for you. Resist the temptation to compare yourself to others or try to figure it all out through your own knowledge and strength. Trust Him, enjoy the journey, and allow Him to bring things to the surface when the time is right. This keeps the process relational and joyful, rather than heavy or burdensome.


I believe that God will lead you into the wholeness and restoration He has for you, at the pace that is perfect for your unique journey. The invitation is to rest in His love, walk closely with Him, and let Him do the work. When we do that, the transformation He desires to bring about in us can unfold in a positive and life-giving way.

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326. The Power of Confessing Your Beliefs

Mike Parsons

‘Confession’ is not just saying the words. Anyone can say “I am immortal” but that has no value if you do not truly believe it in the depths of your being. Your confessions have to be an overflow of what you already know to be 100% true – not something you are trying to convince yourself of.

When Jesus said that those who eat his flesh and drink his blood will not die, he was speaking of physical, not just spiritual, death (look at John 6:58). But this truth has been largely lost and spiritualised over the past 2,000 years. Religious leaders have instead reinforced the inevitability of physical death, often misinterpreting passages like Hebrews 9:27.

The reality is that Jesus has already conquered death, and we are called to live in the victory of that finished work. But most Christians have bought into the mindset that death is just a “promotion” to heaven – an unavoidable part of life that we have to accept. We need a complete mindset shift to align ourselves with the truth of our immortality. This isn’t just a mental or spiritual concept – it has to manifest in our physical bodies as well. We pursue wholeness and health, believing that God wants us healed and restored; when we live in that reality of health, we no longer need healing, because sickness and disease will have no hold on us. And if we do not get sick, we will not die. Immortality is the truth that has been brought to light through the gospel (see 2 Timothy 1:10), but a truth that most people have lived in darkness about.

The passage of time is no longer a threat, but an opportunity to fully walk out the eternal life that is ours in Christ. We do not have to fear aging or death, but can confidently press forward, knowing that our bodies will be transfigured and empowered to function in ways beyond our current understanding.


The key is aligning our confessions and our mindsets with the reality that Jesus has already accomplished, not trying to make something true that was not true before, but declaring and living out the truth of our immortality. When we do that, we will begin to see the power of the resurrection working in our mortal bodies, bringing them into the fullness of eternal life.

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324. Complete Salvation in Christ

Mike Parsons

The Finished Work of Christ

  • The finished work of Christ has accomplished everything necessary for our complete salvation. There is nothing else to be done.
  • All the promises and covenants of God are fully and completely fulfilled in Jesus. There is nothing and no one else who could complete or fulfil them.
  • We are all included in Jesus and have received life through him, just as all died in Adam.

The Universality of Salvation

  • As in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. All have received life, though not everyone is aware of this reality yet.
  • The ministry of believers is to help people understand this amazing inclusion and reality that all have been given life in Christ.

The Universality of Sin

  • The Bible verse “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) is often used to tell people they are not good enough and need God.
  • The reality is that all have outworked their lost identity, which is short of the glory God intended for us.

Justification by Grace

  • The ‘all’ who have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (in Romans 3:23) are “justified as a gift by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24).
  • This means that all who have sinned (which is everyone) have also been justified, not by their own merit, but as a free gift of God’s grace through Christ’s redemption.

The Universality of Justification

  • The “all” who have sinned are the same “all” who have been justified. There is a universality to both the problem of sin and the solution of justification.
  • Romans 5:18  states that just as condemnation came to all through one man’s transgression (Adam), so also justification of life has come to all through one act of righteousness (Christ).
  • The condemnation referred to here is not eternal punishment, but the state of living in lost identity apart from God, and the consequences that brings. 

Jesus’ Authority over All Mankind

  • According to John 17:2, Jesus is given authority over all mankind, so that he may give eternal life to all whom the Father has given him.

Eternal Life for All Mankind

  • In John 17:2-3, Jesus states that eternal life is to know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom God has sent.
  • God has given Jesus authority over all mankind: the same “all” who were condemned in their lost identity and the same “all” who would be made righteous and justified.
  • Some may try to separate the “all” to whom Jesus has authority over, and the “all” to whom he gives eternal life. That is illogical. The same “all” applies to both – Jesus has authority over all mankind, and he will give eternal life to all whom the Father has given him.

The Supremacy of Christ

  • Colossians 1:15-20 speaks of the supremacy of Christ, and that all things were created through him and for him.
  • Note again the inclusive nature of the “all” – nothing is left out, as all things have been created through Christ and hold together in him.
  • And it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Christ, and through him to reconcile ‘all things’ to himself, whether on earth or in heaven.

The Universality of Reconciliation

  • Christ has reconciled all things, not just people, but everything that he created.
  • This reinforces the universal scope of Christ’s work: he has reconciled all of creation to the Father through the blood of his cross.

The Universality of Christ’s Work

  • John 1:7 – Jesus came as a witness to testify about the light, so that all might believe through him.
  • John 1:16 – Of Christ’s fullness, we have all received grace upon grace.
  • John 3:35 – The Father loves the Son and has placed all things in his hands.
  • John 5:28 – A time is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice.

The Reconciliation of All Things

  • In John 12:32, Jesus says that when he is lifted up on the cross, he will draw all people to himself.
  • “All” does not leave anyone out, and there are many instances of the word “all” used throughout the teachings of Jesus and the Scriptures.

The Fulfillment of the Law

  • In Matthew 5:18, Jesus states that not the smallest letter or stroke of the law will pass away until all is accomplished.
  • The “heaven and earth” referred to in this verse represent the old covenant system, which was fulfilled; and it passed away when the temple was destroyed in AD 70.

Key Takeaway

All has been accomplished through the finished work of Christ; there is nothing left to be done for the full and complete salvation not only of mankind but of all creation.

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288. Enoch’s Secret to Walking with God

Mike Parsons

Enoch’s ability to walk with God stemmed from Jesus creating a way for mankind to have a relationship with Him before the world’s foundation. Whilst Adam chose independence, not everyone followed suit, and Enoch’s attentive listening allowed him to walk with God in the spirit.

The path to the tree of life was not blocked by the angels. The fiery sword symbolises refining and purification; those who embrace the refining fire gain access to God. Enoch, choosing the fiery sword path, walked in the realms of Heaven, providing evidence that we do not need to die to function in heaven – in fact we are able to function in heavenly and earthly realms simultaneously.

This is very different to the man-made sacrificial system. It offers direct access through engaging with the fire of God’s presence, as demonstrated by Moses and the elders but rejected by the people of Israel. Before the cross, everyone was spiritually dead in Adam, but going through the fire allowed reconnection with the spirit, changing the dynamics of the relationship between Heaven and Earth.

Key points:

  1. Unobstructed Access to the Tree of Life: The path to the tree of life is not blocked by angels, that is a misconception.
  2. Fiery Sword Symbolism: The fiery sword represents refining and purification; those embracing the refining fire gain direct access to God.
  3. Enoch’s Heavenly Walk: Enoch’s choice of the fiery sword path shows that individuals can walk in heavenly realms without experiencing physical death, indicating the possibility of functioning simultaneously in heavenly and earthly realms.
  4. Transformation through the Fire: Going through the transforming fire of God’s presence contrasts with the man-made sacrificial system which was never effective.

Recent posts from Freedom ARC

286. Unconditional Love in Action
287. Unconditional Love, Grace, and the truth about salvation

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