332. Embracing Multi-Dimensional Living

Mike Parsons – 

So the Father said to me, “It’s time for true reality in multi-dimensional living, so you can fully enjoy the bliss of rest from your labours by learning to just be.” Now, I could meditate, and I did meditate on that for a long time, but I still didn’t get it. I didn’t get what He was trying to say. But I never give up; I just treasure things in my heart, and I got the fact that it would be blissful to be at rest. I didn’t quite understand what my labour of learning was, but I discovered that all the things I learned to do by engaging Heaven were labouring to enter that rest of being, to just be.


The Father went on, “I have shielded you from the knowledge of what you are as a nonlinear, multi-dimensional being.” That is important because if I had known, I would have tried to do it or figure out how I could do it, and that’s not possible in my own strength. So He hid from me some of the knowledge of what I was doing in a nonlinear, multi-dimensional way and what I was accomplishing in the spiritual realms by giving me small glimpses that provided limited understanding, which began to expand my belief system and my consciousness to accept more that was coming.

He said, “I will take the blinkers off your mind so your consciousness can expand to take in multi-dimensional reality, so you can truly appreciate your capacity as a mature son of God.” I believe God can do this for all of us. This is the immortal quality of our lives. God was trying to show me that I was not limited to what I could see or feel or operate in a one-dimensional way of thinking. This was a process; it didn’t just happen all at once. When God said that, I began to embrace my desire to encounter it. Through meditating and embracing it, I eventually became aware of who I was. That happened as an experience, built on all that God promised was going to come, which I treasured.

I began to brood over it, and it began to become pregnant within me. Eventually, it was brought to birth. That’s the sort of process God does in my life. He says something I don’t get; I meditate on it, and it begins to grow and form. And eventually, it comes to birth.

Quantum moments

What happened in that moment? I began to become aware of what I am doing at higher levels of consciousness in an expanded state of reality. Now, that sounds weird and a bit ‘out there’, but that’s the only way I can describe it. My mind expanded to begin to perceive what I was capable of being in multiple places, at multiple times, doing multiple things. I wrote, “I am, therefore I exist in manifoldness like my Dad, in nonlinear quantum moments that are the fulfilment of my destiny.” (A quantum moment is a particle of time, the smallest particle of time that can be. It’s not a second followed by another second. Within that moment, all moments exist, and therefore you can live from a perspective of expanded moments.)

I’ve given testimonies about contracting and expanding time and all of that: this was a way of being, a way of thinking that embraced what this meant. I can’t say I understood it all at the time, but I began to get some experience of it. I began to realise that my capacity for understanding it was growing, so I was fulfilling my destiny in the spiritual realm and the physical realm, which were totally connected.


In those moments, I began to see all the things that I was doing. I became aware of the amazing scope of who we are as sons of God, what we have the capacity to become: nonlinear, multi-dimensional beings unrestricted by the limitations of time and space. I am within I AM, therefore I am in multiple places, doing multiple simultaneous things.

Before my mind was deconstructed and I had the capacity to think nonlinearly, and before I was engaging in the Eternal Now (which I couldn’t do consciously at first), I could only go there in the spirit. Eventually, I could engage it consciously because my ability had expanded to be able to rest there without trying to figure it out. If I had tried to figure out living in the Eternal Now, I would have probably gone crazy, but I didn’t. I parked my understanding—my desire to understand—and I just embraced the experience. That began to change and expand my thinking, enabling me to take in all that would have been too much for me.

You may not understand all the terminology of what I share, but all the things I speak of are places where I have encounters with the Father, the Son and the Spirit. They were all linear; they happened in time, sometimes expanded time in a heavenly perspective. Sometimes hours here meant days and weeks there, but they all happened sequentially, one after the other. I learned to function as a son in the realms of heaven in all the places I share.

Engaging God programme

This was ten years of my life, and it took time to learn all those things one after the other. Sharing my testimony of that journey is what the Engaging God programme is all about, which aims to help people go on their own journey to discover who they are and express that as sons of God.

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Author: Freedom ARC

Freedom Apostolic Resource Centre, Barnstaple, UK.

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