316. The Purpose of the Fire

Mike Parsons

God desires that we live in two realms simultaneously, just as Jesus did,
functioning in both earthly and heavenly realms.

[“I am reading from my book INTO THE DARK CLOUD, in which I describe the process I went through to enable that to begin to happen in my life . I hope it will encourage you to seek God for your own dark cloud experience.”]

I counsel you to open your heart and embrace the fire. The purpose of the fire is not to harm us, but to change and transform us: we need to be willing to embrace both the water and the fire. Some of us will experience different processes of transformation. If you go through a water transformation without needing the fire, so much the better. That was not my experience. I had to go through both water and fire, and the fire was instrumental in bringing about transformation in me.

The places of restriction in our lives are where preparation and transformation occur. Sometimes God tells us that in this season everything has to stop: our busy-ness and constant activity can hinder intimacy with Him. We are so focused on doing, doing, doing, that we do not take the time to simply be.

It is in those moments of being that God has the opportunity to speak to us, challenge us, and bring about change.

We can be so consumed with our activities that we never truly hear God’s voice. We may continue doing things because we think we are doing what God wants, but if we take time to listen, He is telling us to stop and move on

Who am I, if I am not doing any of the things I believe God wants me to do?
Do I still have value and worth?
Do I feel the same about myself, when I am not actively engaged, or when I am not ‘doing’ everything?

These are the questions God starts to raise when He places us in restrictive situations or dark clouds. It is in those moments that we have the time to reflect. Sometimes these seasons will feel like a dark night of the soul
because they involve intense experiences. That is why many people resist or fight against them: they do not understand what God is seeking to accomplish. They try to escape or avoid the process instead of embracing it.

I was like that. I fought it. At least, I certainly tried – for six weeks, and it was a miserable time.

I counsel you to open your heart and embrace the fire.

Key takeaway

Simply be. It is in those moments of being that God has the opportunity to speak to us, challenge us, and bring about change.

This video blog post is a final excerpt from Mike’s latest book, Into the Dark Cloud, out now.

315. Align with the Frequency of the River of Life

Mike Parsons

This is an excerpt from my book Into the Dark Cloud, where I describe how we engage with the frequency of the water in the river of life, immerse ourselves in it, and experience profound effects.

All matter possesses frequency, which can also be described as an electric current or vibrational energy. Frequency is the rate at which something vibrates: light and sound waves are familiar examples. Everything, including our bodies, thoughts, and emotions, has its own frequency, and the frequencies we come into contact with affect us.

Matching frequencies have very powerful effects. An opera singer’s voice that matches the frequency of a glass can cause it to vibrate internally until it breaks apart. Even our thoughts and feelings have vibratory qualities with measurable frequencies. Negative mental states can lower our frequency,
whilst positive attitudes of prayer or meditation can raise it.

A substance with a higher frequency tends to raise a lower frequency. Love vibrates at the highest frequency of all and has the ability to bring all the lower frequencies of our physical body, organs, emotions and thoughts, into alignment with it.

When someone operates from a place of love, it attracts people and has the power to elevate the frequencies of those around them. When we spend time with them, it disarms us, and transforms our emotional state. Being around those who radiate positivity and love makes it almost impossible to stay miserable for long.

When we immerse ourselves in the frequency of God’s living, dynamic words, our bodies are transformed and become infused with His life, energy and vitality.

The river of life pulsates with frequencies that stimulate our DNA, causing it to trigger change and rearrangement. Taking communion operates on the same principle: we absorb the energy of God, which begins to vibrate in us,
bringing about transformation and even resequencing our DNA.

Through resonance, our frequency is elevated to a higher level, which can activate health and wholeness in each organ of our body. Similarly, it can influence our minds when we align ourselves with it.

Agreement holds great power for manifestation. This is why we approach communion with a mindset of agreement, acknowledging that the words spoken are not mere text on a page, but words of life which we actually identify with. By speaking them in faith, they carry the inherent power of the frequency of God’s life, creating an opening or an opportunity for us (because an arc always creates a window).

Key takeaway

Love vibrates at the highest frequency of all. When someone operates from a place of love, it attracts people and has the power to elevate the frequencies of those around them.

This video blog post is another excerpt from Mike’s latest book, Into the Dark Cloud, out now.

314. Limiting Mindsets and Beliefs

Mike Parsons

This blog post is taken from my latest book, INTO THE DARK CLOUD. I’d like to recommend it to you, if you want to understand your life’s purpose, and if you’re willing to let God reveal your true self.

In this passage I examine why we cannot transform ourselves by self-effort.

Any aspects of our identities we have derived from external or earthly  perspectives will be challenged, especially our view of ourselves and any other limiting attitudes and beliefs. Such mindsets conceal who we really are as sons of God, made in His image. He will expose the lies and dispel the limitations, freeing us from the need to identify and remove them ourselves.

Naturally, our focus will always be on what we want to avoid.If you ask me not to think of a tree  I will inevitably think of a tree – in the very effort to not think of one!

Instead, we can allow the truth to transform us. True transformation occurs when we allow new ways of thinking to completely reshape our minds. Then the old ways fall away and there is no room for them. Even if they try to creep back in, we now see them as obvious lies, and wonder how we ever believed as we did.

We cannot try to transform ourselves through our own efforts. Instead, let us surrender ourselves as living sacrifices, and allow Jesus, our High Priest, to transform us. Embracing the soaking room is vital to this.

However, it is not only about removing the lies, but also about unveiling new truths and possibilities we would never have anticipated. I experienced extraordinary encounters even while I was still transitioning back and forth between heaven and earth, but there was a ceiling on my experiences because I was constantly shifting in and out. It was  quite a high ceiling: I was ruling on a mountain, seated on a throne, operating as a lord – but God wanted to take me to another level.

My soul was still wired to ‘need to know’ what was happening. It would not allow my spirit to remain engaged, without being aware itself. My spirit was tethered to my soul, hindering me from reaching the fullness of my potential and restricting me from realising possibilities that have since become a lifestyle. That is why the tethering needs to be severed.

Only when my soul and spirit were untethered, separated and then correctly reintegrated through quantum entanglement could I gain the ability to dwell in dual realms simultaneously. Previously, I was tethered to the earth realm, and my experience was restricted. Now, my soul is instantly quantum-connected to heaven and earth at the same time.

That is one example of those new truths and possibilities being unveiled.

Key takeaway

We cannot transform ourselves through our own efforts. Instead, we can allow Jesus, our High Priest, to transform us.

This blog post is an excerpt from Mike’s latest book, Into the Dark Cloud, out now.

313. The Eternal Record of Our Identity

Mike Parsons – 

The dance floor is where we begin to take on the image of sonship
by engaging with the character, nature and essence of God.

On the dance floor we get to know Father, Son and Spirit intimately,
experiencing their fragrance, frequency, and unique characteristics. They are indeed all God, but they also display distinct qualities that create a personal and intimate connection. Through engaging with each of them, we become intertwined with their light in a beautiful, transforming dance.

[This is an excerpt from my book, Into the Dark Cloud. If you are looking for transformation in an intimate relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit, this book is for you.]

On the dance floor of our hearts, we can engage with the eternal record of our identity, the song of all songs. This record describes who we are in God’s eyes.

I find great joy and delight as the light of God surrounds me and initiates transformation. I am being transfigured and transformed by the light, which effectively brings my two human strands of DNA into alignment with my third light strand, the one that carries my eternal record. I am being conformed to the image of who I truly am, my new creation self, aligning with the characteristics of God.

Through engaging with the nine characteristics of God I become aligned with His image, and this alignment profoundly impacts and changes me.

We can be immersed in the depths of the Father, Son and Spirit, taking us to a whole different level of connection. We can be clothed with Father, Son and Holy Spirit, with the armour of light, of righteousness, and the whole armour of God. Such experiences help us become who we truly are in Him.

The dance floor is not a one-size-fits-all formula that guarantees specific experiences at certain times. Rather, it is a journey that continually unfolds according to the seasons and circumstances of our lives. Sometimes we instantly connect with a revelation or experience, while at other times it may be released to us gradually.

We cannot impose a fixed timeline or try to rationalise everything cognitively. It is better simply to receive and allow the experiences to unfold in their proper season. Even if we do not fully comprehend what is happening in the moment, we can trust that deeper levels of revelation and transformation will be made available to us as we progress.

Experiencing God’s presence is not limited to a specific set of actions, reactions or sensations. Whether we see, feel, or sense anything, our spirits will receive what God imparts to us.

Key takeaway

We can begin to take on the image of sonship as we engage with the character, nature and essence of God.


310. Embrace Vulnerability, Find Affirmation

Mike Parsons reading an excerpt from his latest book, Into the Dark Cloud, which is out today! Get it in print or as an ebook.
More info https://eg.freedomarc.org/books

We need a process of restoration, and only God can restore us. We can meet God as our Father. We can have encounters with Him, and He wants to meet us in that way. But let’s go beyond just seeing it as an exercise.

I encourage you to think about it ahead of time and give God the opportunity to show you if there are any areas that need resolution.

Are there any unmet needs within you?
Are you still seeking affirmation from others, because you have not fully received it from the Father?

We will run into trouble if we keep seeking approval from others because they will inevitably let us down. Nobody is perfect. And then we might feel betrayed, wounded, and hurt, causing us to build walls around us.

There were times when I could be surrounded by people, even in a small group, and still feel alone; I would have my barriers up, protecting myself from getting hurt. Despite being in the presence of others, I felt isolated. But when those barriers finally came down and my wounds from my father and from betrayal were healed, suddenly I was free to be myself. I no longer had to compare myself to anyone else. I could embrace vulnerability, be open, and freely share.

Now I know that other people’s opinions and judgments do not define me: it is what God says about me that matters. I know how deeply He loves me. I know the beautiful things He has spoken over my life and the revelations He has given me. That is how I measure my worth and purpose.

So, let others say whatever they want, positive or negative, neither have any effect on me. I have learned to forgive and release people, especially when they are acting hurtfully. My identity and confidence come solely from God, my Heavenly Father, who has lovingly shaped me into who I am today.

So here is what I urge you to do: allow God to uncover any unresolved areas in your life. Maybe there are still some lingering scars that need healing and restoration. God cares for you more than you care about yourself, more than anyone else could possibly care about you.

He also wants to help you and to fulfil every need you have. He put those needs for acceptance, approval, affirmation, and significance in you because He wants to meet them. So if you are trying to find fulfilment for them from your spouse, friends, children, or anyone else, they will never be able to give you what God can give you. If you are seeking fulfilment elsewhere, you are looking in the wrong place.

Let Him reveal who you truly are and show you where you came from. Let Him take you back to that wonderful place of security within His embrace, where you can truly shine and understand your purpose in life. But beware: do not rush into chasing your purpose without truly knowing who you are. Otherwise, you can easily fall into the trap of striving and trying to discover your purpose through endless activity.

These are deep questions we all face. Take some time to let these things sink in. Find somewhere quiet where you are or go for a walk if you prefer. Give yourself that space now to ask the important questions: is there anything still unresolved in my relationship with God as Father, or in my relationships with my earthly father or others?

Key Takeaway

Do not rush into chasing your purpose, without truly knowing who you are.

Into the Dark Cloud is out in print today, and can be ordered from all good booksellers worldwide. Or you can get the ebook delivered instantly right now!


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309. Experience love – and be free!

Mike Parsons reads from his latest book, ‘Into the Dark Cloud’.

Engaging in love, joy and peace within the eternal heart of God has transformed my entire life. God has challenged my understanding of who He is, my mindset and my beliefs about Him. He has shown me love, love, and more love in ways I could never have imagined.

At this point, all I desire is a deep relationship with Him.
The way I look at and engage with the world has changed as a result of that.

I am beginning to experience what it means to live loved. It changes everything. Life takes on a whole new perspective: I do not feel obliged or bound by anything, I am free to be myself within the context of a loving relationship with my Father.

God is love, and He wants me to experience that love and be free within it.
Because of that, I can live a life filled with love and demonstrate that love to others. After all, “God so loved the world that He gave…” and Jesus told us to love one another just as He loved us.

In order to do that, we must be able to receive love ourselves. How can we love, if we have not received His love? It would be superficial, limited to a mere physical or emotional affection. But God desires to take us deeper into a love that surpasses that between friends, romantic partners or spouses,
into agape love, unconditional love. To love in such a way, we must first receive it ourselves. That is why God wants us to receive and experience His love.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1).

This Word, Jesus, came to reveal love to us. In His earthly life He fully expressed the image of the Father. He even said, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.”

So, what do we think God is like?
Do we see Him as being like Jesus?
Or as a distant figure from the Old Testament?

It can be confusing to have a divided perception of God, as if He were somehow two-faced, so that we could never be sure which face we would encounter. My view of God used to be more aligned with an old covenant perspective; but Jesus was awesome, so I focused mostly on Him.

But there is no difference between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in their nature of love. They are all expressions of love, and they want us to experience that love.

Into the Dark Cloud is out in print on 14th February, but you can get the ebook – suitable for kindle – delivered instantly today!

Key Takeaway

God is love, and He wants you to experience that love and be free within it.

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307. God’s Unconditional Love For You

Mike Parsons reads from his latest book, ‘Into the Dark Cloud‘.

God knows everything there is to know about you, even many things you do not know about yourself, and He loves you. He loves you as much as He could possibly ever love anyone, and His love will never change. It is totally unconditional. There is nothing you can do (or not do) which will ever change His love for you.

Once we really accept the truth of that, it gives us the confidence and trust to be completely open with Him, not fearing that if we are honest with Him He will be angry or disappointed with us. He is always smiling upon us; His countenance is always fair towards us. He may be stern and fiercely opposed to whatever is robbing us, hindering us or putting stumbling blocks in our path, but never towards us.

He loves us, and when we really know His love it allows us to say: “Search me, O God, and know my heart. Put me on trial and see if there’s anything in me which is a hindrance and a stumbling block to me.” (see Psalm 139:23-24).

In the Mirror Bible it says this:

The message God spoke to us in Christ, is the most life giving and dynamic influence in us, cutting like a surgeon’s scalpel, sharper than a soldier’s sword, piercing to the deepest core of human conscience, to the dividing of soul and spirit; ending the dominance of the sense realm and its neutralizing effect upon the human spirit. In this way a person’s spirit is freed to become the ruling influence again in the thoughts and intentions of their heart. (Hebrews 4:12).

We want the living word to penetrate and impact us. When God speaks to us, He speaks life and truth: He opens up revelation to us. Before we can change the atmosphere around our life by flowing from the inside out, an inner transformation needs to take place. We want our spirit to be free to become ‘the ruling influence in the thoughts and intentions of our heart’, so that we are no longer ruled by our soul: the directive comes from the spirit and our soul is in complete agreement.

Our surrender, our yielding, invites and enables God’s action.

The whole time we are trying to do it ourselves, God is waiting for us to stop and give up.

In all we are embarking upon in this book, there may be points where we have to give up. When we have been used to fighting for things all our lives,
or been taught that we should always be actively trying to do something,
giving up is not always easy!

Into the Dark Cloud is out in print on 14th February, but you can get the ebook delivered instantly today!

Key Takeaway

Nothing you can do (or not do) will ever change His love for you.

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For repeating donations, if you do not have (or want) a PayPal account please support us through Patreon instead.

305. Desire, Discipline, Delight

Mike Parsons reads from his latest book, ‘Into the Dark Cloud’.

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Only the truth that you know will set you free. How are we going to know the truth? Not by reading someone else’s book or doing someone else’s course – not even mine! What that can do is stimulate us to find it for ourselves by engaging God, who will reveal the truth to each of us so that we can live in it.

Desire, discipline, delight

So when this book gets into some tough areas, please do not tune out, switch off or walk away. If it gets difficult, surrender to God. Again, I am not saying that you have to take my word for anything: be still and wait in rest, and see if He has something to say to you about it.

That was the process God took me through: learning to be still and wait in rest. For two years I had loved being still, waiting and resting; until He told me to, and then I could not do it anymore.

That sometimes happens because it challenges the whole dynamic of what works for us! Generally it is our soul becoming uncomfortable in facing what it needs to face.

I went through various stages and processes of transformation, such as dealing with trading floors in my own heart, its motivations, thoughts and intentions. It was not at all pleasant for my soul because I had to admit that I was not very nice in some ways, and that my motivation was often not entirely pure. It was not easy, but because I knew the love of God it enabled me to trust Him, so instead of becoming defensive, I learned to surrender.

It was horrible to think that I was really like that: that my motives really were driven by my soul’s need or desire. But I realised that God loved me anyway so I was able to let it go. If I had gone with my feelings I would have stopped right there and never made it through to transformation.

If you get to a crisis point, try not to back off. Personal desire and pursuit will take you through the discipline to the delight. Stick with it. It can require fortitude and discipline to press on through but when you come out on the other side, I can promise you it will have been worth it.

Key takeaway

Instead of becoming defensive, I learned to surrender.

Recent posts from Freedom ARC

304. Wrath is not the solution | PSA [2]
303. The Nature of God’s Love
302. Practice, practice, practice…
301. Trauma Response | How memories can control our emotions
Into the Dark Cloud
300. Be Transformed Through Intimacy. 
299. PSA Sounds Nothing Like Jesus! (Penal Substitutionary Atonement [1])

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Into the Dark Cloud

Mike Parsons

He made darkness His hiding place,
His canopy around Him,
Darkness of waters, thick clouds of the skies.

(Psalm 18:11).

The Dark Cloud was a process that I went into to engage God face to face. He hides himself within a dark cloud to protect us, so that we cannot access His actual Presence in a way which would completely overwhelm or obliterate us in our mind (and we would probably just not be able to cope).

So He prepares us for a level of relationship and face-to-face intimacy of which in the beginning I had no concept of at all.  I was engaging with the presence of God, talking to Him and fellowshipping with Him – but I did not realise that there was a dimension to God that was beyond that. To bring me into the freedom of how I am now living, in multi-dimensional realms, my soul and spirit had to be separated and reintegrated.

He knew that I was not yet at that point. My soul was to a degree tethered to my spirit, on a short leash. We would go in to the heavenly realms and come back out – my spirit could not stay there. But God wanted me to live in that realm in a multi-dimensional way, so He had to start the process of my soul giving up and surrendering my rights to control or to choose my own way of doing it.

God showed me a dark cloud. I was in a dark cloud a number of times during worship: I was not frightened but I just could not find my way. It was so thick that I could not see anything. I thought “I must be in the dark cloud – I’m going to go and see God” but I did not know how to get there or do that; they were just experiences.

Then God gave me this challenge to spend four months with Him. And I think what God did during that process for me was to remove the power that my spirit had in bringing some sense of government into my life. He removed that to let the soul operate so that I could sense what it was really like.

I thought I trusted God implicitly; I realised I only trusted God when I knew what He was doing…

Key takeaway

God is looking to prepare us for a level of relationship and face-to-face intimacy beyond what we can think or even imagine.

Into the Dark Cloud (book and ebook)

Mike’s latest book, Into the Dark Cloud, is out in paperback on February 14th 2024. Pre-order it from amazon.com (if available), amazon.co.uk, Barnes & Noble and other booksellers – or you can get the ebook from our website today!

[Please help us: amazon.com is not currently offering the book for sale (though there is a page for it). The more people search for it there, and visit the page, the more likely that will change!]

Recent posts from Freedom ARC

300. Be Transformed Through Intimacy. 
299. PSA Sounds Nothing Like Jesus! (Penal Substitutionary Atonement [1])
298. Revealing the Function of the Earth Shield
297. Most people don’t want to know God – and I wouldn’t either!
290. Discovering the Reality of Salvation

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Our Patreon patrons give a small amount each month and can join us for our monthly group Zooms, get exclusive or early access to Mike’s teaching and enjoy further patron-only benefits. Or you can use the blue button to support our work with one-time gift*.
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For repeating donations, if you do not have (or want) a PayPal account please support us through Patreon instead.

293. Expanding God’s Government of Peace

Mike Parsons

Everything, including our solar system, our own and distant galaxies, and even other dimensions, was created by the Father through Jesus for Jesus. All the beings connected to all of these were reconciled to God through the blood of the Cross. Therefore the beings themselves are not the issue; it is their actions that matter. Some constellations now lack Guardians, and can be vulnerable to beings from other dimensions setting up bases.

Engaging in restoring beings and constellations, reassigning Guardians, and preventing incursions is crucial. The Earth Shield, operational for the past few years, protects Earth from fallen beings and their dimensional incursions. Not all constellations have fallen beings; many are associated with angelic beings and planets that can be engaged for restoration.

There is no need for fear; discernment is essential in each situation. Changes observed in celestial bodies align with ongoing restoration. The cosmos holds vast opportunities; we, as sons of God, have a role in expanding God’s government of peace throughout the cosmos, starting with our solar system and then reaching out far beyond.

Key Takeaway

Sons Arise! The sons of God have an important part to play  in expanding God’s government of peace throughout the cosmos.

Recent posts from Freedom ARC

292. Is God Shocking People into Embracing Love?
291. Can Yoga be ‘Christian’?
290. Discovering the Reality of Salvation
289. One New Man In Christ
288. Enoch’s Secret to Walking with God
287. Unconditional Love, Grace, and the truth about salvation


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