337. Unleashing Joy

Mike Parsons

Video Summary

Laughter was a big thing in the 1990s, especially around 1994 in Toronto. But it was happening before that in places like Vineyard and with Rodney Howard-Browne in Pentecostal circles. Laughter seemed to be something God used to get our attention, bringing joy that made our joy complete. Sometimes, what God is doing in us is so overwhelming that it has to come out, bringing a sense of joy and helping us enjoy life.

Laughter is a joyful thing, especially when you don’t even know why you’re laughing. It feels freeing, especially for us Brits who tend to be quite reserved. I remember during the laughter movement, I was in a men’s worship setting where we were all a bit stiff. This guy said, “God wants to knock the British stuffing out of you,” and he started whacking us with a Union Jack cushion. All our inhibitions just disappeared, and we worshipped in a way we’d never done before. It was life-changing for me, making me feel free to express myself in worship and even dance, something I’d never done before.

Before that experience, I was always worried about what others thought and felt restricted. But once those inhibitions lifted, I felt free to express myself. I think God wants us all to be free, not restricted or inhibited, and laughter helps us let go of our dignity and just enjoy the moment. Laughter is a way to express the joy God has put in us. It can be healing and liberating.

This year, I built birdhouses and we started feeding birds in the garden. Watching the birds has been a lovely experience, seeing how they feed their chicks and care for them. It’s a beautiful picture of how God provides for us and cares for us. Birds sacrifice a lot for their chicks, constantly flying back and forth to feed them. It’s been delightful watching them grow and become independent. Similarly, God wants us to depend on Him as our source of life. Even as we mature, He remains our source, continually feeding and equipping us.

336. Get out of the boat… and SINK!

Mike Parsons

Video Summary

Restoring First Love

In this new series, as the world awakens to love, grace, joy, peace, and the truth of God’s nature, I will be sharing my journey of rediscovering my identity as God’s child and breaking free from self-imposed limitations. It is time to discover who we truly are and embrace the depth of unconditional love to find genuine connection with God. Are you defined by others or by your past? In the ocean of unconditional love, we discover our true identity and realise that as His beloved children, God is drawing us back into intimate communion with Him.

First love, whether with God or another person, is a captivating experience that consumes our thoughts, leaving us eagerly anticipating the next encounter.  First love signifies a prioritisation, placing it above all else in our lives – before family, work, or possessions. If our relationship with God is our top priority, everything else falls into place. First love is our eternal identity, originating in Perichoresis.

God’s pursuit of intimacy with us is like a marriage, symbolising the deep union He desires. This journey is personal, inspiring each of us to embark on our own. Our union with God is not just spiritual; it involves a profound connection of spirit, soul and body, becoming one flesh. Jesus’ promise of preparing a place for us speaks of dwelling with Him presently, not just in the future. This intimacy transcends physical union and gender, restoring our true identity as beloved sons and daughters of God. The process leading to this consummation is like a betrothal.

Intimacy with the Father

As individuals and humanity, we’ve strayed from God’s path, seeking independence, yet He relentlessly pursues us like a good shepherd. His love remains constant and unwavering, demonstrated in Christ. Through the Spirit, we’re adopted as God’s children, heirs with Christ, experiencing profound intimacy with the Father. First love isn’t merely an emotional state; it’s our eternal identity, essential for our destiny. Like the Ephesian church mentioned in Revelation, we may have prioritised duty over intimacy, but God invites us back into that deep, intimate relationship with Him.

Sacrificial love

In Greek, eros represents erotic love, absent in the New Testament; phileo denotes deep liking or friendship, affection and camaraderie; storge reflects natural affection within families and spouses in a healthy marriage; agape, God’s love, is characterised by deliberate action, choosing to love even our enemies, mirroring God’s selflessness. This sacrificial love, evident throughout Scripture, calls us to restore first love for God, ourselves, and others.

My friend Lindy shared that God had been asking her how much she loved herself. That is an important question for us all to ponder.

More than a fleeting emotion

Love is more than a fleeting emotion; it embodies the essence of God and is the most potent force in existence. As Jesus instructed us to love one another as he loved us, we see that true love originates from God and manifests in our actions. This agape love cannot be manufactured independently but springs from our connection to God. It is practical, selfless and unwavering, seeking others’ highest good without expecting anything in return. Love confronts challenges with truth and humility, inspiring kindness and reconciliation, even amidst opposition.

Resting in His love

Ultimately, God’s love encompasses every aspect of our being, forming the bedrock of His kingdom and leading us to experience His presence and purpose fully. Love is described in the Song of Songs as unquenchable flames of fire, stronger than death. It is the ultimate force for good, offering acceptance, affirmation, and worth. God has sung an eternal song of love to us since the dawn of time. To embrace this love, we must surrender completely, casting aside our fears and insecurities to trust in God’s unconditional love. Resting in His love is key.

335. Resonating Truth

Mike Parsons

There are certain frequencies and certain materials that have the ability to resonate and produce sounds, which in themselves carry something of God’s creational intention. We also have the ability to use sounds as a carrier wave for our intention. It’s like your intention is carried on a wave of sound to impart into something else.

You see this in all sorts of technological contexts. Sound waves and light waves, for example, can carry information. Fibre optics carry lots of information within light. They are now replacing and upgrading copper wire communication systems with fibre optics, which is essentially a different way of facilitating communication. I believe this is a picture of what happens spiritually in terms of communication and knowledge, which comes through relationships. It’s not just intellectual information; it is experience. You ‘know that you know’ what you’ve experienced.

Using sound waves as carrier waves, you don’t just have someone telling you about something; you experience it yourself. That experience brings about a resonance, an agreement, a vibrational energy. When something is brought close to the truth, it is entrained to vibrate at the same frequency, coming into agreement with the truth. The more time we spend close to the heart of God, the more we align with His heart, resonating with Him. When we speak, our voice resonates with His authority because we resonate His intention, not our own. Ultimately, our intention and His intention become one. As it says in Corinthians, “Whoever is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.” We just need to be close enough to be joined, become one, to be in union. This is crucial in terms of frequency, harmony, and vibration.

Technological metaphors for spiritual communication help us understand these concepts. God is light, spirit, love, and a consuming fire. Other descriptions of what God is like are figurative, helping us understand from a human perspective. God is light, and God is love; therefore light and love are synonymous terms. The light of love and love’s light are about the nature of light, which carries the ability to create. It is the foundational building block of all reality, forming reality when possibilities collapse into realities.

Right now, there are billions of possibilities for what we will do, say, or where we will go next. If we keep choosing realities from our past experiences, we replicate the same life. However, if we choose realities based on what we see in God’s heart for us, we start to produce a different life, one aligned with who we really are.

We need to learn how to resonate in harmony with God and His frequency. Then, we will be creative, and light will respond to us as it does to God. We need to make sure to be in tune with God’s heart so our choices align with His, and we don’t act independently, doing our own thing.

334. Embracing Spiritual Rest

Mike Parsons

When you say you’ve never felt more loved, at peace, and joyful, but it doesn’t seem to go anywhere, that’s not a bad thing! That is the mature state.

In reality, you are probably doing things in your spirit that you don’t necessarily need to know in the soul. Coming to that place where you don’t need to know is probably the process you’re in, because God wants you to get to that place where you can be and not just do. The doing flows out of the being.

I would say in everything that I’ve done in all my journey, I am now in a state of being rather than having to consciously think about doing because my spirit is living in the realms of heaven. I’m functioning in the realms of Heaven all the time, multi-dimensionally, in many different places synchronously, and I don’t need to know what it is most of the time. That, for me, is a state of rest, and I think you’re getting to that place. So don’t try and think you need to understand everything. You’ve surrendered to God. You’re in a place where you’re feeling loved. That’s the place where you’re able to do things in the spirit because you’re letting that happen.

I had to go through that process. My soul had to let go of the need to know and understand and just embrace the reality that sometimes I wouldn’t, but I trusted God anyway. I think you’re probably in that process as well. So just surrender. You don’t need to know. If you did, God would show you, and He will show you if you need to.

So relax. Don’t strive for seeing, engaging or doing things when you are already doing things. God is allowing you to see you can be doing things without necessarily having to be cognitively aware of all those things. The things I’ve done are because I’m a teacher, and my destiny is to equip other people into doing these things. So I do have a record of all the things I’ve done in the past to follow through a linear process to help people understand. But now, I’m in a state of being, which is a state of conscious awareness of just being. Communion to me is now a state of being. I don’t just take communion when I eat or drink; I am in a state of communion. So I’m constantly in communion, fellowship and intimacy. Therefore I’m constantly in that place of the love of God; and the power of God and the grace and mercy of God and the frequency of God’s love are transforming me, transforming my DNA, and cleansing everything in my life that might be a hindrance to me fully entering into everything that God has designed for me.

So, of course, yes, I did apply the blood of Jesus to my DNA. I did apply communion. I did do those things. I did go to my mountain and govern and rule, and I did go to the courts and do various things. I don’t do that consciously anymore. It’s not that I’m not doing it, but I don’t have to be focused on it because my spirit is capable of doing that while I’m functioning here and enjoying life. God wants you to have a place of love, joy and peace here, to enter into rest and enjoy life. Actually, if we are consciously having to do all these things, if I had to consciously do all of the seven or eight places I am in the spiritual realm now and do all the things that I’m doing simultaneously in those realms, it would take up more than 24 hours of my day. My spirit can do it because it’s not functioning in the same time scale.

So that brings you to a place of just coming to a place of rest, just trusting whatever the Father is doing. So many people would be desperate to feel so loved, so at peace and so joyful, because they’re not in that place. You’re in that place. Don’t get out of that place. Just stay in it. Don’t put an agenda on it. Just let God, and you’ll find that anything you need to see, He’ll show you. But don’t assume you’re not doing anything or going anywhere because I guarantee that you are. He is just freeing you to realise you don’t have to know everything about it all in that way.

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333. Unveiling Our Divine Identity

Mike Parsons – 

There’s so much more in sonship to our role in bringing creation into freedom from its corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. If we do not know the fullness of our glory, our true identity, then we will only be limited to what we can do on earth or what we can do in heaven. But we’re called to be multi-dimensional beings, immortal in both quantity and quality.

My heart filled with joy when I experienced this. I sank deeper and blissfully into rest, but at the same time, I was so excited by this revelation that I could hardly contain myself. I mean, can you imagine, in a moment, God showing you all that I’ve described? It was mind-expanding in that I was able to contain and believe what He was revealing. That is the reality of who I really am.

And the Father said, “See how easy it is to just be.” There’s a statement! And it was like, wow. When this happened to me, it didn’t feel easy. It was just like, whoa, my mind was going round and round, but I was also at rest in the same moment. So, “It’s easy just to be. This is just a glimpse of what it is to be I AM that I AM, that you will ascend to when you become an ascended father”. And I think for all of us, don’t be limited to just the thought of being a good son. God wants us to become co-creators in an ascended state of fatherhood. Do I understand that? No, but it’s in my heart, and I know that that is the reality of His intention for us.

“Son, learn to become aware of multi-dimensional reality but always stay in rest, living in love, joy, and peace within. Be balanced by the tree of life in the union between your spirit, soul and body”. I always anchor myself within that core of my being, with spirit and soul and body being equally in union and oneness and in harmony. I don’t put a value of the spirit or the soul above the body: I equally value every part. And that tree of life brings a balance between soul and spirit so we don’t just get caught up in all the spiritual, or get caught up in all the things in the world around us, but we are balanced and in harmony, one with the other.

“As you expand your spirit’s boundaries, practise expanding your consciousness to become more aware of the dimensional realities that you are mandated to govern in”. I have done that. It’s not something that I do all the time, but it’s something that I am aware of, and I am rejoicing, thankful, and grateful for all of that.

“All you learn to do as a son, made in our image with creative abilities, will equip you to become an ascended father in the ages to come. Son, the true authority of a son is realised through surrender, not service. So abandon yourself totally to just being.” Which is why I’m not focusing on all the doing, I’m focusing on ‘this is who I am, this is who you are, this is who we are’. We are called to embrace this level of expanded awareness and consciousness that frees us from being earthbound (or even heavenbound). God is unconditional love; that is why we can trust in His faithfulness, trustworthiness, dependability, reliability, consistency, constancy, steadfastness, diligence, and perseverance.

Unconditional Love

God is good. This is the dimension of the whole dynamic of unconditional love. There’s more I could probably go on to, but I feel that I want to move to something else. But unconditional love—stay in it, embrace it, experience it. Go beyond. Rest is that state of being where we are totally trusting in the Father’s love, His goodness, kindness, faithfulness, loving-kindness. The Father is 100% totally reliable, trustworthy, and dependable. To rest is to be in a state where there is no fear, worry, doubt, or unbelief. We just dwell, abide, and rest within that place—face to face, heart to heart, mind to mind.

All that I’ve experienced and discovered has deconstructed my mind, thinking, and beliefs, totally transforming my worldview, unlocking my identity as a son, and revealing my creative sonship abilities. I’m absolutely no different from you. You have the same abilities, capacity: the same sonship. You are unique and wonderfully made, and God wants you to experience and know that reality and truth for yourselves.

So I ask the question: Have you experienced unconditional love? Are you living in unconditional love? Are you demonstrating unconditional love by the way you live? Do you have this heavenly vision of unconditional love and the reality of who you really are? Do you know the vast sum of God’s thoughts about you? Embrace them, pursue them, seek them, and you will find them. Keep knocking, keep seeking, keep looking. Don’t give up, but be at rest and let Him lead you so that you follow Him by walking together with Him. This gets outworked in love, in that experience.

(This video clip and blog post are taken from the conclusion of Mike’s teaching series Unconditional Love.)

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