315. Align with the Frequency of the River of Life

Mike Parsons

This is an excerpt from my book Into the Dark Cloud, where I describe how we engage with the frequency of the water in the river of life, immerse ourselves in it, and experience profound effects.

All matter possesses frequency, which can also be described as an electric current or vibrational energy. Frequency is the rate at which something vibrates: light and sound waves are familiar examples. Everything, including our bodies, thoughts, and emotions, has its own frequency, and the frequencies we come into contact with affect us.

Matching frequencies have very powerful effects. An opera singer’s voice that matches the frequency of a glass can cause it to vibrate internally until it breaks apart. Even our thoughts and feelings have vibratory qualities with measurable frequencies. Negative mental states can lower our frequency,
whilst positive attitudes of prayer or meditation can raise it.

A substance with a higher frequency tends to raise a lower frequency. Love vibrates at the highest frequency of all and has the ability to bring all the lower frequencies of our physical body, organs, emotions and thoughts, into alignment with it.

When someone operates from a place of love, it attracts people and has the power to elevate the frequencies of those around them. When we spend time with them, it disarms us, and transforms our emotional state. Being around those who radiate positivity and love makes it almost impossible to stay miserable for long.

When we immerse ourselves in the frequency of God’s living, dynamic words, our bodies are transformed and become infused with His life, energy and vitality.

The river of life pulsates with frequencies that stimulate our DNA, causing it to trigger change and rearrangement. Taking communion operates on the same principle: we absorb the energy of God, which begins to vibrate in us,
bringing about transformation and even resequencing our DNA.

Through resonance, our frequency is elevated to a higher level, which can activate health and wholeness in each organ of our body. Similarly, it can influence our minds when we align ourselves with it.

Agreement holds great power for manifestation. This is why we approach communion with a mindset of agreement, acknowledging that the words spoken are not mere text on a page, but words of life which we actually identify with. By speaking them in faith, they carry the inherent power of the frequency of God’s life, creating an opening or an opportunity for us (because an arc always creates a window).

Key takeaway

Love vibrates at the highest frequency of all. When someone operates from a place of love, it attracts people and has the power to elevate the frequencies of those around them.

This video blog post is another excerpt from Mike’s latest book, Into the Dark Cloud, out now.

Release a wave of love frequency

Hi everyone,

I want to share something the Father shared with me today with a view for the whole Engaging God programme members – and anyone else – to respond at noon on Wednesday 1st of April for 15 minutes to release a wave of love frequency by intention around the world and continuing weekly or however often you feel to led to continue.

Lived Loved, Love Living and Live Loving



Son, call for the sons of God to arise and take their places in the rest of their heavenly positions to rule.

From rest, release the love, joy and peace needed to overcome the fear that is lowering the frequency of the planet,making it more susceptible to disease.

Issue the call for global action so that I can bring good out of the present situation.

Son, know that I love all of My children and want none to be lost in fear but all to come to the true knowledge of Our perfect love that will cast out all fear.

Son, issue the rallying cry to arise and release Our perfect love into the spiritual atmosphere all around the world.

Son, choose a time to send a wave of love around the world starting at 12 noon for 15 minutes. Saturate your atmospheres with love, joy and peace daily to subdue and overcome fear.

Son, greater grace is available to those who know perfect love. Where sin abounds the divine enabling power of Love even more abounds.

This is the time for Our children to arise and shine love’s light into the darkness of fear to dispel it.

Creation can be set free from its bondage to fear and corruption by the glory of sonship shining love’s light brightly from the heavens into the earth.

Let the sons of God arise and shine.

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223. Frequencies of Heaven – Redemptive Gifts (7)

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott – 

Each of the redemptive gifts resonates with a colour and has a particular affinity with one of the seven spirits of God. He is opening up the realms of heaven for us to engage with those seven spirits who are there to tutor us and train us into sonship. [Please click the image to view it as a full-size PDF.]


Prophet – Red – Spirit of the Lord
Servant – Orange – Spirit of Wisdom
Teacher – Yellow – Spirit of Understanding
Exhorter – Green – Spirit of Counsel
Giver – Blue – Spirit of Might
Ruler – Indigo – Spirit of Knowledge
Mercy – Violet – Spirit of the Fear of the Lord

Harmony of the senses

As our spirits become aware of the colours, frequencies and fragrances of heaven we can begin to apply them to affect things here on earth. There is an amazing harmony of all the senses in heaven that brings everything together into a oneness, enabling our whole being to engage with the realm of heaven as we begin to resonate with it. The song of our human DNA can be transformed so that it comes into agreement with the song of God’s original purpose for us, our spiritual identity. In the very core of our being there is something contending for us to come into our eternal alignment with who we are as spiritual beings of light, as sons of God on the earth.

The revelation is being released to the body of Christ today that colour, sound and fragrance are related and that certain frequencies can bring healing, that essential oils can bring healing. The New Age has received this revelation, whereas the church has generally rejected it; some in that community are using sound and light and frequency with some positive effects. But because they are generally operating in the power of the soul rather than in connection with the Source of life through the spirit, it can leave a tainted stain on the soul of those involved. When mature sons of God apply those same techniques, He uses them to touch us, bringing righteousness, justice, holiness, peace and joy into our lives, because it is bringing us back into alignment with who we really are. We need to embrace this, not reject it just because a particular group of people accept it and are using it in the only way they know how, apart from God.


Quantum physics 1.01: we would not exist unless something observed us (and there are various suggestions about who does the observing, but I think we can agree Who that is). This earthly realm is connected to the spiritual realm and the sound of God’s voice which brought it all into being is still vibrating throughout the whole of creation.

Our eyes and ears can only recognise a very tiny portion of the frequencies that exist all around us, but we know from experience that frequencies outside that range can affect us. If you are exposed to ultra-violet light, you will get sunburn. If you were exposed to gamma radiation, you might not exactly go green and turn into the Incredible Hulk, but it could change you at a genetic level. That is absolute scientific fact. What about all the other frequencies which will also affect us, change us and transform us if we are exposed to them? Our spirits can respond to frequencies that our physical eyes and ears cannot: we call it the voice of God.

When our musicians start playing, they are not just making sound. There is a connection with light and frequency and fragrance that God wants us to experience and come into. Our musicians here at Freedom have retuned to A=432Hz (elsewhere others have chosen A=444Hz) and the difference from the standard tuning of A=440Hz, though unnoticeable to the natural ear for most of us, can be picked up in our spirit. We immediately saw a whole shift in our level of spiritual engagement, in fact the band noticed the difference even on the first practice night with the new tuning.

We need to resonate with God. When He comes and starts to manifest His presence, we are supposed to come into agreement with Him. The Bible calls it unity, the power of agreement. We come together with Him, and it goes deeper than just the mind or the emotions, it goes right down to a genetic level, so that we are conformed to the image of Jesus.

Heavenly places

This may frazzle our natural understanding, but it all begins to make sense when we realise that God wants to reveal Himself to us, and that He wants our spirit to engage with Him spirit to spirit. In fact He is releasing revelation to enable us to engage with Him in every way, spirit, soul and body, so that we can be transformed and come into agreement with our destiny, with our true identity, with who He created us to be.

As we begin to do so, we will find we can be seated in the heavenly places, not just in theory but in reality. We can go to the heavenly courts and see righteousness and justice administered on earth as it is in heaven. It was always God’s intention that we would have access, in our spirit, to the realms of heaven, and manifest heaven on the earth. Those manifestations can come in various ways: justice bringing a change to circumstances, healing, deliverance, wholeness. There are sounds and frequencies that can bring healing and deliverance, setting people free from the bondages that hold them captive, and bringing them back into alignment with God’s purpose for their lives.

The brain

Arthur Burk, whose work on redemptive gifts has informed much of this series, has found that the 7 redemptive gifts relate to 7 particular areas of the brain:

Note: the colours on this image do NOT correspond to the colours associated with the redemptive gifts.

Prophet: Frontal Lobe
Servant: Parietal Lobe
Teacher: Temporal Lobe
Exhorter: Occipital Lobe
Giver: Cerebellum
Ruler: Brain Stem
Mercy: Basal Ganglia

He also carried out scientific studies using EEG and EAV machines on how the brain responds when spiritual events occur, including angelic and demonic activity. He literally watched (and recorded) as spiritual healing took place. He says:

“Try this experiment. Have someone call each portion of your spirit to the front and ask that portion if it is willing to go to the area of the brain that matches its design.

Ask it to visit both the right and the left hemisphere if that is appropriate (the first five areas)…

In the work we have done in the lab, we can identify with electronic equipment where there is an unclean presence in the brain (demon, AHS or stronghold) and the human spirit confirms the presence of defilement by being unwilling to go there” (Arthur Burk).

There is much more information about this in his Brain Renewal Blog.

More sevens

There are more relationships of sevens to the redemptive gifts, including warfare strategies (insight, platform, planning, initiating, mobilizing, completing, fulfilment), and basic instincts (contemplative, kingdom, student, experiential, aesthetic, activist, relational). You can pursue this whole topic on Arthur Burk’s YouTube channel and on his Sapphire Leadership Group website.

Jesus demonstrated all the gifts

All the redemptive gifts were present in Jesus’ life and ministry.

He showed us the heart of the prophet, He did not mince His words. He was the servant who washed His disciples’ feet. He was the one who taught from His life and unpacked His teachings with His disciples. He was the one who gave words of encouragement… “I will send a comforter in My place”. He showed us the greatest act of giving in laying down His life. He led by His example. He had mercy to heal the sick and deliver captives.

And we are being conformed to His image, transformed by the renewing of our minds. As we allow Him to change us, as maturity in the faith comes, we become conversant with all the redemptive gifts and appreciative of the way different people express them, because that is how Jesus was. Diversity is essential in the body of Christ, and particularly so now that we are beginning to glimpse the relational, organic nature of what church (ekklesia) is intended to be.


So let’s identify, honour, value and appreciate our own primary and secondary gifts. We can use the surveys (understanding that they are indicators, with flaws and limitations). We can look at the lists of characteristics and see which best describe us (and ask those who know us well what they see in us, too). We can look at what motivates our heart, what gifting matches our natural tendencies, and what the enemy has sought to deny us. Where do we come alive? Conversely (as an indication of what our gift is not), what kinds of things leave us feeling drained? Most important, what does our heavenly Father have to say about us? We can ask Him!

And equally, let’s identify, honour, value and appreciate the gifting of others so that we can operate together more effectively as God intends:

He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love (Eph 4:16 NLT).

Related articles from Freedom ARC
Recommended resources from Arthur Burk
The 3 different Redemptive Gifts Surveys

None of these surveys are 100% accurate. It is perfectly normal to obtain different results from them! Arthur Burk prefers not to use them at all. If you choose to do so, see which results you resonate with – and most importantly, always check everything out with the Father.

Other resources from Freedom ARC

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222. Complementary Gifts – Redemptive Gifts (6)

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott – 

When we first began looking at the different redemptive gifts that Paul lists in Romans 12:6-8, we saw that each had a colour associated with it. The colours have frequency and vibration that we resonate with in the spiritual realm. And we recognise that when the different coloured flags and banners are waving in our meetings, they open up particular spiritual connections.

But also associated with each gift are different primary areas of the soul:

  • Prophet – Red – Mind
  • Servant – Orange – Will
  • Teacher – Yellow – Mind
  • Exhorter – Green – Emotions
  • Giver – Blue – Mind
  • Ruler – Indigo – Will
  • Mercy – Violet – Emotions

The spirit/soul wheel

In this diagram the colours represent the gifts and are linked to the soul areas associated with them.


If we are looking to overcome the stronghold areas in our gift, we can use the complementary areas of the soul to do that. These are the areas next to our own gift, both clockwise and counter-clockwise on the wheel. So, for example, red is the prophet gift which operates primarily in the mind. To overcome the weaknesses in the prophet gift you need the servant gift’s soul area, the will, and the mercy gift’s soul area, the emotions.

The most effective way of achieving this in community is to get alongside people with complementary gifting/soul areas, because you will be able to provide a perspective that each of them needs as well as drawing on them yourself. You may even find yourselves naturally drawn together in relationship because you instinctively know that you need one another’s support and help. This is why it is so important for us to overcome any mutual suspicion or distrust of our differences and to honour God’s gifts in one another.

Follow the wheel around and you will see that each gifts needs the strengths of two other gifts.

How does this work? There are connections between the human spirit and the human soul. Each portion of the human spirit is connected to a portion of the human soul. So we need our spirit to engage with our soul to enable it to be led and directed into the things that God wants. A culture of honour and a dependence on each other (in a right sense) will enable each of us to be a fully functioning individual – and together to become a fully functioning body.

Calling forth

God wants to call forth our spirit, and to call forth those gifts in us, so that we will be able to function in the things He has called us to. Just as the Father spoke over Jesus He wants to speak over us as His children today. He wants to speak truth, to call forth His desires for us.

So now, I encourage you to be open to the Holy Spirit. Let’s open up our spirit to hear what He says over us. The gathering angels come as He speaks, to help us remove some of the things He does not want in us. Seraphim angels come with fiery coals from the altar to bring healing and wholeness as they touch areas of our lives. He does not want to just speak to our minds, He wants to engage our emotions, our will, our imagination, our conscience, our choice. He wants to engage through our spirit: through reverence, fear of the Lord, faith, hope, prayer, intuition, revelation, worship – He wants to engage us fully as a person.

Let’s take a few moments to sense His presence: Father, Son and Holy Spirit speaking to our hearts, speaking to our spirits, calling forth those redemptive gifts of sonship which He has placed within us. Hear what God is speaking over us:

I call forth your identity as My child.
I call forth your redemptive gifts.
I call forth your identity as an overcomer and a conqueror.
I call forth your ability to subdue and to rule your soul.
I call you to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
I release the gathering angels to expose and remove stumbling blocks and lawlessness from your life, to expose and remove demonic strongholds, to expose and remove iniquitous roots, to expose and remove birthright curses.
I call you to surrender and trust Me.
I call you to know your true identity, gift and destiny as My child.

God intends us to be part of bringing all creation back into His original intention and purpose, that of redeeming not only this planet but the whole cosmos. True, we are imperfect people, but if we are willing to surrender to Him then He can do that through us.

He is looking for the response of our hearts: for us to say ‘yes’, to draw closer to Him, to allow Him deeper into our hearts, to let the barriers down so that He can bring healing to some of those deep areas of hurt and pain which we have been carefully protecting. Let’s allow our spirits to worship Him in freedom, and to open up our hearts and allow the Holy Spirit, the angels and the presence of God to bring healing, wholeness and restoration.

Let’s come into agreement with Him, let’s realign ourselves back into who we really are, so that we can come into wholeness, into peace, into that place of rest. Not striving or struggling but enjoying the relationship with God that He designed us to have, walking with Him in the cool of the day in the garden of our hearts and in the garden of heaven, we can bring heaven to earth and see His kingdom come, manifested here on earth as it is in heaven.

Related articles from Freedom ARC
Other resources from Freedom ARC
Recommended resources from Arthur Burk

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7. Waterfalls, the Sound of God

Mike Parsons


God is light. He is creative light. He created everything. There is also created light, which is the sun and the moon and the stars and all the other things which he created to bring light. In the Genesis story there was light before He created the sun. He is light. In Revelation 22 it says that when He comes to dwell with man there will be no need for the sun, because He Himself will be their light. He is light.

Arise, shine

In John 12:36 Jesus says, “While you have the Light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of Light”. We are called to be children of light. Now I am not going to go into all about what light is and how it works, but it is really important to understand this much: there is a new level of light that is coming upon God’s people. His glory is going to shine. ‘Arise, shine, your light has come. The glory of the Lord has risen upon you’ (Isaiah 60:1). That light is the light of revelation, it’s the light of power, and spiritual dynamics beyond what most people could even imagine.

Creative light

Some of the things God showed me in heaven, about what is going to take place, could freak you right out – you would have no grid for understanding them. I’m not going to tell you them all today, but there are things that are going to happen on earth, that we are going to have to encounter and battle with, that you cannot conceive of right now, they are off your grid. But you are going to have to get to a point where they are on your grid, because you have to be ready and you have to be prepared.

God is restoring those upper bandwidths of light to His children. Dimensions of God’s power and revelation and authority are being restored to His children. If we are children of the light, we can operate in creative light, not just created light, because we are children of God and children of His light.

The sound of God

Sound, frequency, is being released from heaven today. There is a frequency being released from heaven, the sound of God. And some of us are hearing it. Some of our musicians are starting to pick it up. It is coming from heaven. ‘Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls’ (Psalm 42:7). I went up and down many waterfalls in heaven. I struggled to get up them at first because my head would not engage with how you could get up a waterfall that is flowing down. I had to have help: the Holy Spirit helped me, angels helped me, until I learnt how to go up and down. You can do it because heaven operates to a totally different set of laws to those we are used to. Water can pass through you in heaven, too, so it’s totally different.

There is something about the deep things of God, and the voice of God, which is calling out to the deep things in our spirit today. There is a sound coming out of heaven that He wants us to start resonating with. It is like the sound of waterfalls. If you use an oscilloscope to measure waves of sound near a waterfall, it will go off both ends at the same time. Because there is something deeper in that waterfall than our natural ears can hear, and there’s also something higher in that waterfall that is beyond what our natural ears can hear. But in our spirit we can be connected and hearing the voice of God.

Jesus brought a sword

Rev 1:15. ‘His voice was like the sound of many waters’. That’s what His voice sounds like. And in that sound there are many things He is saying, and we can hear it. Verse 16, ‘out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword; and His face was like the sun shining in its strength’. Now I do have a two-edged sword. I have not sharpened it… yet! In a conference I went to in 2009, God wrestled with me and challenged me to take up a sword. And I didn’t want to pick up a sword, because I’m a really nice guy. I don’t want to be controversial! I don’t want to offend people, but God told me to pick up a sword. And I really struggled for two days to be obedient and in the end, he shook me so violently that I had to pick it up. And in picking up that sword, it was a challenge to me personally in my flesh. I knew that one aspect of my bringing a sword was to cause a dividing line. And Jesus brought a sword. Now, some of you might not like that.

Just before I pursue that, let me say, God is love. That is the total motive of everything He does: love. He is always smiling on us in love. Even when he disciplines us, He is always smiling on us. But he does discipline us.

So, ‘Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword’. (Matt 10:34). That sword is to set a dividing line. It divides things, such as who is for Him and who is against Him. You can’t sit on the fence (it’s really uncomfortable sitting on the edge of a sword). There is no ‘in between’ with God. It’s black and it’s white. And God is calling us to say who we are for, who we are listening to, who we are agreeing with.

The challenge is coming.

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Deep Calls To DeepDeep Calls - Album art and slider artwork

Deep Calls To Deep 2

Soundtrack: Many Waters – Instrumental Soaking Track – Frequency Of Clarity Oil by Creative Sound

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3. Choices: Constantly Connected?

Mike Parsons

Amos 3:7 tells us, ‘Surely the Lord GOD does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants the prophets’.

God is speaking today: the key question is, are we hearing his voice? Jesus said “I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now” (John 16:12).


Until the Holy Spirit came, Jesus couldn’t reveal everything because he was speaking about spiritual things his hearers couldn’t understand. He used parables, but today God is using parables of a different nature because we have a different measure of understanding: ‘But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come’ (John 16:13).

All the truth: that’s a lot of truth. Ian Clayton said he picked up a blade of grass in heaven because he wanted to know all of God, but the amount of information that was in that blade of grass made him drop it because it would have fried his brain. Because God is infinite, there is so much truth.

But still, the promise is ‘all truth’ and that means that everything is available to you: within ‘all truth’ God wants to reveal all that you need for your life and destiny. God wants to disclose what is to come for us as individuals, for our life, for our destiny in God; he wants to reveal the things he has already prepared for us before the foundation of the world. As that scripture tells us, the Holy Spirit came to reveal to us those things that are to come.

Your future destiny

Now the choice is, are you listening to Him? Have you seen your future destiny? If you have seen it, you can have it, that’s how it works. In fact you have to see it in order to have it, and you cannot have it unless you have seen it. ‘Faith is the substance of things hoped for’, that is to say, the things you have seen in the spirit. In the realm of the spirit, God wants to show all of us the things that are our destiny. He wants to show us what was written on our scroll in heaven before we were even thought of in a worldly sense (although in God’s thoughts we are eternal, we have always been with God, because he breathed his essence into us).

Constantly connected

Jesus was constantly connected. He only did the things he saw the Father doing and he only said the things he heard the Father saying (John 5:19). He was constantly connected to the realm of heaven and he has given us the opportunity to be connected too.

So what realm are you connected to? Are you connected to the earthly realm most of the time, and occasionally a little bit of heaven? Or do you constantly live in two realms? Can you be connected to both every minute, every fraction of a second, of every day? Twenty thousand times every nanosecond, Planck’s constant blinks us in and out of that spiritual realm (and a nanosecond is one billionth of a second). That’s a bit hard to get hold of but the reality is we are constantly connected – or we can be.

So what are you seeing? Whose voice are you resonating with? Who are you listening to? Are you listening to the voice of God or are you listening to other things?

4 sources of ‘wisdom’

James tells us there are four sources of ‘wisdom’ you can be listening to: wisdom from above (heavenly wisdom), earthly wisdom, natural wisdom, and demonic wisdom (James 3:15). Which of those are you resonating with? Who or what are you coming into agreement with? Because when you start to agree with the frequency of heaven, when you start to resonate with the heart of God, then heaven comes to earth through your life. So are we resonating with heaven (where God’s throne is), the atmosphere of the earth (where the battle is waged between the devil and the angels), this physical realm, or ourselves? Those are the basic choices, and the choice is ours.

Ten little 2-letter words: IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME. God doesn’t force it, he has given us free will to choose Him. In all of heaven and earth there are only two power sources: God’s and ours. The devil has no power source other than what we give him. And if we choose to agree with the enemy we choose to empower him, rather than God. Every time we say ‘yes’ to God we empower God and enable Him to operate. That is why he speaks prophetically. It enables Him to operate, because when we speak out of the prophetic realm of heaven, it can manifest on earth. That is because God has chosen to partner with us. It’s an amazing thing: God, the creator of the whole universe, has chosen to partner with us – and we have been given free will to choose to partner with him or not.

So what are you going to choose? What realm are you going to listen to? I would encourage you to listen to the realm of heaven, because what you see and hear there will engage you for your future and will reveal that future to you.

But the choice is yours.

This article is also available in French
Cet article existe également en français

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2. Fast: Connecting to the Realm of Heaven

Mike Parsons
with Jeremy Westcott

In June 2010 I went to a prophetic conference in Torquay, down on the south coast of Devon. God really impacted me and challenged me about experiencing His love and intimacy. He drew me into a place of intimacy, in which He called me to go on a 40 day fast.

I also received a prophetic word from Mike Bryant, and on the envelope he had written ‘Read this every day for six weeks’ (which is pretty much 40 days too). So I went into that fast seeking God for prophetic direction.

Prophetic word

Now I want to share just what that word was, and what God did:

‘A change is coming, and you cannot stop it, so be strong in my Spirit and the things I have shown you. Prepare the future and know that the harvest you long for is near. I am raising up those near you to stand with you. Look for the rainbow within your heart. Ascend where I am, where you are seated, a door will open for you. Prepare the future, ask of me and I will show you’.

I prayed over that several times a day. Now I already know that a change is coming: God is a God of change, and change for the good. I know that God wants us to prepare for a future harvest. I know that God wants to raise people up to work together as a team in ministry. But ‘look for the rainbow in my heart’? Well I didn’t know, but God showed me.

God opened the door

The first 20 days of that fast were really hard work; not physically, but spiritually. Basically I was being put on a cross and crucified of all the stuff of the flesh. But then in the next 20 days God opened the door into the heavenly realms and I had 78 different prophetic visions and encounters with God. These were direct encounters face to face with God, and he was speaking, revealing things, showing me things I had never seen before. Definitely, a door opened.

Quantum physics?

And that prophetic word says, ‘Prepare for the future, ask of me and I will show you’, so that’s what I did. I said, ‘God I want you to prepare me and the church for the future, so I’m asking, and I want you to show me’. And he showed me all sorts of stuff, some of it pretty way-out, which I wasn’t really prepared for. You know, I was happy to feel the love of God and experience God and be purified and refined and all that sort of thing. But when God started talking about quantum physics and quantum mechanics and how he created the universe, it was a challenge: although I have a science background, I was a biochemist not a physicist. Physics was not my favourite subject, I can tell you.

But God started speaking about light and the nature of light, about how light is particles but it is also waves. He talked about the nature of sound, about frequency and resonance, about what was going on in the heavenly realm (that is the spiritual realm), and how we need to connect up with that realm. He showed me that everything in the whole realm of quantum physics was only showing what the Bible was already saying, and I have shared some of that in the Quantum Vision series of talks. In this blog we will go a bit further with that and then I want to share with you some of the prophetic revelation that God gave me for the future.

Now I don’t do that lightly and it has taken me 6 months or more to get to the point where I’m prepared to share some of it, but I am going to share some of it in this series.

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